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circulatory system

A+P 1 ch. 30

purpose of the circulatory system transport O2 and nutrients to the cells and CO@ and waste products away from the cells
4 main parts to the circulatory system heart;blood vessles;blood;lymphatic system
where is the heart located behind the sternum and between the lungs
the heart is about the size of a clenched fist
the heart is divided into a right and left side by a muscular wall called the septum
the heart is further divided into 4 chambers
name the 4 chambers of the heart right and left atrium; right and left ventricle
the right atrium and ventricle are separated by what valve tricuspid
the left atrium and ventricle are separated by what valve bicuspid
the bicuspid valve is more commonly known as the mitral valve
the name of the lining that covers the interior surface of the heart as well as the valves and interior blood vessels endocardium
outer wall of the heart is surrounded by a sac called the pericardium
the pericaridial layer that lines the sac is parietal
the layer that actually covers the heart visceral
there is fluid between the two layers of pericardium to prevent what when the heart beats friction
the first sound that the heart makes is called lubb or S1
the secodn sound the heart makes is called dubb or S2
the sounds of the heart are a result of what closing valves
S1 is best heard over what area of the heart apex
S1 is best heard over what area second intercostal space on either side of the sternum
the heart exerts its greatest pressure during the contraction phase, it is called systole
the period of least pressure when the heart is relaxing is called diastole
the pacemaker of the heart is referring to the SA node
the SA and AV nodes send electrical impulses through the heart to start the wave of contractions
5 types of blood vessles arteries,arterioles,cappilaries,veins,venules
carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body arteries
carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart veins
the walls of these vessels are thin, one cell structures that allows the passage of molecules into the fluid filled tissue spaces surrounding the cells capillaries
what is the only vein that returns oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart pulmonary vein
what is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs pulmonary artery
deoxygenated blood returns from the body into the right atrium
from the right atrium blood flows through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle
from the right ventricle blood goes through the pulmonary artery into the lungs
oxygenated blood from the lungs returns via the pulmonary vein into the left atrium
from the left atrium bloods flows through the mitral valve into the left ventricle
left ventricle contracts sends blood out through the aortic semilunar valve into the aorta
the aorta carries the oxygenated blood throughout the body
lymph node becomes tender and swollen in response to infection is called adenitis
organ composed of lymph tissue that lies just beneath the left side of the diaphragm is the spleen
straw colored fluid that makes up half the bloods volume plasma
three protiens that are found in plasma fibrinogen,serum albumin,serum globulin
fibrinogen is needed to help the blood clot
serum albumin helps maintain blood pressure
serum globulin helps form antibiodies
LDL or low density lipoprien is known as the bad cholesterol
HDL or high density lipoprotien is known as the good cholesterol
catheter inserted into the femoral artery to visualize the heart and its vessels cardiac catheterization
tests that uses sound waves to evaluate blood vessles and help diagnose DVT,aneurysms and arterial blockages doppler ultrasonography
test that uses high frequency sound waves to make images of the internal heart structures echocardiograph
most common non invasive test done to identify heart rhythms and detect MI's EKG
type of anemia that is a result of injury or destruction of blood cell formation by the bone marrow aplastic anemia
ballooning out of the wall of an artery often associated with atherosclerosis;arteriosclerosis and hypertension aneurysm
severe chest pain that only lasts a few seconds as a result of a spasm or blockage of coronary arteries angina
what type of aneurysm is detectable by palpating a pulsating mass around the umbilicus abdominal aortic aneurysm
any abnormal changes in the heart rhythm arrhythmia
PVC premature ventricular contraction
PAC premature atrial contraction
PJC premature junctional contraction
inflammation of the peicardium pericarditis
cerebrovascular accident(CVA) also known as stroke
small temporary interruptions of blood flow to the brain lasting a few minutes with no residual affects transient ischemic attack(TIA)
most dangerous type of stroke that causes bleeding in the brain resulting in tissue damage hemorrhagic stroke
poor performance of the heart with related congestion of the circulatory system mostly affecting the left ventricle congestive heart failure(CHF)
a disease of the arteries that surround the heart caused by narrowing or a blockage coronary artery disease(CAD)
a condition in which the heart pumps too weakly to supply the body with blood heart failure
foreign matter such as blood, fat or air that enters and circulates in the blood stream embolism
blood pressure consistently over 140/90 hypertension
hypertension that increases over a long period of time is called benign hypertension
rapid, severe increase in blood pressure not easily controlled is considered malignant hypertension
results in thickening of the walls of the ventricles of the heart hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
blood pressure that results in reading below the normal range hypotension
hypotension can result from acute blood loss;heart failure;shock;kidney failure;thyroid disease
abnormal sounds made by blood leaking through a heart vavle mumur
localized inflammation of a vein that causes an alteration of the epithelial lining phlebitis
a secondary condition resulting from chronic venous insufficiency where the blood is stagnant stasis ulcer
refers to a leaking valve stenotic
consistently high heart rate tachycardia
consistently low heart rate bradycardia
stainless steel mesh tube used to keep coronary arteries open stent
autosomal recessive inheritated trait that results in sickle shaped RBC's sickle cell anemia
interference with circulation infarction
backflow of blood regurgitate
device used to deliver a strong electrical current to a persons heart defibrillator
Created by: clarevoyant1019
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