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Spinal cord (wk. 4)

There are ___ pairs of spinal nerves. 31 pairs
Spinal nerves are usually numbered for the vertebra (above/ below) them, except in the case in the cervical region. Above
The dorsal root is the : a. sensory (afferent) root b. motor (efferent) root a. sensory (afferent) root
True/false: The dorsal root is smaller than the ventral root? False: dorsal root is larger than ventral root.
A spinal nerve is the fusion of of what? 2 roots (dorsal & ventral)
where do the dorsal & ventral roots join to form the spinal nerve? Inside the intervertebral foramen
The spinal nerve divides into 3 branches; dorsal ramus, ventral ramus, & meningeal branch. These branches are: a. sensory b. motor c. mixed (both sensory & motor) c. mixed (both sensory & motor)
The recurrent meningeal nerve (sinuvertebral nerve) returns to the vertebral canal to innervate: a. meninges b. blood vessels c. periosteum, ligaments, & intervertebral disks d. all of the above d. all of the above (meninges, blood vessels, periosteum, ligaments, & intervertebral disks of the ventrolateral vertebral canal)
(Roots/ Rami) are inside the vertebral canal & join to form the spinal nerve. Roots
(Roots/ Rami) are outside the vertebral canal and represent the bifurcation of the spinal nerve. Rami
______ are areas of skin innervated by cutaneous branches of a single spinal nerve. Dermatomes
The (medial/ lateral) branch of the dorsal ramus supplies cutaneous innervation to T6 and above (upper back). Medial branch
The (medial/ lateral) branch of the dorsal ramus supplies cutaneous innervation to T7 and below (lower back & medial gluteal region). Lateral branch
Many ventral rami form cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral forms of these. Plexuses
Specialized mechanoreceptors within the muscle that provide information about length & rate of changes in length of the muscle. Muscle spindle
"Deep tendon reflex" is a monosynaptic connection between the central axon of the _____ fiber and the _______ neuron. 1a fiber, alpha motor neuron
The ________ withdraws inhibition of the 1a interneuron so that the antagonist is excited, while it also inhibits the agonist. Renshaw Cell
Encapsulated sensory receptors located in the junction between muscle & tendon, in series with the extrafusal muscle fibers. Golgi Tendon Organ
What is the reflex in which polysynaptic pathways where central axons of nociceptors facilitate flexion (withdraw) of a hurt lower limb, while facilitating extension on the contralateral lower limb for support? Flexion and crossed extension reflex
Alpha motor neurons innervate: a. extrafusal muscle fibers b. intrafusal muscle fibers a. extrafusal muscle fibers
Gamma motor neurons innervate: a. extrafusal motor fibers b. intrafusal motor fibers b. intrafusal muscle fibers
The (dorsal/ ventral) rami are larger than their counterpart and appear to be a direct continuation of the spinal nerve. Ventral rami
(Ventral/ dorsal) rami provide motor innervation to the arms and legs. Ventral rami
(Ventral/ dorsal) rami provide motor innervation to the intrinsic muscles of the back. Dorsal rami
_____________ are concerned with resisting inappropriate stretch on muscles and maintaining body posture. Deep Tendon Reflexes
In order for the biceps muscle to contract, the triceps muscle has to relax. This is achieved by the 1a inhibitory reflex, and is called_____. Reciprocal Inhibition
Created by: ElisaDanger
Popular Neuroscience sets




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