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S&HA&P PowerPoint 16
Term | Definition |
Muscles of the Larynx: Adductors | lateral crico-arytenoid, transverse arytenoid, oblique arytenoid |
Muscles of the Larynx: Abductor | posterior circoarytenoid |
Muscles of the Larynx: Tensors | medial thyroarytenoid (thyrovocalis), cricothyroid |
Muscles of the Larynx: Relaxer | lateral thyroarytenoid (thyromuscularis) |
Muscles of the Larynx: Auxiliary muscles | thyroepiglotticus, aryepiglotticus, superior thyroarytenoid |
the ORIGIN and INSERTION of the lateral crico-arytenoid | Origin: cricoid cartilage; Insertion: muscular process of arytenoid cartilage |
the INNERVATION and FUNCTION of the lateral crico-arytenoid | Innervation: CN X-Vagus; Function: adduction of vocal folds |
the ORIGIN and INSERTION of the transverse and oblique arytenoids | Origin: arytenoid cartilage; Insertion: opposite arytenoid cartilage |
the INNERVATION and FUNCTION of the transverse and oblique arytenoids | Innervation: CN X-Vagus; Function: adduction of vocal folds |
the ORIGIN and INSERTION of the posterior crico-arytenoid | Origin: cricoid cartilage; Insertion: arytenoid cartilage |
the INNERVATION and FUNCTION of the posterior crico-arytenoid | Innervation: CN X-Vagus; Function: abduction of the vocal folds |
the ORIGIN and INSERTION of the crico-thyroid | Origin: cricoid cartilage; Insertion: thyroid cartilage |
the INNERVATION and FUNCTION of the crico-thyroid | Innervation: CN X-Vagus; Function: depresses thyroid towards cricoid and tenses the vocal folds as a result |
the ORIGIN and INSERTION of the medial thyro-arytenoid (thyrovocalis) | Origin: thyroid cartilage; Insertion: arytenoid vocal process |
the INNERVATION and FUNCTION of the medial thyro-arytenoid (thyrovocalis) | Innervation: CN X-Vagus; Function: tense vocal folds |
the ORIGIN and INSERTION of the lateral thyro-arytenoid (thyromuscularis) | Origin: thyroid cartilage; Insertion: arytenoid muscular process |
the INNERVATION and FUNCTION of the lateral thyro-arytenoid (thyromuscularis) | Innervation: CN X-Vagus; Function: relaxes vocal folds |
the ORIGIN and INSERTION of the thyro-epiglotticus | Origin: thyroid cartilage; Insertion: epiglottis |
the INNERVATION and FUNCTION of the thyro-epiglotticus | Innervation: CN X-Vagus; Function: dilates the laryngeal airways |
the ORIGIN and INSERTION of the ary-epiglotticus | Origin: arytenoid cartilage; Insertion: epiglottis |
the INNERVATION and FUNCTION of the ary-epiglotticus | Innervation: CN X-Vagus; Function: constricts laryngeal airways |