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Bones- Exam 2


Where is the supraspinous fossa located? Above spine of scapula
where is the infraspinous fossa located? Below the spine of scapula
Where is the acromion located? Upper tip of scapula
Whre is the trochlea located? Distal end of humerus Articulates with semi-lunar knotch
Where is the trochlear(semi-lunar)notch? front of upper ulna accomodates the trochlea of the humerus
Where is the anterior superior spine located? front or anterior end of iliac crest
Where is the posterior superior spine located? back or posterior end of iliac crest
Another name for hip bone? Innominate
Name three parts of hip bone? Ilium (largest, upper portion), ischium (lower portion of hipbone) and pubis(form pubis symphysis)
what kind of movement does knee joint allow? flexion-extension of leg
Name movements of diarthrotic joints angular, circumduction and rotation
what are four angular movements of diarthrotic joints? flexion (decrease angle), extension (increase angle between bones), adduction (move away) and Abduction (move toward)
What is rotation of diarthrotic joints? revolving or twisting of a part of the body shoulders, hips when dancing
what is circumduction of diarthrotic joints? all angular movements combined in succession, arm outstretched draws a circle on board
name some examples of diarthrotic joints? Ball and socket (hip, shoulder), hinge (elbow, knee, ankle and temporo mandibular joint), condyloid (wrist), pivot (forearm), saddle (carpo-metocarpal joint at base of thumb) , gliding(costovertebral joint)
Where is the greater tubercle located? large bony prominence on upper lateral border of humerus below anatomical neck
where is the lesser tubercle located? smaller bony prominence on upper lateral border of humerus
How many bones in hand 8 carpals 5 metacarpals 14 phalanges 27 total
How many bones in foot? 7 tarsals 5 metatarsals 14 phlanges 26 total
what goes into the glenoid cavity? head of humerus (ball and socket joint)
Which bone has two heads? humerus, it has surgical and anatomical
what bone supports weight when sitting? tuberosity of the ischium
what type of joint is a costovertebral joint? gliding (arthroidal)
Process=ulna fossa=humerus
Where is the the olecranion process? upper end of ulna
where is the coronoid process? beak like projection below olecranon process
Two bones that make up shoulder girdle clavicle and scapula
what is medial epidondyle? round bony prominence that sticks out, known as the funnybone
what is the lateral epidondyle? opposite of medial, smaller bony prominence on outer border of lower humerus
two bones of forearm? ulna and radius
name the cavity that the head or the femur goes into? acetabulum
Two bones of leg fibula and tibia
name five fractures open or compound, closed, communated, green stick, colles
where is the coracoid process located projects from the neck of the scapula, outer part of clavicle
3 kinds of joint movements diarthroses- freely moveable synarthroses- no movement amphiarthroses- slightly moveable
name the heel bone calcaneous
some characteristics of diarthroses joints snovial fluid, synovial joints, atricular cartilage, capsule of fibrous tissue, interosseous ligaments for strength
what are bursa? sacs lined with synovial membrane that converts to fluid - cushions bone, reduces friction
two bones that have lateral and medial condyles femur and tibia
What is styloid process? small bony prominence on bottom of ulna or radius
what is medial malleolus? inner side of ankle tibia
where is the lateral malleolus? outer side of ankle fibula
what is sternoclavicular joint? bony joint between shoulder girdle and trunk of clavicle
where is the sacro illac joint? where illium meets sacrum
what is the tuberosity of the ischium? back border of the superior ramus
Created by: vgucci5473
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