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Bones- Exam 1


What are the two methods of bone formation? Intramembranous-face, skull, shaft of clavicle and Endochondral-all other bones
How do bones grow in width? Appositional growth- side to side
How do bones grow in length? Epiphyseal plate- up/down
What minerals are found in bone? calcium, phosphate,collagen, magnesium, sodium, floride, lead, basically everything
What attaches periosteum to bone? Sharpeys fibers
In what bone are occipitl condyles found? Occipital-rests on atlas
Where is the superior orbital fissure found? Sphenoid
Where is the Glabella found? Frontal
Where is the perpendicular plate found? Ethmoid
Whereis the mastoid process found? Temporal
Where is the optic foramen found? Sphenoid
Where is the anterior cranial processes found? Sphenoid
What are the four parts of the Ethmoid bone? Cribriform Plate, Crista Galli, Perpindicular Plate, and Olfactory Foramen
Where is the infraorbital foramen found? maxilla
Where is the capitulum found? Condyloid Process (mandible)
Where are all of the transverse processes found? All Vertebrae
Where are the fascia found? Thoracic
Name all of the fontanels and locations Anterior/Frontal- sagittal, coronal and frontal suture Occipital/Posterior-sagittal and lamboidal suture Anterolateral-frontal, parietal, sphenoid and temporal bone (by temple) Posterolateral- temporal parietal and occipital bones (by optic foramen)
What two bones have alveolar processes? Maxilla and Mandible
The superior articular process forms a joint with what? Infrerior articular process
what are the primary curves of the vertebral column? Thoracic and Sacral
what are the secondary curves of the vertebral column? Cervical (baby holds head up) and Lumbar (baby walks)
Where is the jugular notch located? Manubrium
Where is the sternal angle located? Sternum- separates manubrium and body
Where is the clavicle notch located and what does it form? Manubrium, sterno clavicular joints
Where is bone marrow found? Medullary cavity
What is another name for shaft of a bone? diaphysis
What is ossification? Bone formation
What is osteomyelitis Inflammation of bone
What is the bone destroying cell? Osteoclasts
What is the bone forming cell? Osteoblasts
How many different vertebrae are there? Cervical-7 Thoracic-12 Lumbar-5 Sacrum-1 Coccyx-1
What is the membrane that helps repair itself? Periosteum/fibrous membrane
How many pairs of ribs are there? 12 pairs of ribs
How are the ribs classified? True ribs-1-7 False ribs-last 5 but 8-10 are attached to cartilage of 7th rib Floating Ribs- last 2 of false ribs, not attached to anything. All ribs are attached to vertebral column
Where are the sella turcia located? Sphenoid
Where are the anterior and posterior clinoids found? Sphenoid
What is a cleft palate? left and right side of palantine process does not fuse together
What bones are involved with cleft palate? Palatine process 3/4 Palatine bone 1/4
What are the two names for the cheek bones? Zygomatic and Malor
What are the abnormalities of the spine? Kyphosis-hunchback-increase in thoracic curve Lordosis-sway back- increase in lumbar curve Scoliosis-side to side curvature
What is spinal bifida? Laminae of vertebrae fail to fuse together and this causes an opening in the spine where the contents of teh vertebral canal protrude out outward and look like a tail.
Names of sutures and where are they located? Coronal- between frontal and parietal bone Lamboidal-between parietal ad occipital bone Sagittal-between two parietal bones Squamous- between temporal and parietal bones
What are the two parts of the hard palate? Palatine process and palatine bone
Where is the transverse foramen and what comes thru it? Cervical vertebrae and carries vertebral arteries to the brain
What is Compact bone? Strong, solid, support, protection, shaft of bone,diaphysis of bone
What is cancellous or spongy bone? Weaker, holey (red), Light in weight, in epiphyses of bone
What bones contain sinuses? Frontal, mastoid, maxillary
Where is the inferior conchae (turbinates) located? Extend along lateral wall of nasal cavities Bulges on side of nasal cavity
Where are sutures located? Skull
Name three places where membranes are replaced by bone? Face, skull, & shaft of clavicle
What occupies space in cancellous or spongy bone and medulla of long bones? Bone marrow
Where is the easiest place to get bone marrow? Illiac Crest- pelvic cavity
What is articulation? A joint
What is lumen? A window or opening
What is internal acoustic meatus? A tube shaped opening in temporal bone
what is a osteophyte? a bony growth due to degenerative change like arthritis.
What are the bones of the skull? 1 Frontal, 1 occipital, 2 temporal, 1 sphenoid, 2 parietal and 1 ethmoid
Created by: vgucci5473
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