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The Cardiovascular System

angi/o- vessel (blood)
aort/o- aorta (largest artery)
arteri/o- artery
ather/o- plaque (fatty substance)
erythr/o- red
hem/o- blood
hemat/o- blood
leuk/o- white
megal/o- large; abnormal enlargement
myel/o- spinal cord; bone marrow
phleb/o- vein
thromb/o- clot
ven/o- vein
brady- slow
tachy- fast
trans- across; through
-crasia mixture or blending
-cytes cell
-emia blood condition
-gram record
-oma tumor; mass; fluid collection
-pathy disease; emotion
ACE inhibitor an antihypertensive drug that blocks the formation of angiotensin II in the kidney, leading to relaxation of the arteries
anemia A condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.
aneurysm An excessive localized enlargement of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall.
angina 1.A condition marked by severe pain in the chest, often spreading to the shoulders, arms, and neck, caused by an inadequate blood supply
angioplasty Surgical repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, esp. a coronary artery.
anticoagulant Having the effect of retarding or inhibiting the coagulation of the blood.
aplastic anemia Deficiency of all types of blood cells caused by failure of bone marrow development.
arrhythmia A condition in which the heart beats with an irregular or abnormal rhythm.
atherectomy a minimally invasive surgical method of removing, mainly, atherosclerosis from a large blood vessel within the body
atheroma 1.Degeneration of the walls of the arteries caused by accumulated fatty deposits and scar tissue.
atherosclerosis A disease of the arteries characterized by the deposition of plaques of fatty material on their inner walls.
atrial fibrillation fibrillation of the muscles of the atria of the heart.
automated external defibrillator an electronic apparatus used to counteract atrial or ventricular fibrillation by application of a brief electric shock
beta-blocker Any of a class of drugs that prevent the stimulation of the adrenergic receptors responsible for increased cardiac action
blood dyscrasia any abnormal condition of the blood
bradycardia Abnormally slow heart action
cardiac arrest A sudden, sometimes temporary, cessation of function of the heart
cardiac catheterization the insertion of a catheter into a chamber or vessel of the heart
cardiomyopathy Chronic disease of the heart muscle
carotid endarterectomy a surgical procedure used to prevent stroke
cholesterol A compound of the sterol type, C27H45OH, found in most body tissues and important in metabolism
chronic venous insufficiency a medical condition where the veins cannot pump enough oxygen-poor blood back to the heart
coronary thrombosis A blockage of the flow of blood to the heart, caused by a blood clot in a coronary artery
defibrillation The stopping of fibrillation of the heart by administering a controlled electric shock in order to allow restoration of the normal rhythm
diuretic Causing increased passing of urine
electrocardiogram A record or display of a person's heartbeat produced by electrocardiography
embolism Obstruction of an artery, typically by a clot of blood or an air bubble
embolus a mass of clotted blood or other material brought by the blood from one vessel and forced into a smaller one
endocarditis Inflammation of the endocardium
erythrocytes A red blood cell that (in humans) is typically a biconcave disk without a nucleus
hemoglobin A red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates
hemolytic anemia anemia resulting from destruction of erythrocytes
hemostasis The stopping of blood flow
ischemic heart disease (or myocardial ischaemia) is a disease characterized by ischaemia (reduced blood supply)
leukemia a progressive, malignant disease of the blood-forming organs, marked by distorted proliferation and development of leukocytes and their precursors in the blood and bone marrow
leukocytes white blood cells. They protect the body from disease-causing viruses, bacteria, toxins, parasites, and tumor cells.
leukopenia reduction of the number of leukocytes in the blood below about 5000 per cubic mm
megaloblastic anemia reduction below normal of the number of erythrocytes, quantity of hemoglobin, or the volume of packed red cells in the blood; a symptom of various diseases and disorders
myelodysplastic syndrome a disease that is associated with decreased production of blood cells
myocardial infarction Necrosis of a region of the myocardium caused by an interruption in the supply of blood to the heart, usually as a result of occlusion of a coronary artery
orthostatic hypotension an abnormal decrease in blood pressure when a person stands up. This may lead to fainting.
paroxysmal atrial tachycardia A period of very rapid and regular heart beats that begins and ends abruptly
pericardium the fibroserous sac enclosing the heart and the roots of the great vessels
pernicious anemia a disease in which the red blood cells are abnormally formed, due to an inability to absorb vitamin B12
phlebitis inflammation of a vein
Raynaud's phenomenon Sensitivity of the hands to cold due to spasms of the digital arteries, resulting in blanching and numbness of the fingers.
septicemia blood poisoning; systemic disease associated with the presence and persistence of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins in the blood
sickle cell anemia an autosomal dominant type of hemolytic anemia, seen primarily in those of West African descent, and less often in the Mediterranean basin and a few other areas; it is caused by hemoglobin S with abnormal erythrocytes (sickle cells) in the blood
tachycardia abnormally rapid heart rate
thallium stress test Pharmacologic stress imaging Cardiology A myocardial perfusion technique in which the radionuclide thallium-201–201Tl, is injected as a diagnostic adjunct to cardiac stress tests, to detect regional ischemia or infarction
thrombocytopenia an abnormal drop in the number of blood cells involved in forming blood clots. These cells are called platelets.
thrombolytic a kind of pharmaceutical that can break up clots blocking the flow of blood to the heart muscle
thrombosis Local coagulation or clotting of the blood in a part of the circulatory system
thrombotic occlusion Any vascular blockage caused by a thrombus or by thromboembolism
thrombus A blood clot formed in situ within the vascular system of the body and impeding blood flow
transfusion reaction reaction of the body to a transfusion of blood that is not compatible with its own blood
valvulitis Inflammation of the valves of the heart
varicose veins veins that have become enlarged and tortuous
ventricular fibrillation fibrillation of heart muscles resulting in interference with rhythmic contractions of the ventricles and possibly leading to cardiac arrest
ventricular tachycardia fast heart rhythm
Created by: 302449
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