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MA abbreviation

Medical Abbreviations MA

a.c before a meal
AD right ear -Alzheimer disease
ADl activity of daily living
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AMA against medical advice
Amb ambulate ambulatory (walking)
AS left ear aortic stenosis
ASA acetylsalicylic acid (asprin)
AU both ears
b.i.d. twice a day
BM bowel movement
BP or B/P blood pressure
BUN blood urine nitrogen
BRAT Bananas, Rice, Apple sauce and Toast
CA cancer or carcinoma or cardiac arrest
Cath catheter or catherization
CBC complete blood cells count.
CC chief complaint
CDC center for disease control
chol cholesterol
chr chronic
CMA certified medical assistant
CNS central nervous system
c/o complains of
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP cerebral palsy or chest pain
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
C&S culture and sensitivity
CSF cerebral spinal fluid
CVA cerebrovascular accident or costovertebral angle
CX or CXR chest X-ray
D/C discontinue or discharge
D&C dilation and curettage
DD discharge diagnosis
DI diabetes insipidus; diagnostic imaging
diff differential count(white blood cell)
DM diabetes mellitus
DOA dead on arrival
DOB date of birth
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (vcaccine)
DVT deep venous thrombosis
Dx diagnosis
ECG electrocardiogram
EENT eyes,ears, nose and throat
EKG elecgtrocardiogram
ESR erythocyte sedimentation rate
FBS fasting blood sugar
FDA food and Drug adminitration
FH family history
F/u follow up
Fx fracture
GC gonorrhea
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
GTT glucose tolerance test
H,hr hour
Hb; Hgh hemoglobin
HCG or (hCG) human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy test)
Hct or HCT hematocrit
HDL high-density lipoprotein
H&H hematocrit and hemoglobin
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
h/o history of
H&P history and physical
HPI history of present illness
h.s. at bedtime
HTN hypertension (high blood pressure )
Hx history
I&D incision and drainage
ID infectious disease
IM intramuscular or infectious mononucleosis
Inj. injection
I&0 intake and output (measurement of patients fluids)
IV or I.V. intravenous
KUB kidney, ureter, and bladder (x-ray exam)
LOC loss of conciousness
MDI metered dose inhaler
MH mental health
MMR measles-mumps-rubela (vaccine)
MVA motor vehicle accident
N/A not applicable
NKA no known allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
n.p.o. nothing by mouth
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
N/V Nausea and Vomiting
OD right eye; overdose
OS left eye
OU each eye
p after
p.c. after
PDR Physicians Desk Reference
PE Physical examination / pulmonary embolism
PH past history
PI present illness
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
p.o. or Per os by mouth
p.r.n. as needed or required
PSA prostate-specific antigen
Px prognosis
q every
q.d. everyday
q.h. every hour
q.i.d. four times daily
R/O rule out
Rx treatment/ therapy/ prescription
SC subcutaneous
SIDS sudden infant death sundrome
sig let it be labeled
SOAP subjective, objective, assessment, and plan
SOB shortness of breath
s/s signs and symtoms
stat immediate
Sx symptoms
Sz seizure
t.i.d. three times a day
UTI urinary tract infection
WBC, wbc white blood cell / white blood count
WNL within normal limits
Created by: ealvarezz
Popular Medical sets




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