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Unit 1 Test

superior above, higher
inferior below, lower
anterior toward the front
posterior toward the back
ventral toward the front
dorsal toward the back
medial toward the midline
lateral away from the midline
internal within, interior to
external outside, exterior to
superficial toward the surface
deep within
central the main part
peripheral extending from the main part
proximal closer to the origin
distal further from the origin
parietal pertaining to the wall cavity
visceral pertaing to the organs in a cavity
transverse plane divides into superior and inferior portions
sagital plane divides body into unequal vertical portions
midsagital plane divides body into equal vertical portions
coronal plane divides body into anterior and posterior
synovial cavity joints
pleurisy inflammation of pulmonary cavity
peritonitis inflammation of abdominal cavity
Dorsal Cavity (divisions) Cranial (brain) Spinal (spinal cord)
Ventral Cavity (divisions) Thoracic (lungs, cardiac)
Negaitve Feedback returns body to homeostasis; insulin (lowers blood sugar when too high) & glucagon (raises blood sugar when too low)
Positive Feedback no rise and fall of bodily function, Ex: loss of neurons in the brain, once lost, they dont come back
appropriate body temperature when too high or too low, psych activities cease, b/c molecules are destroyed...
atmospheric pressure essential for normal operation of the respiratory system and breathing
nutrients carbs, proteins, fats, minerals
oxygen needed for release of energy from foodstuffs
water basis of all fluids, 60% of body weight
Physiology chem principles, heart in action, Experimentation,
Anatomy measuring organ size, and observations
Macroscopic (gross) anatomy study of body structures visible to teh naked eye (ex: Cardiology *Systemic*)
Microscopic anatomy microscope needed to observe (cytology)
types of tissues epithelial, connective
Systemic anatomy (specific areas) study of gross anatomy of heart, blood vessels, blood components / study of gross anatomy of the internal body structures as they relate to the overlying skin surface
Regional anatomy study of areas of body
Maintenance of boundaries keeps body's internal enviro separate from external
Reproduction provides new cell growth
Responsiveness / irritability the ability to react to stimuli
metabolism any chemical reaction in the body
Created by: SAT2400
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