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Expanding Vocabulary

From "Hot Words for the SAT"

Bombastic Using language in a pompous, showy way; speaking to impress others
Circumlocution Speaking in circles; roundabout speect
Garrulous Talkative; loquacious
Grandiloquent Using big and fancy words in order to impress others
Loquacious Very talkative, liking to talk
Rhetorical Relatic to persuasive speech; insincere in expression
Verbose Using too many words; long-winded
Voluble Talking a great deal with ease, glib
Narcisstic Having to do with extreme self-adoration and a feeling of superiority over others
Ostentatious Having to do with showing off; pretentious
Pretentious Claiming or pretending increased importance; ostentatious; affectedly grand
Banal Dull or stale because of overuse; trite; hackneyed
Hackneyed Made commonplace by over use; trite
Insipid Lacking flavor or tast; unexciting
Platitude Quality of being dull; an obvious remark uttered as if original
Prosaic Dull; commonplace
Trite Unoriginal and stale due to overuse
Vapid Lacking freshness and zest; flat; stale
Allay To lessen fear; to calm; to relieve pain
Ameliorate To make better; to lessen pain, difficulty, or tension
Conciliate To win a person over through special considerations of persuasive methods
Mitigate To make or become less severe; to lessen pain or damage
Mollify To pacify, soothe, or appease; to make less severe violent
Affable Easy to talk to or approach; friendly, kind, or amiable
Amicable Showing goodwill, peaceable
Congenial Compatible; having kindred needs or tastes; sympathetic
Convival Sociable, outgoing in a festive way, especially when pertaining to eating and drinking; fond of good company
Gregarous Sociable, outgoing
Jocular Liking to be with people, joke around with them, and have fun
Levity Lightheartedness; gaiety; carefree disposition, particularly when not appropriate
Captious Made for the sake of quarreling; quibbling
Contentious Quarrelsom; belligerent
Polemical Inclined to argue or debate; controversial
Pugnacious Eager to fight; belligerent
Altruistic Showing an unselfish concern for others
Largess Generous giving
Magnanimous Generous in overlooking insult or injury by others; rising above pettiness
Munificent Very generous
Prodigal Wasteful, lavish
Austere Having great economy; showing self-control when it comes to forgoeing luxuries and frills; stern in manner or appearance
Avaricious Greedy
Parsimonious Overly thrifty or miserly
Miserly Careful with how money is spent; thrifty
Penurious Singy; relating to great poverty or destitution
Quagmire A difficult or troubling situation; a swampy ground, bog, or mire
Quandary A dilemma; a confusing or puzzling situation
Baneful Causing ruin; harmful; pernicuous
Deleterious Harmful to one's health or overall welfare
Odious Loathesome; evil; revolting in a desgusting way
Pernicious Very distructive or harmful, usually in an inconspicuous or relentless way
Virulent Extremely poisonous or deadly; full of spiteful heatred
Carp To find fault; to be critical
Castigate To scold or punish severly
Censure To critize strongly
Impugn To oppose or attack someone or something as false or refutable
Rebuff To snub; to bluntly refuse
Phlegmatic Hard to get excited or emotional; calm; slow-moving
Stolid Lacking emotion or not showing any emotion; stoical
Sedentary Having to do with sitting around a lot
Soporific Sleep-inducing; sleepy
Torpid Lacking energy; relating to inactivity; feeling sluggish
Obsequious Obeying or performing a service for someone in an overly attentive manner
Sycophant A self-server who tries to gain favor of others through the use of flattery or by being over-attentive
Toady A flatterer; a sycophant
Ardent Full of passion and emotion
Ebullient Filled with bubbly excitment; boiling over with excitement
Effervescent Lively, full of uplifted spirit, vivacious
Dogmatic Strongly opinionated; rigid; dicatorial
Hidebound Strongly opinionated; narrow-mindedly stubborn
Intractable Stubborn; hard to manage
Oburdate Resistant to persuasion or softening; stubbornly persistent in wrongduing
Recalcitrant Stubborn, disobedient, defiant
Discordant Lacking harmony or agreement
Euphony pleasing sound
Mellifulous Sweet and smooth-sounding
Raucous Coars-sounding; loud and unruly
Vociferous Loud and noisy regarding one's own voice, especially shouting; demandingly clamourous
Strident Shrill; high-pitched
Acclaim To express strong approval or praise; hail
Accolade An award given as a sign of appreciation or respect
Adulate To praise or flatter to greatly; fawn over
Exalt To praise or glorify; to lift up in status, dignity, or power
Extol To praise highly; to laud
Laude To praise; extol
Panegyrize To praise a person or event in formal speech or writing; to praise highly
Copious Abundant; much; plentiful
Profuse Abundant; more than enough
Prolific Abundant; producing a great deal; fertile
Surfeit An oversupply
Abstemious Holding back from eating or drinking too much
Alimentary Relating to food and nourishment
Epicurean Having to do with relishing the pleasure of eating and drinking
Chary Cautious; wary
Conscientious Relating to doing what one knows is right; scrupulous
Exacting Requiring a great del of care or effort; painstaking
Scrupulous Showing great care and honesty, based on personal belief of what is right and proper
Ephemeral Lasting a short time; fleeting
Evanescent Vanishing quickly; fleeting
Itinerant Wandering about; tending to move around or travel
Peripatetic Moving or walking about; itinerant
Transient Lasting for only a short time; temporary
Created by: Safire25509
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