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Embryo Exam 4 mash

What specific embryonic structure(s): A. fail to fuse in lateral cleft lip? B. Gives rises to the PRIMARY palate? A. Medial alar swelling and maxillary swelling B. Intermaxillary plate
Name the components formed by the following: A. ala temporalis B. hyposphyseal cartilage A. inner part of greater wing of sphenoid B. Sphenoid body
List four components of the membranous viscerocranium Maxilla, mandible, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, zygomatic bone, vomer, and palatine bones
T/F In general the limbs reach the cartilaginous stage at 10 weeks of embryonic development false
T/F Ossification (primary) of a rib takes place from a single center located at the head false
T/F The primary center of ossification in the scapula forms both the body and most of the acromion True
T/F Concerning the metacarpals and metatarsals of digits 2-5, secondary centers of ossification appear only in distal epiphyses True
Anomaly sometimes referred to as the 'mermaid deformity' Sirenomelia
Besides ganglia, Schwann cells, and the cartilages of the branchial arches, list 4 derivatives of the neural crest Satellite cells, odontoblasts, melanocytes, part of pia and arachnoid
The thalamus and hypothalamus develop from what embryonic components? alar plates and diencephalon
Component that forms astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, but no ependymal cells Gliablasts
Primordium for the cerebellum Rhomboid lips
Functional classification (3 letter use) of the columns in the basal plate of the myelencephalon GVE GSE SVE
Name the components that form from the intermaxillary segment Philtrum, Middle of maxilla (incisors?), entire primary palate
In the lateral cleft upper jaw, exactly where is the cleft located? Between the incisors and cuspids
Name the components formed from the following: A. Trabeculae cranii B. Ala orbitalis A. body of ethmoid B. Lesser wing of the sphenoid
Name the components that specifically form the following: A. Occipital clivus and tectum B. Body of ethmoid A. parachondrial cartilage and occipital sclerotome B. trabeculae cranii
Anomaly in which the sagittal suture closes Scaphocephalus
The patella is completely cartilaginous at five years of age T/F False
SPECIFICALLY what is the embryonic developmental cause of a : A. cleft sternum B. supernumerary rib A. sternal bands fail to fuse B. Overgrowth of a costal cartilage somewhere other than thoracic region forming and extra rib (usually C7 or L1)
T/F Each rib develops from 2 centers of chondrification False
T/F In general, the limbs reach the cartilaginous stage at 10 weeks of embryonic development False
The primordium of the cerebral cortex Pallium
Functional classification ( 3 letter words) of the columns in the basal plate of the metencephalon GSE GVE
Brain vesicle which forms only the pons and cerebellum Metencephalon
Briefly discuss how the dorsal roots of spinal nerves develop dorsal roots develop from the neural crest
What develops from the corpus striatum Caudate nucleus and lenticular nucleus
Anomaly produced when any area of the neural tube fails to close; nervous tissue remains flattened and exposed to the surface Rachischisis
What specific embryonic structure(s): A. fail to fuse in median cleft lip B. gives rise to the SECONDARY palate A. Medial nasal swellings B. Palatine shelves of the maxillary process
Name the components formed from the following: A. Ala temporalis B. Periotic capsule A. Inner part of greater wing of sphenoid B. Petrous and mastoid portions of temporal bone
T/F Ossification (primary) of a rib takes place from a single center located near the angle True
Anomaly of no limb development Amelia
What embryonic structures form the alae of the nose Lateral nasal swellings
What does each of the following form in the adult A. Occipital fontanelle B. Anterolateral fontanelle A. lambda B. pterion
T/F Ribs have a single center of chondrification at nine weeks False
T/F The patella is completely cartilaginous at birth True
T/F Primary centers of ossification begin in the humerus, radius, ulna, tibia, fibula, and femur at 8 weeks True
Congenital malformation caused when mesenchyme between phalanges fails to breakdown Syndactyly
Myelination in the spinal cord begins about______ month (1,2,4,8) of fetal development. Additionally, at the cord ends at the ____vertebral level 4th, L3
Briefly discuss how the dorsal roots of spinal nerves develop From neural crest (sensory)
What develops from the corpus striatum Future caudate and lenticular nuclei
Anomaly of the skull in which there is premature closure of one or more sutures Craniosynostosis
Give the specific development of the middle cerebellar peduncle Axons growing from pontine nuclei to cerebellum
Created by: trevpeters
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