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Haney GP c11

What are some sign and symptoms of nephrosis? loss of excessive amount of protein in urine, plasma lipid levels elevated, lethargic, depressed, loss of appetite, pale, puffy eyes, swollen ankles, and gain weight
What is the cause of nephrosis? attack of glomerulonephritis or exposure to toxins, drugs, pregnancy, or kidney transplant
What is Diabetic Nephropathy? it refers to the renal changes resulting from diabetes mellitus
What is the disease that encompasses a group of symptoms referred to as the protein-losing kidney... nephrotic syndrome
What are risk factors of renal cell carcinoma? smoking, obesity, dialysis patients, and prolonged exposure to chemicals
What is the dysfunction of urinary bladder control that consist of either difficulty emptying the bladder or urinary incontinence? Neurologic bladder
What is a similarity between Neurologic bladder and stress incontinence? Incontinence
What are some triggers that can cause leakage with stress incontinence? laughing, sneezing, coughing, stretching, and running
What is the most common cause of stress incontinence? trauma during childbirth; hormonal changes of aging; obesity; or medications; weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and the urethral structure
What is the cause of acute glomerulonephritis? infection caused by group A beta hemolytic
What are signs and symptoms of glomerulonephritis? protein in urine, edema, decreased urine volume
What is chronic glomerulonephritis? slow progressive noninfectious disease that can lead to irreversible renal damage and renal failure
What are abnormal findings of urine? very pale, cloudy, reddish/brown, smells fishy and foul
What is the functions of the urinary system? producing, storing, and excretion of urine
what is a drug promotes the production of urine? diuretic
What is puss in the urine called? pyuria
What is blood in the urine called? hematuria
What is the excess of urea called? azotemia
Is the treatment for diabetic glomerulosclerosis the same for everyone? no
Urine is stored in the? bladder
What is the most common type of renal disease? pyelonephritis
The weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and urethral structure is called? enuresis
Solvents, heavy metals, antibiotics, pesticides, and mushrooms are known to cause? renal damage
What is dialysis? a procedure to remove waste products from the blood of patients whose kidneys no longer function
Pyelonephritis is the? inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis caused by bacterial infection
Created by: mhtgroup
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