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ANA534 T2 Muscle Inf

information on all muscles we need to know

Serratus Posterior Superior Origin spinous process of C7-T3
Serratus Posterior Superior Insertion upper border of the 2nd-4th ribs
Serratus Posterior Superior Innervation 2nd-5th intercostal nn.
Serratus Posterior Superior Action elevates ribs 2-5 feeble
Serratus Posterior Inferior Origin spinous processs of T11-L2
Serratus Posterior Inferior Insertion inferior border of lower 3 ribs (8-12)
Serratus Posterior Inferior Innervation Spinal nn. T9-T12
Serratus Posterior Inferior Action depresses ribs
Splenius Capitis Origin ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of C7-T3
Splenius Capitis Insertion mastoid process, occipital
Splenius Capitis Innervation dorsal rami of spinal nn C1-C6
Splenius Capitis Action extend, rotate and laterally flex the head with Splenius cervicis extend the head and neck
Splenius Cervicis Origin spinous process of T3-T6
Splenius Cervicis Insertion transverse process C1-C2
Splenius Cervicis Innervation Dorsal rami of spinal nn C1-C6
Splenius Cervicis Action extend adn rotates cervical spine with splenius capitis extend the head and neck
Spinalis, lonissimus and iliocostalis Insertions common inferior origin=sacrum, iliac crest and sacriliac ligament originate from: half of liagmentum nuchae and spinous proces of T1-6
Spinalis Action extends from spinous process to spinous process
Liagmentus Action extends to the transverse processes and ribs
Ilicostaslis Action extends the angles of the ribs
Spinalis, Ligamentus and Ilicostaslis Action Unilaterally: flex the spinal column Bilaterally: extend head and vertebral column
Semispinalis capitis Origin transverse processes of c4-T7
Semispinalis Capitis Insertion b/ superior and inferior nuchal lines
Semispinalis Capitis Innervation dorsal primary rami
Semispinalis Capitis Action extends and laterally rotates face to opposite side
Semispinalis Cervicis Origin transverse processes of T1-T6
Semispinalis Cervicis Insertion spinou sproceese of C2-C5
Semispinalis Cervicis Innervation dorsal primary rami
Semispinalis Cervicis Action extends and rotates cervical spinal column
Semispinalis Thoracis Origin transverse processes of T6-T12
Semispinalis Thoracis Insertion spinou sprocesses of C6-T4
Semispinalis Thoracis Innervation dorsal primary rami
Semispinalis Thoracis Action extends and rotates thoracic spinal column
Multifidus Origin transervse processes
Multifidus Insertion spinou sprocesses + laminae
Multifidus Innervation dorsal primary rami
Multifidus action bends or laterally flexes vertebral column and roates it to the opposite side; extend vertebral column
rotatores action rotators
rotatores origin and insertion b/w spinous and transverse processes
rotatores innervation dorsal primary rami
intertransverse action lateral flexors
intertransverse orgin and insertion adjacent transverse processes span one vertebral level
intertransverse innervation dorsal primary rami
interspinales action extensors
interspinales origin and insertion spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae span one vertebral level
interspinales innervation dorsal primary rami
boundaries of sub occipital triangle: Roof semispinalis capitis
boundaries of sub occipital triangle: floor atlanto-occipital membrane
boundaries of sub occipital triangle: lateral superior oblique
boundaries of sub occipital triangle: medial rectus capitis major
boundaries of sub occipital triangle: inferior inferior obliue
muscle innervated by suboccipital n in suboccipital triangle rectus capitis major recutus cpaitis minor superior oblique inferior oblique
rectus capitis major origin and insertion from spinous process of c2 to inferior nucahal line of skull
recutus capitis minor origin and insertion from transverse process of C1 to the inferior nuchal line of the skull
Superior oblique origin and insertion from transverse process of C1 to area b/w inferio rand superior nuchal lines on skull
Rectus Capitis Major and Minor and Superior Oblique Action postural muscle rotate head ot the same side unilaterally and extend bilaterally
inferior oblique origin and insertion spinrous process of C2 to transverse process of C1
inferior oblique action pulls on atlas rotates head
intercostals origin inferior margin of rib above
intercostals insertion superior margin of rib below
intercostals innervation dorsal primary rami intercostal nn
intercostals action external-elevates ribs (inspiration) internal and innermost-depress ribs (expiration)
anterior abdominal wall musculature action 1. support and compress viscera 2. flex vertebral column with bilateral contraction 3. lateral flexion vertebral column with unilateral contraction 4. rotation of the trunk when internal abdominal oblique and contralateral external oblique contract
anterior abdominal wall musculature innervation intercostal nerves T7-12 and L1
anterior abdominal wall musculature includes external abdominal oblique internal abdominal oblique transversus abdominis
External abdominal oblique origin lower 8 ribs
boundaries of inguinal canal: anterior external abdominal oblique aponeurosis
boundaries of inguinal canal: posterior transversalis fasic and internal abdominal oblique transversus abdominis arch over and therefore to not contribute to spermatic cord
boundaries of inguinal canal: roof arching fibers of internal abdominal oblique and transversus abdominus
boundaries of inguinal canal: floor inguinal and lacunar ligaments
Quadrastus Lumborum orgin and insertion R12 to tips of lumbar transverse process b/x L5 and iliac crest
Quadrastus lumborum action stablizies R12 in inspiration laterally flexes trunk
Quadratus Lumborum innervation ventral rami of T12 L1 2 3
Psoas Major origin and insertion attaches to lumbar transverse processes before passing out under inguinal ligament with iliacus muscle to commmon tendinous attachment of hte lesser trochanter of the femur
Psoas Major action flexor of thigh
Psoas Major Innervation ventral rami L123
Iliacus origin and insertion arises from internal aspect of ala of hte iliac bone
iliacus action flexes thigh
iliacus innervation femoral n
liopsoas flexor of the hip in the trunk
lumbar plexus formed by the ventral primary rami of L1-5 and contribution of T12
iliohyposgastric nerve L1 cutaneous innnervation of posterolateral gluteal region and suprapublic area
ilioinguinal nerve L1 cutaneous innervation of proximal medial thigh and scotum/mons publics
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve L2-L3 cutaneous innervation of lateral side of thigh
genitofemoral nerve L2-L3 cutaneous innervation of genitalia and thight, genital branch joins spermatic cord to innervate cremaster msucle
femoral nerve L2-L4 innervates anterior region of thight, motor nerve
obturator nerve L2-4 innervates medial side of the thigh
lumbosacral trunk L4-5 contributes fibers to sacral plexus
piriformis m origin anterior surface of middle 3 sacral segments sacrum
piriformis m inneration S1 2
prisiformis contributes to postero-lateral pelvic wall passes laterally through greater sciatic foramen forms bed a bed on which teh sacral nerve plexus lies
pirisformis insertion greater torchanter of femur
obturator internus oirgin and insertion over obturator foramen pases through lesser sciatic foramen to attach to greater trochanter of femur
obturator internus forms alteral pelvic wall deep fascia thickened to form tendinous arc to whcih muscles of pelbic floor attach
obturator internus innervation nerve to obturator internus S1 S2
obturator internus origin ishiopublic amus and obturator memebrane
piriformis action abducts and rotates laterally thigh and stablizies hip during walking
obturator internus action rotate thigh laterally
Created by: wiechartm
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