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Grubbers SAT Vocab

SAT Vocabulary study

abstemious moderate or sparing in eating or drinking
amibivalence conflicting feeling towards something or someone
ambulatory capable of walking
ameliorate to make better
antediluvian very old-fashioned, primative
ascendancy rising
atrophy waste away and become useless
burgeon flourish, grow rapidly
capitulate surrender
capricious erratic, impulsive
coalesce to blend, merge, fuse
cohere join together
salubrious healthful
convivial sociable, friendly
corroborate strengthen, comfirm
corrugated wrinkled, ridged, or furrowed
distend expand, swell, stretch out
ephemical temporary, shortlived
euphorious having pleasant sound, harmonious
evanescent temporary, floating
expedite speed up, make easy
fallow inactive, unproductive
hackneyed trite, common-placed, overused
irascible easily angered
munificent generous
parsimony stingy
paucity scarcity, lack
penury extreme poverty
recalicitrant disobedient, hard to manage
aberration deviation, abnormality
abeyance temporary postponment
abnegate deny, reject
abrogate abolish, repeal
abut to touch, rest on, or against
acclivity upward slope
accoutrement equipment, outfit
acerbic sharp, bitter in smell or taste
acme highest point
acrimonious harsh in speech or behavior
acrophobia fear of heights
actuate to put into motion or action
acumen mental keenness or shrewdness
addendum something added as a suplement
addendum something added as a suplement
adipose fatty
adroit skillful, clever
adulation excessive praise or flattery
adventitious accidental, non-essential
aegis shield, protection, or sponsorship
affluence wealth
aggrandize enlarge, expand
agoraphobia fear of open places
ague fever, plague
albatross constant burden
alchemy chemistry of the middle ages
alimentary furnishing food or nourishment
allay relieve or calm
alluvial pertain to the deposits of sands formed by flowing water
amalgamate combine, unite, blend
ambient surrounding, on all sides
ambrosial pleasing to taste or smell
ameliorate improve or make better
amenities social graces, pleasantaries
amorphus shapeless
anachronism something out of place or time
analgesic drug that relieves pain
anicillary helping or subbordinate
anent regarding, concerning
anhydrous without water
animadversion criticism, comment that opposes
animus hostile feeling
anneal heat then cool, to toughen
anomolous abnormal, inconsistent
anoxia lack of oxygen
anthropomorphic attributing human features to objects or gods
antipodes opposite sides of the earth
aphasia loss of the ability to speak
apiary place where bees are kept
aplomb self confidence or poise
apogee farthest point away from the earth
apoplexy sudden loss of consciousness
apothegm brief instruction or saying
apotheosis glorification of a person to the rank of god
apposite appropriate
apprise to inform
appurtentance something added to another more important object
armistice a truce, suspension of hostilities
arraign to accuse
arroyo a deep ditch caused by running water
ascetic one who denies his bodily pleasure and comfort
asperity harshness or roughness
aspersion a damaging remark
assiduity diligence or care
assuage to calm, make less severe
astral a very small planet
astringent substance that contracts blood vessels
atavistic going back to behavior found in a remote ancestor
attenuated decreased or weakened
au courant up to date
augur predict
aural pertaining to the sense of hearing
auroral rosy, pertaining to the dawn
automaton machine or robot
autumnal mature, declining
aver declare, state firmly
avoirdupois heaviness, weight
aviary place where birds are kept
avuncular like an uncle
azure blue
bacchanalian wild with drunkenness
badinage playful teasing talk
bagatelle thing of little value, trifle
bastion strong defense, fort
bayou marshy body of water
bedlam a madhouse, a noisy uproar
beleaguer pester
biennial every two years
bilious bad tempered or cross
bilk cheat, swindle
bivouac a temporary shelter
bon mot witty remark
bourgeoisie middle-class
bowdlerize to censor or remove offensive passages from a play or novel etc
brine salt water
bruit to spread the news
bucolic pertaining to the countryside
bumptious conceited or arrogant
cabal small secret group
cadaverous pale, ghastly, corpse like
caesura pause
canard false story, report, or rumor
cant insincere statements usually made in sing song
capatious spacious or roomy
carapace shell, hard protective covering
carcinogenic causing cancer
carte blanche freedom to use one's own judgement
cartel association of business firms
cathartic cleansing
caucus a private meeting
cauterize to burn
cavil quibble, argue
cavort leap about, frolick
cerebration thinking, using one's brain
charlatan rouge, fake
chary careful, or cautious
chicanery trickery, or deception
chirography art of handwriting
clarion clear, and shrill
cognomen family noem
colloquy conversation
concentric having a common cneter
concomitant accompany, attending
condign deserved or suitable
conduit pipe
contretemps an embarrassing occurance
contumely rudeness
contusion a bruise
convalesce recover from an illness
cortege funeral procession
coterie close circle of friends
cozen trick
cynosure center of attention
Created by: britsrule96
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