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How do we sense, perceive and see the world? Kolb & Whishaw Ch 9

Receptive Field Region of the visual world that stimulates a receptor cell or neuron
Optic Flow Streaming of visual stimuli that accompanies an observer's forward movement through space
Auditory Flow Change in sound heard as a person moves past a sound source or as a sound source moves past a person
Topographic Map Spatially organized neural representation of the external world
Sensation Registration of physical stimuli from the environment by the sensory organs
Perception Subjective interpretation of sensations by the brain
Retina Light-sensitive surface at the back of the eye consisting of neurons and photoreceptor cells
Fovea Region at the center of the retina that is specialized for high acuity; its receptive fields are at the center of the eye's visual field
Blind Spot Region of the retina where axons forming the optic nerve leave the eye and where blood vessels enter and leave; has no photoreceptors and is thus blind
Rod Photoreceptor specialized for functioning at low light levels
Cone Photoreceptor specialized for color and high visual acuity
Retinal Ganglion Cell (RGC) One of a group of retinal neurons with axons that give rise to the optic nerve
Magnocellular (M) Cell Large-celled visual-system neuron that is sensitive to moving stimuli
Parvocellular (P) Cell Small-celled visual-system neuron that is sensitive to form and color differences
Optic Chiasm Junction of the optic nerves, one from each eye, at which the axons from the nasal (inside-nearer the nose) halves of the retinas cross to the opposite side of the brain
Geniculostriate System Projections from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus to the visual cortex
Striate Cortex Primary visual cortex (V1) in the occipital love; its striped appearance when stained gives it this name
Tectopulvinar System Projections from the retina to the superior colliculus to the pulvinar (thalamus) to the parietal and temporal visual areas
Cortical Column Cortical organization that represents a functional unit six cortical layers deep and approximately 0.5 millimeter square and that is perpendicular to the cortical surface
Primary Visual Cortex (V1) Striate cortex that receives input from the lateral geniculate nucleus
Extrastriate (Secondary Visual) Cortex Visual cortical areas outside the striate cortex
Blob Region in the visual cortex that contains color-sensitive neurons, as recealed by staining for cytochrome oxidase
Visual Field Region of the visual world that is seen by the eyes
Luminance Contrast The amount of light reflected by an object relative to its surroundings
Ocular-dominance Column Functional column in the visual cortex maximally responsive to information coming from one eye
Trichromatic Theory Explanation of color vision based on the coding of three primary colors: red, green, and blue
Opponent-process theory Explanation of color vision that emphasizes the importance of the opposition of pairs of colors: red versus green and blue versus yellow
Color Constancy Phenomenon whereby the perceived color of an object tends to remain constant relative to other colors, regardless of changes in illumination
Homonymous Hemianopia Blindness of an entire left or right visual field
Quadrantanopia Blindness of one quadrant of the visual field
Scotoma Small blind spot in the visual field caused by migraine of by a small lesion of the visual cortex
Visual-form Agnosia Inability to recognize objects or drawings of objects
Optic Ataxia Deficit in the visual control of reaching and other movements
Created by: dkbjornn
Popular Neuroscience sets




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