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EBP Review

Review of EBP terms, stats tests

Independent Variable vs. Dependent Variable IV: factor believes to bring about a change in the DV; DV: Change believed to result from intervention
Data Types: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio Nominal: variables into 2 or more categories (M vs F) Ordinal: classifies and ranks variables based on degree (MMT, GPA) Interval: classifies at predetermined equal interval (0-200, temperature) Ratio: True zero, precise level of measurement
Effect Size the size (magnitude, quantity) of the difference between sample means; allows a stat test to find a difference when one exists
Internal Validity the degree to which the observed differences on the dependent variable are from direct manipulation of IV
External Validity Generalizability of the results outside study
Face validity the assumption of validity based on the appearance of an instrument as a reasonable measure
Content validity the degree to which an instrument measures an intended area (expert judgement)
Concurrent Validity the degreee to which the scores on one test relate to scores on another criterion test (comparison to gold standard)
Predictive Validity the degree a test can predict future performance
construct validity the degree in which a test measures intended hypothetical abstract concept (non observable)
Interrater reliability 2 independent raters find the same result
intrarater reliability one rater multiple trials
test-retest reliability scores on a test are stable over time
split-half reliability reliability of first half of test compared to second (internal consistency)
Sensitivity test's ability to correctly identify individuals who have the dx
Specificity test's ability to identify individuals who do not have dx.
Predictive value test's ability to estimate likelihood of + or - test
Cohort Study prospective following a group of participants for a period of time compared to matched group without condition
Case-control study retrospective; group with condition compared to group without
Range (Measures of Variability) difference between highest score and lowest score
Standard deviation determination of variability of scores from the mean
Normal distribution symmetrical bell curve, 68% of scores fall within 1 SD
Alpha level preselected level of statistical significance (set at .05, .01, expressed as a value of P)
Type I Error Null was rejected when it was true
Type II Error null was not rejected when it was false
Created by: jpowley
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