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Anatomy Vocab #11

Anatomy/Physiology Vocabulary Words #251-275

Nonliving materials formed by the cytoplasm of a cell. Metaplasm
A subdivision of myofibril. Micella
A plane which passes through the skull and spinal cord thus dividing the body into right and left halves. Midsaggital Plane
Small, living structures lying within the cytoplasm of a cell, associated with energy transformations. Mitochondria
The process of cell division which results in the chromatin material of a cell being divided into equal halves. Mitosis
A gland possessing both exocrine and endocrine parts; ex., pancreas. Mixed Gland
The smallest particle of an element or a compound that can exist free and still show all of the properties of the substance. Molecule
A form of carbohydrate containing containing a single saccharides group. These may be either pentoses or hexoses. Monosaccharide
The mucous membrane lining an organ. Mucosa
A complex protein-carbohydrate that is formed by specialized epithelial cells. It lubricates internal body surfaces. Mucus
A type of tissue that has the ability to contract. Muscle Tissue
The constant state of partial contraction of a muscle resulting from a sub-threshold flow of nervous impulses to it. Muscle Tone
A suddenly appearing new characteristic that can be inherited. Mutation
A condition of easily fatigability of voluntary muscles thought to be caused by an excess of a chemical which blocks acetycholine at the myoneural junction. Myasthenia Gravis
A covering of fatty material over a nerve fiber or process. Myelin Sheath
A subdivision of a striated muscle fiber. Myofibril
A defect of vision resulting from an elongated eyeball and the failure of the lens to focus the image on the retina. Myopia
One of the two proteins concerned in muscle contraction. Myosin
The appearance of the image in complementary colors after the stimulus has ceased to act. Negative Afterimage
A tubule in the kidneys. Nephron
A wavelike impulse passing over a nerve cell process that is characterized by both chemical and electrical effects. Nerve Impulse
A specialized tissue that is adapted to a response to a stimulus. Nerve Tissue
Referring to the nervous system. Neural
Strands of cytoplasm in the nerve cell body that connect the dendrites and the axons. Neurofibrils
The protoplasm in the cell body of a neuron and filling the spaces between the neurofibrils. Neuroplasm
Created by: ksalazar
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