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Olfactory and Gustatory Senses

Chemical senses for taste and smell are classified as Chemoreceptors
What receptors are believed to be sensitive to as much wider range of chemicals? Olfactory receptors
The sense of odors that results from the detection of odorous substances aerosolized in the environment? Olfaction
It is located in the roof of the nasal cavity and along the nasal septum and medial wall of the superior nasal concha Olfactory organ
The apical surfaces of the olfactory receptor neurons posses fine Olfactory cilia
The olfactory nerve fibers synapse with this in the olfactory bulb Mitral cells
Only cranial nerves to enter the cerebrum directly Olfactory nerves
Olfactory tract divides into Medial and lateral olfactory striae
Lateral olfactory striae terminates in Piriform cortex of anterior part of temporal bone
Loss of smell Anosmia
Chief complaint of most people with anosmia is the Loss or alteration of taste
May be a clue of a fracture of the cranial base and CSF rhinorrhea Anosmia
Anosmia is usually Unilateral
The word "taste" comes from the Latin word Taxare
Latin word of taste which means "to touch, estimate or judge" Taxare
Considered by many to be the most pleasurable of our special senses Sense of taste
Specific receptors for the sense of taste are widely scattered in the oral cavity Taste buds
The dorsal tongue surface is covered with small peglike projections or papillae of four types: Follate Papillae sharp Filiform Papillae Fungiform Papillae Circumvallate Papillae
Largest papillae of the tongue Circumvallate papillae
The specific cells that respond to chemicals dissolved in the saliva are epithelial cells called Gustatory cells
Long microvilli of gustatory cells Gustatory hairs
Three cranial nerves which carry taste impulses from various taste buds to the gustatory cortex CN VII, CN IX, CN X
Cranial nerve which serves the anterior 2/3 of the tongue CN VII (facial nerve)
Cranial nerve which serves the distal 1/3 of the tongue CN IX
Cranial nerve which serves the soft palate and pharynx CN X
Common factor of sweet receptors of the tongue Hydroxyl (OH)
Basic taste sensation which respond to hydrogen ions or the acidity of the solution Sour receptors
Bitter receptors of tongue respond to Alkaloids
Salty receptors of tongue respond to Metal ions
The tip of the tongue was believed to be the most sensitive to Sweet and salty
The sides of the tongue was believed to be the most sensitive to Sour
The back of the tongue was believed to be the most sensitive to Bitter
The pharynx was believed to be the most sensitive to Umami (delicious)
Created by: analyncosim
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