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Ancient Greece stuff
Question | Answer |
Today people use whose concepts of government, art, literature, and science? | the early Greeks' |
When did the empire exist? | 2000s-100 BCE |
Many people settled on the peninsula of what? | Peloponnesus |
Specifically what parts of the geography of Greece created many small, isolated regions? | mountains |
Some groups of people got along, others fought in what that sometimes erupted into wars? | fierce rivalries |
Most people in Ancient Greece were what? | farmers |
What part of a western state was Greece's climate similar to? | southern California |
Why did farmers grow many grapes and olives? | There was little room and grapes and olives didn't need much and they could be grown on mountains. |
What grains could they also grow, though not as much as grapes and olives? | wheat and barely |
Why did the Ancient Greeks had to trade to get grains? | Only a fourth of the land was level enough to grow them. |
The roots of Greece go back to which two civilizations? | the Minoans and Mycenaeans |
Where did the first civilization start in Greece? | On the island of Crete. |
Who was the leader of the Minoans? | King Minos |
What range of dates was called the Minoan Age? | 2000-1400 BCE |
What did the Minoans develop? | a writing system |
What kinds of fine artwork did they create? | Carved statues, pottery, metal bowls, jewelry, and weavings. |
What were the Minoans also? | great sailors |
Who did the Minoans trade with? | Egypt, Phoenicia, and Mesopotamia. |
The Minoans were what in addition to being great sailors? | great builders |
What kinds of advanced water systems did the Minoans build in palaces? | Underground plumbing and running water for the bathrooms. |
What were walls of Minoan palaces decorated with? | Colorful murals of daily life in Ancient Crete. |
Where was the Mycenaean civilization found? | On the mainland of Greece. |
Who did the Mycenaeans learn from? | the Minoans |
What did the Mycenaeans do similar to/borrow from the Minoans? | They built palaces similar to them and borrowed their system of writing. |
What range of dates is known as the Mycenaean Age? | 1400-1100 BCE |
When did the Mycenaeans fall to invaders? | around 1150 BCE |
What range of dates is known as the Dark Age? | 1100-800 BCE |
What kept history alive during the Dark Ages? | oral tradition |
Did trade and record keeping stop? | yes |
What did people live in during the Dark Ages? | isolated villages |
When did writing begin again? | 800 BCE |
Whom did Greece borrow their alphabet from? | the Phoenicians |
When did the Dark Ages end? | about 750 BCE |
What did isolated villages grow into? | developed cities |
What did cities become that were independent, self-governing units? | city-states |
What range of dates were city-states very successful? | 600s-500s BCE |
Acronym for city-states on Peloponnesus. | CMS |
CMS | Cats Make Songs |
Acronym for city-states on mainland. | DTMA |
DTMA | Dogs Train Many Animals |
Acronym for city-states on Crete. | K |
K | Kk |
Acronym for west seas. | AIM |
AIM | Aim Is Mine |
Aegean sounds like what? | Asian |
So it must closer to? | Asia minor |
Acronym for east land. | CP |
CP | Cool Peeps! |
Acronym for west land. | AmISRC |
AmISRC | Am I So Really Crazy?! |
Are coastal city-states or city-states in the midst of mountains more accepting of change? | coastal city-states |
How did coastal settlements affect the lives of the Greeks? | It encouraged them to engage in overseas trade and made them prone to cultural diffusion. |
How did the mountains affect the lives of the Greeks? How is this shown on the map? | It separated them into small, spread out, isolated regions and they all developed separately. |
What larger time period was the Age of Expansion part of? | the Archaic Period |
What were some characteristics of the Archaic Period? | The rediscovery of writing (Greeks adopted & added to the Phoenicians' alphabet), rise in living standards, more contact with outside world (through war & trade), art improved, first Olympic games held, & emigration started when Greece became overcrowded. |
What is a bard? | a professional poet |
How are bards important to understanding ancient Greek history? | They helped keep history alive during the Dark Ages through oral tradition. |
Who was the most famous bard? | Homer |
What was Homer known for? | Two epic poems: the Iliad and the Odyssey. |
What the Iliad and the Odyssey the earliest examples of? | literature |
emigration | Leaving your home country to settle elsewhere. |
How did emigration lead to the expansion of Ancient Greece? | Different groups of Greeks set up colonies, claimed land, and therefore expanding Greece. |
Why did people emigrate out of Greece? | It was overcrowded; more land, jobs, and resources elsewhere; and there were refugees from political disagreements. |
What does emigration lead to? | immigration |
It was from these expert sailors and metalworkers that the Greeks adopted the use of the arch. | Etruscans |
Warlike people, famed for their cruelty. | Assyrians |
Lived on the coast of modern-day Lebanon. | Phoenicians |
From these people the Greeks acquired timber, glass, furniture, and purple cloth. | Phoenicians |
People from the northern part of the Italian peninsula. | Etruscans |
From these people the Greeks acquired wheat, salt, hides, and slaves. | Scythians |
These people were the most successful traders and shipbuilders in the Mediterranean. | Phoenicians |
One of these people's most famous city-states/colony was called Tyre. | Phoenicians |
From these people the Greeks acquired goods like: papyrus, fine linen, perfume, some, and grains. | Egyptians |
alliance | a formal written agreement between nations for a common cause |
peninsula | a body of land that is surrounded on three sides by water |
polis | an independent Greek state, consisting of a city and the surrounding countryside; city-state |
isthmus | a narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land |
aristocrat | a member of the most powerful class in ancient Greek society |
archipelago | a group or chain of islands |
colony | a settlement under the control of a usually distant country |
Peloponnesus | a peninsula forming the southern part of mainland Greece |
citizen | a person who has certain rights and duties in a city-state or nation |
No point on mainland Greece was more than how far from the sea? | 40 miles |
What was the Greeks' preferred method of transportation? | sailing |
What did not continuing the use of running water and underground plumbing do? | it set development back |
Why were the Minoans conquered? | a natural disaster (a tidal wave) hit them |
How were the Mycenaeans' palaces different from the Minoans'? | Mycenaeans' solely functional, Minoans' also decorative. |
Why were the Mycenaeans conquered? | They were weakened by internal conflict, over resources. |
What was borrowing the Phoenicians' alphabet an example of? | cultural diffusion |
What made the Dark Age end? | When people realized that they could trade and work together. |
What did cities developing into city-states lead into? | the Age of Expansion |
A warlike nomadic people that invaded Mycenae in 1150 BCE. | Dorians |
What did Mycenaean palaces double as? | fortresses |
What are the three qualifications a person must have to be considered a citizen in Athens? | Being male, over 18, and registered in their deme, or village community. |
What are the four groups of people who did not have citizenship in Athens? | Women, slaves, metics, and children. |
What are the two components of Athenian Democracy? | The Citizens' Assembly and the Council of 500. |
In what ways other than the Council or Assembly could citizens participate in Athenian government? | In the Courts, serving on a jury, and/or voting. |
Which part of Athenian Democracy had citizens selected at random every year for participation? | Council of 500 |
What happened to citizens who did not attend the assembly meetings in Athens? | They could not vote, which could result in decisions the absentees did not like. |
Which part of Athenian Democracy was responsible for preparing and discussing bills? | Council of 500 |
Which part of Athenian Democracy was responsible for voting on the issues presented? | Citizens'Assembly |
What is ostracism and how was it used in Athenian society? | The process by which less than admirable citizens were banned from participating in the government processes for 10 years. It took place with a vote from the Assembly, and it was a way to keep the democracy "pure." |
What is the main difference between direct democracy and representative democracy? | Direct: citizens govern themselves directly Representative: representatives elected by citizens govern a country |
He considered the man who started true democracy in Athens. | Cleisthenes |
He was responsible for first writing down the laws in Athens. | Draco |
He created the Council of 500. | Cleisthenes |
He ended debt slavery in Athens. | Solon |
He revised the first set of written laws in Athens. | Solon |
All crimes under his leadership were were punishable by death. | Draco |
He set up the People's Court in Athens. | Solon |
He created the Council of 400. | Solon |
He reorganized membership and population count in Athens. | Cleisthenes |
In a democracy, ruling power is in the hands of who? | all the people |
demos | people |
kratos | power |
When did democracy arise in Athens? | circa 500-400 BCE |
About how long did the democracy system stay in Athens? | about 100 years |
Where did all government business take place in Athens? | the Acropolis |
What was the Acropolis also considered to be? | a religious center |
Citizens'Assembly | The main governing body. |
Who was invited? | all 30,000 citizens |
Out of the 30,000 citizens, how many actually came? | about 5,000 |
Who usually did not attend, even though they could? | the poor |
Council of 500 | In charge of day-to-day running of the state. |
How were decisions reached in the Citizen's Assembly? | debate and vote |
How were the 500 citizens in the Council of 500 chosen? | annual lottery, drawing names out of a containor |
Who were new laws and policies carried out and enforced by? | Strategoi |
How many strategoi were chosen each year? | ten |
How were strategoi selected? | annual election |
Who was a strategoi turned democratic leader in Athens? | Pericles |
What were Pericles' Four Principles of Democracy? | Personal ablility, to make choices; opportunity to get ahead through one's ability, not the social class one was born into; equality before law; and majority rules, what most people want. |
monarchy | Ruling power in the hands of one person. |
Who is the one person who usually rules in a monarchy? | a king |
monos | single |
arkhein | rule |
What is the range of dates in which monarchies in Greece lasted from? | 2000-800 BCE |
What ages did monarchies in Greece last through? | Minoan to Dark Age |
Beyond the capital were what of people who paid taxes to the king? | villages |
People obeyed the king's laws and turned to him for what? | protection |
Who did kings rely on to enforce laws and make people pay taxes? | army generals |
Who would take over after the kings death? | his oldest son |
What would happen if there was no male in line for inheriting the throne? | Those with high military status battle to be the new monarch. |
What year did Mycenaean monarchies end? | circa 1200 BCE |
What age did Mycenaean monarchies end? | (the end of) the Mycenaean Age |
Why did eastern trade routes begin to close? | fighting in Asia Minor |
Why couldn't the Mycenaeans get to make weapons? | the eastern trade roots were closed |
What did the people end up doing? | destroying each other |
Who invaded Greece and destroyed the rest of the Mycenaean monarchy? | the Dorians |
What did the Dorians invading and taking over, then leaving do to Greece? | It began their Dark Age. |
Oligarchy | Ruling power in the hands of a few people. |
Who influenced the idea of oligarchies? | the Dorians |
What was the Dorians' form of oligarchy? | two army generals |
Why did oligarchies start? | aristocrats were tired of paying taxes |
Whose hands did the ruling power rest in? | A few selected wealthy people and some people who got power by birth. |
oligos | few |
What did the Dark Age usher in? | the rule of oligarchy |
When did oligarchs rule in most city-states? | 800-650 BCE |
What kinds of lives did oligarchs have? | good ones |
How did oligarchs enforce their rule? | military strength |
Did citizens in oligarchies have protections? | some |
What did citizens lack in oligarchies? | political rights, e.g. voting |
What did most city-states start to do after a while? | look for new leadership |
What was the only city-state that remained an oligarchy? | Sparta |
Why did tyrannies begin? | Citizens wanted a new kind of government because oligarchies lacked political rights. |
What did tyrants do to come into power? | eliminate the current leader |
tyranny | Ruling power is in the hands of a person who had seized control, often illegally. |
How were were tyrants know for holding power? | using cruel and abusive means |
tyrannos | usurper with supreme power |
When did tyrannies arise in Greece? | mid 600s BCE |
What age did tyrannies arise in Greece? | Age of Expansion |
Why did tyrannies arise during the Age of Expansion? | tyrants took over other lands |
What did the middle class demand to go with their contributions? | political and social privileges |
What did the ruling oligarchs do? | they refused |
Because of the refusal, what did former military leaders (soon to be tyrants) promise the middle class? | to help them |
What did the tyrants actually do? | They reformed some laws, then became greedy when they became rich from the middle class's gifts. |
Who was the last important tyrant? | Hippias |
What was Hippias known for? | supreme cruelty |
When was Hippias forced resign? | 510 BCE |
Why was Hippias forced to resign? | Athenians and Spartan invaders |
Why did the Athenians get the Spartans to help chase out Hippias? | Sparta had a strong military. |
helot | a state slave in Ancient Sparta |
ephor | one of the five elected officials who supervised the kings of Ancient Sparta |
Council of Elders | a small group of Spartans who made all the important governing decisions |
agora | a market place in Ancient Greece |