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K-6 Social Science

FTCE K-6 Social Science

Where was Columbus from? Spain
How made voyages did Columbus make? 4
During his expeditions, what are some of the places he discovered? Bahamas, Hispaniola, Cuba, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Central America, South America.
What are the dates for the French and Indian war? 1754-1763
The French and Indian War was an extension of the ______________ war. European Seven Years War
What was the French and Indian War fought over? Colonial territory and wealth by the French and English
Who won the French and Indian War and what was the resulting outcome? In their victory England gained massive amounts of land but also weakened their rapport w/Native Americans. Although the was strengthened England's hold on the colonies, it led to the Am. Revolution.
When was the American Revolutionary War? 1775-1783
The American Revolutionary War is also known as _____________. The War of Independence.
What were the 13 original colonies? Mass, RI, Conn, NH, NY, NJ, Penn, Delaware, GA, Maryland, NC, SC, Virginia.
What was the cause of the American Revolutionary War? After the French/Indian War, England's hold on the org 13 colonies caused tension and the 13 colonies desired to form self-governing independent states (Am Revolution). The states fought the British. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
The American Revolutionary war was fought between the ________ and ______________. British (England) and the 13 original colonies.
During the American Revolutionary War the 13 original colonies were fighting for the right to do what? Form self-governing independent states.
How did the American Revolutionary War end? WIth the signing of the Treaty of Paris, which recognized the sovereignty of the United States.
What was the Treaty of Paris? A treaty that recognized the sovereignty of the United States and ended the American Revolutionary War between the British (England and the 13 original colonies.
What is the Declaration of Independence? Written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the 2nd Continental Congress. Begins with the Preamble and then establishes the reasons why the original colonies sought freedom from British rule. Would later be the foundation for our new government.
What is the Preamble in the Declaration of Independence? The preamble is the reason for necessity of the document.
When was the Declaration of Independence written? 1776
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
What did Thomas Jefferson write? Declaration of Independence
When was the Industrial Revolution? In the 1830's
What was the Industrial Revolution? Characterized by the transformation from manual labor to the use of machines, specifically machines used in the creation of textiles, iron, and steam.
What does this describe? Characterized by the transformation from manual labor to the use of machines, specifically machines used in the creation of textiles, iron, and steam. The Industrial Revolution in the 1830's
What are the dates of the Civil War? 1861-1865
The Civil War (1861-1865) was a war between who? The North (The Union) and the South (The Confederacy)
What was the Civil war (1861-1865) about? 11 southern slave states wanted to secede from the Union.
What is noted as the most deadly war in American History? The Civil War
What was the outcome of the Civil War? The Union was restored, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and the role of the government was stregthened.
Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation? President Lincoln
When was the Emancipation Proclamation signed and by who? In 1862 by President Lincoln
What are the approximate dates associated with the Westward Expansion? 1807-1912
What was the Westward Expansion? After the War of 1812 and the purchase of the Louisiana Territory, people desired to move west.
What are two negative connotations of the Westward Movement? Many pioneers died making the journey. President Andrew Jackson allowed the removal of Native Americans from their lands and forced them to live in areas called reservations.
When was WW I? 1914-1918
When was WW II? 1939-1945
1914-1918 was what war? WWI
1939-1945 was what war? WW II
When was the Korean War? 1950-1953
1950-1953 was what war? Korean War
The Civil Right Act was in what year? 1964
When was the Vietnam War? (US Involvement) 1959-1975
1959-1975 was war war? Vietnam (US involvement)
WWI started between which countries? Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
WWI was fought between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. Which countries were the Allied Powers? Russia, UK, France, Canada, Australia, Italy, Japan, Portugal, and the US.
WWI was fought between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. Which countries were the Central Powers? Germany, Austria-Hungarian Empire, Turkey, Bulgaria
In WWI who was victorious? The Allied or Central Powers? Allied Powers
WW II was fought between the Allied Powers and the ________ Powers. Axis
When did the US enter into WWII. When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
In ________ the Allies defeated the Axis with the USSR and the US emerging as world superpowers. This led to the Cold War, which lasted for 45 years. The United Nations was formed in an effort to prevent further global conflicts. 1945
In 1945 the ______ defeated the _______ with the USSR and the US emerging as world superpowers. This led to the Cold War, which lasted for 45 years. The United Nations was formed in an effort to prevent further global conflicts. Allies, Axis
In 1945 the Allies defeated the Axis with the USSR and the US emerging as world superpowers. This led to the ______ _______, which lasted for 45 years. The United Nations was formed in an effort to prevent further global conflicts. Cold War
In 1945 the Allies defeated the Axis with the USSR and the US emerging as world superpowers. This led to the Cold War, which lasted for 45 years. The United Nations was formed in an effort to prevent further global conflicts.
In 1945 the Allies defeated the Axis with the USSR and the US emerging as world superpowers. This led to the Cold War, which lasted for ______ years. The United Nations was formed in an effort to prevent further global conflicts. 45
In 1945 the Allies defeated the Axis with the USSR and the US emerging as world superpowers. This led to the Cold War, which lasted for 45 years. The _______ ___________ was formed in an effort to prevent further global conflicts. United Nations
What caused the Korean War? It started due to a division in Korea caused by WWII.
WWII caused Korea to become divided into what two areas? The communist north and the american occupied south.
Which part of Korea was occupied by Americans? The South
What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964? It ended segregation.
What were the Jim Crow laws?
Explain the Vietnam War. It started btw communist North Vietnam and the government of South Vietnam. The US in opposition to communism supported South Vietnam.
When was the Persian Gulf War? August 1990-February 1991
What was the Persian Gulf War? Military conflict authorized by the United Nations between Iraq and a coalition force of 34 other nations. THe purpose was to liberate Kuwait.
What was the name of the US land and air operations involved in the Gulf War? Operation Desert Storm
Who was Alexander the Great? (4 things) King of Macedonia 336BC, conquered the Persian Empire, founded the City of Alexandria in Egypt a center of learning and culture, created a massive empire and restored order in Ancient Greece.
Alexander the Great was the King of _________ in ________ BC. Macedonia, 336
Alexander the Great conquered the ____________ Empire. Persian
Alexander the Great founded what city that was the center for learning and culture? City of Alexandria
Alexander the Great created a massive empire and restored order in ___________ ____________. Ancient Greece
Who was Nicolaus Copernicus? First astronomer to place the sun at the center of the universe.
Who was the first astronomer to place the sun at the center of the universe? Nicolaus Copernicus
Who was Galileo Galilei? An Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher responsible for the birth of modern science.
Who was a famous Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher responsible for the birth of modern science. Galileo Galilei
Who was Isaac Newton? English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher responsible for the birth of modern science.
Who is said to be responsible for the birth of modern science? Isaac Newton
Who was John Locke? British Enlightenment writer whose ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence, state constitutions, and the US Constitution. He believed that people are born free with certain natural rights including the right to life, liberty, and property.
British Enlightenment writer whose ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence, state constitutions, and the US Constitution. He believed that people are born free with certain natural rights including the right to life, liberty, and property. John Locke
Who was Thomas Jefferson? The 3rd President of the United States, considered one of the Founding Father's of the United States, principal author of the Declaration of Independance, played a key role in the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
The 3rd President of the United States, considered one of the Founding Father's of the United States, principal author of the Declaration of Independance, played a key role in the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Thomas Jefferson
True or False: The defeat of the Axis Powers in WW II led to the emerging of two world superpowers and inevitably the Cold War? True
The _________ War led to the start of the American Revolutionary War. French and Indian
True or False: Christopher Columbus discovered the New World? False, the Vikings and the Native Americans did.
___________ was the first astronomer to place the sun at the center of the universe. Nicolaus Copernicus
Made 4 voyages to West Indies and Caribbean islands. Christopher Columbus
Sailed to West Indies and South America. Amerigo Vespucci
Explored the shores of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Labrador. John Cabot
First to travel to West Indies around Africa's Cape of Good Hope. Vasco da Gama
Led expedition across Panama and found the Pacific Ocean. Vasceo de Balboa
Explored Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth. Ponce de Leon
Circumnavigated the globe with five ships and 270 men. Ferdinand Magellan
Conquered Aztecs in Mexico Hernando Cortez
Conquered Peru Francisco Pizarro
Traveled the St. Lawrence River. Jacques Cartier
Explored American Southeast, discovered the Mississippi River. Hernando De Soto
Explored the American Southwest Francisco Vazquez de Coronado
First Englishman to sail around the world, defeated the Spanish Armada, claimed California for England. Sir Frances Drake
Explored eastern coast of North America and the coast of the St. Lawrence River to Lake Huron, reached Lake Champlain. Samuel de Champlain
Explored Hudson Bay, Hudson River, Hudson Strait. Henry Hudson
True or False: John Cabot traveled around the Cape of Good Hope to reach the West Indies? False. It was Vasco da Gama
________________ explored Florida in search of the Fountain of Youth. Juan Ponce de Leon
Hernando de Soto explored the present day American Southeast and discovered what river? Mississippi
Who named Florida? Juan Ponce de Leon
In what year was Florida named by Juan Ponce de Leon? 1513
The ___________, _____________, and ____________, established settlements in Florida during the 1500 and 1600's. English, French, and Spanish
St. Augustine, founded by the ______________, came to serve as the capitals of the British (East) and the Spanish (West) colonies in Florida. Spanish
St. Augustine, founded by the Spanish, came to serve as the capitals of the _________ and the _________ colonies in Florida. British (East) and the Spanish (West)
_______________ tried to develop Florida through the importation of immigrants for labor. Britain
How did Britain try to develop Florida? Through the importation of immigrants for labor.
__________________ regained control of Florida after the American Revolutionary War. Spain
Spain regained control of Florida after the __________________________. American Revolutionary War
In ___________ Florida became the 27th state in the United States of America. 1845
In 1845 Florida became the __________ state in the United States of America. 27th
Florida's economy was adversely effected by ____________. WWII
Florida's land was intensely developed prior to what event in the early 1900's? The Great Depression of the 1930's
True or False: Juan Ponce de Leon discovered Florida? False
True or False: Florida became the 17th state in 1845. False. The 27th state in 1845
Florida was inhabited by ______ prior to it later discovery by Europeans. Native American Tribes
Define: Geography The study of Earth's surface, atmosphere, and people.
The world in ___________ terms refers to location. Locations refers to the position on the Earth's surface. spatial
The world in spatial terms refers to location. Locations refers to the ____________________________. position on the Earth's surface
Locations can be either_____________ or _____________. relative or absolute
____________ terms reference organization of people and places on earth. spatial
Places and regions refer to the _____________ _____________ of specific places and how they form and change. physical characteristics
________ and ________ refer to the physical characteristics of specific places and how they form and change. Places and regions
____________ systems are processes that change and shape the Earth. physical
Physical systems are processes that __________________________. change and shape the Earth
____________ system are the people or inhabitants. HUman
Human system are the ______________ or _______________. people or inhabitants
____________ and ___________ refers to the relationships and interactions that take place between people and their surroundings. Environment and Society
Environment and Society refers to the _____________ and ____________ that take place between people and their surroundings. relationships and interactions
How many essential elements of geography are there? 6
What are the 6 essential elements of geography? The world in spatial terms (location), places/regions, physical systems, human systems, environment/society, and uses of geography.
One of the 6 essential elements of geography is Environment and Society? True or False True
A(n) ________ location is described by general terms and area landmarks. relative
Define: Cartographers mapmakers
Another word for mapmakers is _____________. Cartographers
A ___________ is considered the most accurate representation of Earth. Globe
The vertical and horizontal lines on a map are known as the _______. Grid
Define: Equator Horizontal, imaginary line that divides the Earth into into its northern and southern halves.
What is the horizontal, imaginary line that divides the Earth into into its northern and southern halves. Equator
Prime Meridian Vertical, imaginary line that divides the Earth into its eastern and western halves; Runs through Greenwich, England.
What is the vertical, imaginary line that divides the Earth into its eastern and western halves; Runs through Greenwich, England. Prime Meridian
International Date Line Where the date officially changes each day
Where the date officially changes each day. International date line
Latitude and Longitude The grid lines on a map
Which way does latitude run? Latitude runs parallel to the equator, east to west.
Which way does longitude run? Longitude runs form pole to pole, north and south.
Which lines run from North to South? Longitude
Which lines run from east to west? Latitude
What are hemispheres? The Northern and Southern halves of the Earth.
On a map, what does a symbol represent? A real object such as a dot for a city, a star for a capital......
On a map, what does a Legend do? Also know as the key, it explains the symbols, colors, lines and so on.
What are the continents? Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.
What is a relief map? It shows the shape of land's surface by providing detail through use of color and lines.
What are thematic maps? They show specific topics or subjects such as animal populations, human populations, climates.......
What is a political map? They show governmental boundaries of countries, states, and countries. They identify major cities and significant bodies of water.
What type of map is this a description of? They show governmental boundaries of countries, states, and countries. They identify major cities and significant bodies of water. A political map
What type of map does this describe: They show specific topics or subjects such as animal populations, human populations, climates....... Thematic maps
What type of map does this describe: It shows the shape of land's surface by providing detail through use of color and lines. Relief maps
What is a physical map? Shows country borders, major cities, significant bodies of water, and major landforms like deserts, mountains, and plains.
What type of map does this describe: Shows country borders, major cities, significant bodies of water, and major landforms like deserts, mountains, and plains. Physical map
What is deforestation? The process of clearing forests, destabilizes mountainous regions.
The process of clearing forests, destabilizes mountainous regions is known as __________________. deforestation
What is the continental drift? Described by the theory of plate tectonics, refers to the movement of the Earth's crust over time.
The theory of plate tectonics, refers to the movement of the Earth's crust over time is known as the __________ __________. continental drift
What is erosion? The wearing away or diminishing of the Earth's surface.
The wearing away or diminishing of the Earth's surface is known as _______________. Erosion
What does population refer to? The amount of people living in a particular area.
What is demography? A branch of science concerned with the well-being of society, statistical study of human populations interested in analyzing changes in size, movement, crime-rates, education levels, and so on.
A branch of science concerned with the well-being of society, statistical study of human populations interested in analyzing changes in size, movement, crime-rates, education levels, and so on is known as __________________. Demography
The ______________ is the imaginary line that divides the Earth into its eastern and western halves. Prime Meridian
True or False: Demography is the statistical study of human populations. True
_______________ maps are those that specify a particular topic or subject. Thematic
What is a political map? A political map shows boundaries of counties, states, and countries. They identify major cities and significant bodies of water.
______________ maps show boundaries of counties, states, and countries. They identify major cities and significant bodies of water. Political maps
What do physical maps show? Country borders, major cities, significant bodies of water, and major landforms like deserts, mountains, and plains.
____________ maps show country borders, major cities, significant bodies of water, and major landforms like deserts, mountains, and plains. physical maps
What does a "region" refer to? A wide ranging geographic area.
What is deforestation? The process of clearing the forests; destabilizes mountainous regions.
The process of clearing the forests and that destabilizes mountainous regions is known as _______________. deforestation
What is the continental drift? The theory of plate tectonics, the movement of the Earth's crust over time.
The theory of plate tectonics, the movement of the Earth's crust over time is known as the ________________. Continental drift
The wearing away or diminishing of the Earth's surface is known as ______________. Erosion
What is erosion? The wearing away or diminishing of the Earth's surface,
What is demography? A branch of science concerned with the well-being of society; statistical study of human populations interested in analyzing changes in size, movement, crime rates, education levels, and so on.
What branch of science is concerned with the well-being of society; statistical study of human populations interested in analyzing changes in size, movement, crime rates, education levels, and so on. Demography
The _____________ is the imaginary line that divides the Earth into its eastern and western halves. Prime Meridian
True or False: Demography is the statistical study of human populations? True
_________ maps are those that specify a particular topic or subject. Thematic
The US government is what type of government? A democracy
Define: Democracy A government by the people. A democratic form of government provides for equality and inalienable rights of citizens.
What are the three basic levels of government in the US? Local, State, Federal (National)
The leader of the local government is the ____________. mayor
The mayor is an elected official and works in concert with the _____ _________. city council
The leader of the state government is the ______________. Governor
What are the 3 branches of the Federal government? Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
Congress belongs to what branch of the Federal Government? Legislative branch
What is Congress comprised of? The Senate and the House of Representatives.
The Senate and the House of Representatives together are known as _______________. Congress
Congress is established by what Article of the Constitution? Article 1
The Supreme Court belongs to what branch of the Federal government? The Judicial branch
Who leads the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court is led by supreme court justices appointed by the President of the United States.
Who appoints the Supreme Court Justices? The President of the United States
Who leads the Executive branch of the Federal government? The President and Vice President
The President and Vice President belong to which branch of the Federal Government? The Executive branch
Who appoints the Secretary of the State? The President of the United States.
Who advises the President on foreign policy? The Secretary of State and the National Security Council
Ambassadors are members of what Federal branch of government? Executive Branch
_____________ are Executive Branch members who reside in other countries in order to lobby for the US in international meetings. Ambassadors
There are _______ levels of Federal Courts in the United States. 3
What are the 3 levels of Federal Courts in the United States? U.S. District Courts, U.S. Court of Appeals, Supreme Court
What are US District courts? Trial courts. Each state has at least one district court that hears nearly all categories of federal cases including civil and criminal. There are 94 judicial districts.
What are the US Court of Appeals? One court for each of the 12 regional circuits that hear appeals from courts within its circuits.
What is the Supreme Court? The highest court of appeals in the United States.
What does the Supreme Court consist of? 1 Chief Justice and 8 associate justices appointed by the President.
Who appoints the Justices to the Supreme Court? The President
True or False: Supreme Court Justices are elected officials in the judicial branch of government? False. They are appointed by the President
The _________ government has the ability to regulate intrastate trade. Local or State
Article _________ of the US Constitution established the legislative branch of the government. I (one)
True or False: The Electoral College, also known as the COllege of Electors, gives states with small populations more of equal weight in presidential elections. True
There are __________ US District Courts 94
Our democratic society is founded on the principles set forth in the __________________. Constitution
How many electoral votes are need to win the Presidential election? 270 out of 538
How many electoral votes does Florida have? 27 (2 senators and 25 representatives)
The US Constitution is comprised of a _____________, 7 __________, and 27 _____________. Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments
The US Constitution is comprised of a ____________, _____ articles, and _______ amendments. Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments
Article 1 of the US Constitution Legislative Branch, it includes nine sections
What article of the US Constitution? Legislative Branch, it includes nine sections Article 1 of the US Constitution
Article 2 of the US Constitution Executive Branch, includes four sections
What article of the US Constitution? Executive Branch, includes four sections Article 2 of the US Constitution
Article 3 of the US Constitution Judicial Branch, includes three sections
Article 4 of the US Constitution The states, includes four sections
What article of the US Constitution? The states, includes four sections Article 4
Article 5 of the US Constitution Amendments
What article of the US Constitution? Amendments Article 5
Article 6 of the US Constitution Supreme Law, Oaths of Office and Debt
What article of the US Constitution? Supreme Law, Oaths of Office and Debt Article 6
Article 7 of the Constitution Approving the Constitution
What article of the US Constitution? Approving the Constitution Article 7
What is the BIll of Rights? Amendments 1 through 10 of the US Constitution
What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights? It lays the foundation for the civic rights of citizens in this country and limits the power of the federal government.
First Amendment Five Freedoms: Religion, Speech, the press, assembly, and petition
Which Amendment: Five Freedoms: Religion, Speech, the press, assembly, and petition First
Second Amendment States the right of citizens to keep and bear arms
Which Amendment: States the right of citizens to keep and bear arms Second
Third Amendment Citizens do not have to provide housing to solders during peacetime
Which Amendment: Citizens do not have to provide housing to solders during peacetime Third
Fourth Amendment States the right to privacy
Which Amendment: States the right to privacy Fourth
Fifth Amendment States the right to due process of the law
Which Amendment: States the right to due process of the law Fifth
Sixth Amendment States the right to a public and speedy trial in front of an impartial jury
Which Amendment: States the right to a public and speedy trial in front of an impartial jury Sixth
Seventh Amendment States, in civil lawsuits the right to a jury trial
Which Amendment: States, in civil lawsuits the right to a jury trial Seventh
Eighth Amendment Punishment cannot be excessive (Cruel and unusual) and should fit the crime
Which Amendment: Punishment cannot be excessive (Cruel and unusual) and should fit the crime Eighth
Ninth Amendment Citizens have other rights not necessarily stated in the Bill of Rights
Which Amendment: Citizens have other rights not necessarily stated in the Bill of Rights Ninth
Tenth Amendment Limits the national government to only the powers provided in the United States Constitution
Which Amendment: Limits the national government to only the powers provided in the United States Constitution Tenth
The ________ amendment to the Constitution states that persons convicted of a crime must be mandated to fair punishment that fits the crime. False
True or False: The Bill of Rights only provides for the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the US and does not limit governmental control. False
Define: Economics The study that deals with the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services.
The study that deals with the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services, defines what? Economics
The majority of goods and services are produced by the ________ sector. private
The prices of goods and services are defined by what? Supply and demand
When the population demands more of a product, what happens to the price? It increases
When the population requires less of a product, what happens to the price? It decreases
What are human resources? A person used to accomplish a goal
What are natural resources? An available supply of something (land, water, oil) occurring in nature, often used to create wealth.
What are capital resources? Any asset used in the production of goods and services
Any asset used in the production of goods and services are known as _____________ resources. capital
An available supply of something (land, water, oil) occurring in nature, often used to create wealth are known as ___________ resources. Natural
A person used to accomplish a goal are known as __________ resources. Human
Items that are in short supply are known as __________ resources. Limited
What are limited resources? Items that are in short supply.
What is Free Enterprise? The emphasis of private ownership, supply and demand.
The emphasis of private ownership, supply and demand is the definition of ____________ ________________. Free Enterprise
One company having exclusive control of a particular good or service in a market. Monopoly
What is a monopoly? One company having exclusive control of a particular good or service in a market.
What is inflation? A persistente, general increase in prices over a period of time.
A persistente, general increase in prices over a period of time is known as ________________. Inflation
What is stagflation? High rate of inflation accompanied by rising unemployment.
High rate of inflation accompanied by rising unemployment is known as _________________. Stagflation
A slowing of economic activity is known as a _____________. Recession
What is a recession? A slowing of economic activity
What is scarcity? Insufficient supply or shortage of goods and/or services. Often affected by consumer decision making
Insufficient supply or shortage of goods and/or services. Often affected by consumer decision making is known as ____________. Scarcity
Created by: dcooney
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