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jtGovernment Terms

define chapter one terms

Citizen person belongs to a country
citizenship dates back more than 2,500 years to ancient Greece and Rome
civics the study of the rights and duties of citizens
service economy in the past few decades manufacturing has lost ground
values the general principles, or beliefs,you use to make these juddgments
popular sovereignty individual rights to life,liberty,and pursuit of happiness
Institutions Family, new generation ,socialize the young,offers
naturalization by birth and, for foreign-born people who choose to become citizens,by a legal process
aliens noncitizens,oraliens,live in the united States
Immigrants half a million immigrants-people who move permanenty to a new country-gain American citizenship each year
Deport Every day they live with the fear that government officals will discover and deport them- send them back to their own countries
Government is the ruling authority for a community,or society.
public policy Another function of government is to formulate public policy or a course of governmeant action to achieve community gaols
budget or plan for collecting and spending money,is key to succes of the community
democracy are more thans 2,500 years old.
direct democracy all the citizens met to debate government matters and vote firsthand
representstive democracy citizens choose a smaller group to repre sent them, make laws, and govern on their behalf
republic representative democracy, repubic and constitional republic mean the same thing: a system of limited government in which the people are the ulitmate source of governmental power.
monarchy describes a government with a hereditary rulere-a king,queen,or other royal figure who inherits this position of power
monarchy describes a government with a hereditary rulere-a king,queen,or other royal figure who inherits this position of power
majority rule another principle of our democracy is majority rule
Created by: jerikaturner
Popular American Government sets




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