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CPC Ch. 3

CPC Ch. 3- ICD-9

Acute A condition with a rapid and short course
Anatomical Body site
And meaning "and" or "or"
BMI body Mass Index
Chronic A condition that develops slowly and lasts a long time
Code First Note in the tabular list written in italic requiring the underlying disease if reported first.
Colon: Used in Volume 1 after an incomplete term that needs one or more of the modifiers that follow to make it assignable to a given category.
Combination Code Single code used to classify two diagnoses.
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
E Codes codes reported to identify how an injury occurred and the location . E codes are never sequence first
Etiology Cause of disease
Eponym Disease or syndrome named after a person
Essential Modifiers sub-terms that are listed below the main term in alphabetical order.
Index to diseases Diagnosis codes organized in an Alphabetic index
Late Effect a residual effect or condition produced after the acute portion of an injury or illness has passed
NEC not elsewhere classified-"Other", "Other Specified" 4th 8 5th 9
NOS Not otherwise specified-"unspecified" 4th-9 5th-0
Nonessential Modifiers Sub-terms that follow the main term and are enclosed in parentheses; they can clarify the diagnosis but not required.
Parentheses() Symbol to enclosed supplementary words that may be present or absent in the statement of a disease or procedure.
Rubrics Three Digit Categories
See also Note in the Alphabetic Index that indicates additional inf is available that may provide additional diag. code.
See Note in the alphabetic Index that directs you to a more specific term under which the correct code can be found
Septicemia A systemic disease associated with the microorganisms or toxins in the blood. Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.
Severe Sepsis Sepsis with associated acute organ dysfunction.
[slanted brackets] symbol to indicate multiple codes are required
Tabular List Diagnosis codes organized in numerical order
Unspecified Codes(usually 4th digit 9 or 5th digit0) are used when the info. in the medical record is not available for coding more specifically
Use Additional Code Note in the tabular list instructs you to report a second code, if the inf. is available, to provide a more complete picture of the diag.
V Codes Codes used to describe circumstances or conditions that could influence patient care.
Volume 1 Referred to as the Tabular List
Volume 2 Referred to as the Alphabetic Index or Index to Disease
Volume 3 Referred to as the Alphabetic Index and Tabular List of Procedure; used by inpatient coders.
With "associated with" or "due to" in a code title in the Alphabetic Index or an instructional note in the tabular list.
WHO World Health Organization. Organization uses to track morbidity and Mortality.
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition.
Appendix A Morphology of Neoplasms
Appendix B Deleted effective October 1, 2004. Replaced by the DSM-4.
Appendix C Classification of Drugs by American Hospital Formulary Service List Numbers.
Appendix D Classification of Industrial Accidnts.
Appendix E List of Three-Digit Categories.
NCHS National Centers for Health Statistics. After 1977, along with CMS they track and update ICD-9-CM guidelines
London Bills of Mortality 17th Century, to collect information on the most frequent causes of death.
Manifestation Shows up for some other underlying disease.
AHFS American Hospital Formulary Service List
Sepsis Whole body inflammatory state. It generally refers to SIRS that is due to an infection.
Created by: cyndimarie21
Popular Medical sets




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