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SAT Vocab Unit 9

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allocate (v.)to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute SYNONYMS:assign, allot, distribute
ardent (adj.) very enthusiastic, impassioned SYNONYMS:intense, fervent, avid ANTONYMS:indifferent, stolid, phlegmatic, apathetic
assiduous (adj.) persistent, attentive, diligent SYNONYMS:industrious, unremitting, sedulous ANTONYMS:lazy, lackadaisical, shiftless
brash (adj.)prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent SYNONYMS:rash, impetuous, brazen ANTONYMS:prudent, wary, circumspect
capricious (adj.) subject to whims or passing fancies SYNONYMS:impulsive, fickle, unpredictable, mercurial ANTONYMS:constant, steady, unwavering
chastise (v.) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely SYNONYMS:discipline, censure ANTONYMS:commend, reward
copious (adj.) abundant, plentiful, wordy, verbose SYNONYMS:ample, profuse, bountiful ANTONYMS:inadequate, meager, scanty, concise
deviate (v.) to turn aside, to stray from a norm (n.) one who departs from a norm (adj.) differing from a norm, heterodox, unconventional SYNONYMS:(v.) diverge, veer swerve ANTONYMS:(v.) conform to, abide by (adj.) orthodox
emaciated (adj., part.) unnaturally thin SYNONYMS:withered, shriveled ANTONYMS:plump, fat, obese, corpulent
exult (v.) to rejoice greatly SYNONYMS:revel, glory ANTONYMS:mope, sulk, regret, rue, lament
gnarled (adj.) knotted, twisted, lumpy SYNONYMS:knotty, misshapen, contorted ANTONYMS:smooth, unblemished, straight
indemnity (n.) a payment for damage or loss SYNONYMS:compensation, reparation
inkling (n.) a hint, a vague notion SYNONYMS:clue, intimation, suggestion
limpid (adj.) clear, transparent, readily understood SYNONYMS:Lucid, intelligible ANTONYMS:murky, opaque
omnipotent (adj.) almighty, having unlimited power or authority SYNONYMS:all powerful ANTONYMS:powerless, impotent, weak
palatable (adj.) agreeable to the taste or one's sensibilities; suitable for consumption SYNONYMS:edible, appetizing, attractive ANTONYMS:inedible, distasteful, disagreeable
poignant (adj.) deeply affecting, touching, keen or sharp taste or smell SYNONYMS:heartrending, melancholy ANTONYMS:unaffecting, bland, vapid, insipid, funny
rancor (n.) bitter resentment or ill-will SYNONYMS:animosity, enmity, bitterness ANTONYMS:goodwill, harmony, rapport, amity
sophomoric (adj.) immature and overconfident; conceited SYNONYMS:pretentious, superficial, fatuous ANTONYMS:mature, judicious, knowledgeable
spontaneous (adj.) arising naturally, not planned or engineered in advance SYNONYMS:unpremeditated, unplanned, impromptu ANTONYMS:premeditated, planned, contrived
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