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LEA Quiz 2

Pelvis Osteology, Thigh Osteology, and Syndesmology

What is compromised of 2 pelvic (hip) bones (the os coxae), 1 sacrum, and 1 coccyx? Pelvis
What functions to contain and protect pelvic organs and aids in locomotion via force transfer? Pelvis
What is made up of 2 pelvic bones and functions to attach the lower limbs to the trunk? Pelvic girdle
What consists of 5 vertebrae fused into one wedge-shaped bone, forms a primary curvature of spinal column (same direction as fetal curvature), is recognized by its distinctive shape, and is used to determine gender? Sacrum
Does a sacrum with a narrower base, longer length, and greater curvature belong to a male or female? Male
Does a sacrum with a wider base, shorter length, and less curvature belong to a male or female? Female
The _______ of the sacrum is the superior end and articulates with L-5 vertebra. base
The _______ of the sacrum is the inferior end and articulates with the coccyx. apex
What consists of 4 vertebrae fused into 2 or 3 segments and is also known as the tail bone? Coccyx
The _______ of the coccyx is the superior end and articulates with the apex of the sacrum. base
The _______ of the coccyx is the inferior end. apex
The surface of which structure is concave side to side and superior to inferior? Anterior surface of the sacrum
What structures are formed by fusion of the vertebral bodies and is the last area in the body to complete ossification? Transverse ridges of the sacrum (4)
Holes at the the anterolateral sacral canal that allow passage of the ventral rami S-1 through S-4 is called what? Anterior sacral foramina (4 pair)
What is the anterior superior edge of S-1 vertebra and projects in an anteroinferior direction in body? Sacral promontory
The fused transverse processes of S-1 vertebrae that are lateral expansions from the base of the sacrum are called what? Sacral alae (ala means wing)
What are unfused structures that are part of the posterior aspect, visible from anterior side, and have their articular surface posteriorly? Superior articular processes of the sacrum
T or F: There are no true features of the anterior surface of cocyx. True
What is the spinal canal of the sacrum for passage of cauda equina? Sacral canal
What are the fused spinous processes of S-1 through S-4 that project from the midline of the sacrum called? Median sacral crest
What is the inferior opening of the sacral canal, formed by the lamina and spinous processes from S-5 that do not fuse, and is used for passage of meninges and spinal nerves as well as an area of attachment for filum terminale called? Sacral hiatus
What are small projections at the lateral margins of the sacral hiatus and are formed by ligamentous attachment? Sacral cornu
What allows for passage of dorsal rami S-1 through S-4? Posterior sacral foramina (4 pair)
What is formed by fusion of the superior and inferior articular processes and project at the medial edge of the dorsal sacral foramina and lateral to the median sacral crest? Intermediate sacral crest
What is the depressed area between median and intermediate sacral crests that is formed by fusion of the vertebral laminae S-1 through S-4 called? Sacral groove
What is formed by fusion of the transverse processes and project lateral to the dorsal sacral foramina? Lateral sacral crest
What are the superior articular processes of Co-1 vertebra that articulate with sacral cornu via ligamentous attachment? Coccygeal cornu
What is the anterior part of the lateral surface of the sacrum and coccyx, articulates with the pelvic bone, part of the sacroiliac joint, a synovial joint, planar, functional diarthrosis? Auricular surface of the sacrum and coccyx
What is the posterior part of the lateral surface of the sacrum and coccyx and is an attachment point for ligaments? Sacral tuberosity
What are all present at birth and are in each vertebral body, each of the lamina (vertebral arches forming the sacral canal), and each segment of the lateral masses (costal elements)? Primary centers of ossification
What appear between puberty and age 18 (late as 20), are in the tips of the spinous processes + transverse processes, epiphyseal rings, & epiphyseal plates on the lateral surface & are all fused by 25 except transverse ridges which take until middle age? Secondary centers of ossification
What is another name for pelvic bone? Os coxa or innominate bone
What articulates posteriorly with the lateral surface of the sacrum, anteriorly with the symphyseal surface of the other pelvic bone, laterally with the femoral head, is composed of three bones fused into one, and is recognized by its distinct shape? Pelvic bone
What is the large superior portion of the pelvic bone? Ilium (not ileum)
What is the central part (more inferior) part of the ilium? Iliac body
What is the wing (large flattened part) of the ilium? Iliac ala
What is the posteroinferior portion of the pelvic bone? Ischium
What is the posterosuperior part of the ischium (triangular in a cross-sectional view)? Ischial body
What is the external surface of the ischial body that faces laterally called? Femoral surface of the ischial body
What is the internal surface of the ischial body that faces medially called? Pelvic surface of the ischial body
What is the posterior surface of the ischial body called? Dorsal surface of the ischial body
What is the anteroinferior projection of the ischium called? Ischial ramus
What is the external surface of the ischial ramus that faces laterally and is rough from soft tissue attachment called? Anterior surface of the ischial ramus
What is the internal surface of the ischial ramus that faces medially and is a smooth area called? Posterior surface of the ischial ramus
What is the anteroinferior portion of the pelvic bone called? Pubis
What is the large anteromedial part of the pubis called? Pubic body
What is the flattened medial surface of the pubic body that articulates with other symphyseal surface at the pubic symphysis called? Symphyseal surface of the pubic body
What is the anterior/external surface of the pubic body called? Femoral surface of the pubic body
What is the posterior/internal surface of the pubic body called? Pelvic surface of the pubic body
What is the superior posterolateral projection of the pubis called? Superior pubic ramus
What is the anterior surface at the medial end of the superior pubic ramus which spirals to an inferior position at the lateral end and is the continuation of the femoral surfafce of the body called? Obturator surface of the superior pubic ramus
What is the superior surface of the superior pubic ramus that is narrow medially and expands laterally called? Pectineal surface of the superior pubic ramus
What is the internal surface of the superior pubic ramus that is wide medially and narrows laterally called? Pelvic surface of the superior pubic ramus
What is the inferoposterolateral projection of the pubis that joins the ischial ramus called? Inferior pubic ramus
Together the inferior pubic ramus and the ischial ramus may be referred to as what? Conjoined ramus or ischiopubic ramus
T or F: It is possible to distinguish the ilium, ischium, and pubis after fusion. False
What structure is the superior border of the ilium or of the ilia ala, can be palpated along its entire length, and is called the hip bone by most patients? Iliac crest
What is the anterior rounded end of the iliac crest, can be palpated, often used as a reference point to measure limb length, and is used for attachment of ligaments and muscle? Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
What is the posterior rounded end of the iliac crest, can be palpated, but may be difficult, lies beneath the skin dimple at the low back and is used for the attachment of ligaments and muscle? Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS)
What is the small projection on the anterior border of the ileum just inferior to the ASIS, can often be palpated just medial and inferior to the ASIS depending upon weight, and is used for the attachment of muscles and ligaments? Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
What is the small projection on the posterior border of the ilium just inferior to the posterior superior iliac spine? Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine (PIIS)
What is the flattened internal or pelvic surface of the ala (wing) of the ilium and is used for attachment of a muscle? Iliac fossa
What is the roughened area on the posteromedial surface of the ilium, posterior to the iliac fossa and anterior to the PSIS and is used for the attachment of ligaments? Iliac tuberosity
What is the synovial joint surface on the posteromedial surface of the ilium, posterior to the iliac fossa and inferior to the level of the PSIS and is used for articulation with the auricular surface of the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint? Auricular surface
What is used as an age indicator with young people having well defined edges and surfaces while old people have irregular surfaces and edges with pitting and lipping? Auricular surface
What is the small sharp projection on the posterior border of the ischium, is inferior to the posterior inferior iliac spine, and is used for the attachment of ligaments? Ischial spine
What is the large concavity posteriorly, intermediate to the posterior inferior iliac spine & the ischial spine, closed by the sacrospinous ligament to form the greater sciatic foramen, then allows passage of neurovascular structures & the piriformis m.? Greater sciatic notch
What is used to determine gender with males having narrow, V shaped, 40-60 degree angles while females have wide, L-shaped, 70-90 degree angled ones? Greater sciatic notch
What's the large blunt projection on the posterior inferior aspect of the ischium that is weight-bearing when seated (the area of "saddle sore"), can be palpated thru the soft tissue at the inferomedial gluteal region, & for attachment of ligament & mm. Ischial tuberosity
What is the small concavity intermediate to the ischial spine and the ischial tuberosity, is closed by the sacrotuberous ligament to form the lesser sciatic foramen, then allows passage of neurovascular structures and obturator internus m. Lesser sciatic notch
What is the large hole in the pelvic bone formed by the ischial ramus, the ischial body, the pubic body, and the pubic rami, and is covered by the obturator membrane? Obturator foramen
What is the small, roughened ridge at the anterior surface of the pubis, extends from the symphyseal surface to the pubic tubercle, can be palpated at the anteroinferior aspect of the abdomen, and is used for attachment of ligaments & muscle? Pubic crest
What is the small prominence at the lateral edge of the pubic crest, can be palpated about 1" from the median plane, and is used for the attachment of ligaments? Pubic tubercle
What separates the iliac body and ala? Arcuate line
What is the border between the pectineal and pelvic surfaces of the pubis & is continuous with the arcuate line of the ilium via the iliopectineal line? Pecten pubis / Pectineal line of the pubis
What is a rise located at the junction of the iliac body & the superior pubic ramus, the iliopectineal line transverses its medial edge & connects the pectineal line with the arcuate line? Iliopectineal eminence / Iliopubic eminence
What can be used to determine gender with males being robust and wide as viewed from above with females being gracile and narrow as viewed from above? Iliopectineal eminence / Iliopubic eminence
What is central at the inferior part of the superior ramus of the pubic, at the superior edge of the obturator foramen, closed to form the obturator canal by the obturator membrane, then allows the passage of neurovascular structures? Obturator groove / Obturator sulcus
What is the flat surface on the medial surface of the pubic body and is used for articulation with the symphyseal surface of the opposite pelvic bone at the pubic symphysis, a secondary cartilaginous joint? Symphyseal surface
What is a prominence at the lateral lip of the iliac crest 1" to 2" posterior to the ASIS, can often be palpated at the superior lateral margin of the iliac crest, and is used for attachment of ligaments and muscles? Iliac tubercle
What is the shortest marking line on the external iliac ala, is directed anteroinferiorly from near the posterior superior iliac spine to the level of the posterior inferior iliac spine, and separates muscle attachments? Posterior gluteal line
What is the longest and most distinct markig line on external iliac ala, is directed posteroinferiorly from the iliac tubercle to the superior margin of the greater sciatic notch, sometimes continues anteriorly to the ASIS & separates muscle attachments? Anterior gluteal line
What is the large cup-like depression where the three bones meet and articulates with the femur at the hip joint, a synovial spheroid joint? Acetabulum
What part of the acetabulum is formed by the body of the ilium? Superior 2/5 or 40% of the acetabulum
What part of the acetabulum is formed by the body of the ischium? Posterior inferior 2/5 or 40% of the acetabulum
What part of the acetabulum is formed by the superior pubic ramus? Anterior inferior 1/5 or 20% of the acetabulum
What is the smooth, crescent-shaped, synovial articular surface of the acetabulum that articulates with the femoral head? Lunate surface of the acetabulum
What is the roughened central depression within the acetabulum, formed mostly by the ischial body, and for passage of ligament and neurovascular structures? Acetabular fossa of the acetabulum
What is the depressed area between the ends of the lunate surface that is formed mostly by the ischial body and is closed to the acetabular foramen by the transverse acetabular ligament and is used for the passage of neurovascular structures? Acetabular notch of the acetabulum
What is the outer, raised edge of the acetabulum and is used for attachment of ligaments and muscles? Acetabular rim of the acetabulum
What is the sharp border between the pectineal and obturator surfaces of the pubic and is at the anterior edge of the obturator groove? Obturator crest
The pelvic bone ossifies from ___ primary centers and ____ secondary centers. 3, 5
There is one of what in each component bone? Primary center of ossification
The primary center of ossification of the ilium in the iliac ala appears when? Near 9th fetal week
The primary center of ossification of the ischium in the ischial body appears when? Early 4th fetal month
The primary center of ossification of the pubis in the superior pubic ramus appears when? Late 4th fetal month
What appear near puberty and fuse from ages 15 to 25 years? Secondary centers of ossification
What are the three primary centers of ossification in the pelvic bone? 1. Ilium 2. Ischium 3. Pubis
What are the five primary centers of ossification in the pelvic bone? 1. Iliac crest 2. Acetabulum 3. Pubic symphysis 4. Ischial tuberosity 5. AIIS
What is is called when in a living being, the pelvic is situated so that the ASIS and the pubic tubercles lie in the same coronal/frontal plane with the pelvic appearing to be tilted forward? Anatomic position
What is the entrance to the true pelvic called? Brim of the pelvis / Pelvic inlet
What are the structures that divide the pelvis into superior and inferior portion? Linea terminalis, imaginary line, and imaginary line
What is the continuous line of the lateral and anterior walls of the pelvis, internally? Linea terminalis
The linea terminalis is formed by which four separate structures that align end to end? 1. Arcuate line 2. Iliopectineal line 3. pectineal line/pecten pubis 4. Pubic crest
What lies across the sacral promontory and sacral alae (from one arcuate line to the other arcuate line? Imaginary line
What lies across the symphysis pubis from one pubic crest to the other pubic crest? Imaginary line
What is the pelvic area superior to the pelvic brim, located superior and anterior to the lesser pelvis, and is formed primarily by the iliac alae? Greater pelvis / False pelvis
What is the pelvic area inferior to the pelvic brim, located posterior and inferior to the greater pelvic, and is formed by the pubic bones, ischial bones, iliac bodies, sacrum and coccyx? Lesser pelvis / True pelvis
What is the inferior opening (exit) of the true pelvis and the border between the pelvis and perineum? Pelvic Outlet
The pelvic outlet is shaped like what in males? Heart shaped
The pelvic outlet is shaped like what in females? Oval shaped
A narrow, inverted V-shape would describe a male or female's pelvis? Male
A wide, inverted U-shape would describe a male or female's pelvis? Female
What is the bone of the thigh, largest bone in the body, and is recognized by the angled head and the trochanters? Femur
For the femur, what is the smooth ball-like knob that articulates with the os coxa at the lunate surface of the acetabulum? Head / Proximal epiphysis
In the head of the femur, what is the depression at the medial edge that is for attachment of ligament and passage of a vessel? Fovea capitis femoris
What is the cylindrical part of the femur connecting the head with the body (shaft)? Neck
In the femur, what is the large lateral bony projection at the junction of the neck and shaft, can be palpated at the lateral aspect of the hip, and is for attachment of ligament and muscle? Greater trochanter / Trochanter major
What is the small posteromedial projection of the femur at the junction of the neck and shaft and is for attachment of muscle? Lesser trochanter / Trochanter minor
What is the ridge from the greater trochanter to just inferior to the lesser trochanter and is for attachment of ligament and muscle? Intertrochanteric line
What is the smooth, cylindrical area of the femur called? Shaft / Diaphysis
What is the inferior end of the femur and is primarily smooth for articulation with the tibia at the knee joint? Distal extremity / Distal epiphysis
What is the medial part of the epiphysis of the femur that can be easily palpated at the medial aspect of the knee joint and is a synovial bicondylar joint? Medial condyle
What is the prominence on the medial aspect of the medial condyle of the femur, can be palpated at the proximomedial aspect of the knee and is for attachment of the medial collateral ligament? Medial epicondyle
What is the small sharp prominence at the superior edge of the medial epicondyle of the femur that can determine the area but is too surrounded by muscle to palpate it and is for attachment of muscle? Adductor tubercle
What is the lateral part of the epiphysis of the femur and is easily palpated at the lateral aspect of the knee joint? Lateral condyle
What is the prominence at the lateral aspect of the lateral condyle of the femur that can easily be palpated at the proximolateral aspect of the knee and is for attachment of the lateral collateral ligament? Lateral epicondyle
What is the smooth anterior surface of the condyles for articulation with the patella and can be palpated at the margins with the knee flexed? Patellar surface
What is on the medial surface of the greater trochanter where it meets the neck of the femur, is the more posterior and more distinct depression, and is for attachment of the obturator externus muscle? Trochanteric fossa
Where does the medial collateral ligament attach? Medial epicondyle
Where does the lateral collateral ligament attach? Lateral epicondyle
Where does the obturator externus muscle attach? Trochanteric fossa
What is on the medial surface of the greater trochanter just anterior to the trochanteric fossa; sometimes very ill-defined and is for attachment of three muscles: superior and inferior gemellus muscles and the obturator internus muscle? Unnamed fossa
Where does the superior gemellus muscle, obturator internus muscle, and inferior gemellus muscle attach? Unnamed fossa
What is the ridge from the greater trochanter to the lesser trochanter (posteriorly)? Intertrochanteric crest
What is the small square-shaped projection about midway along the intertrochanteric crest and is for attachment of muscle? Quadrate tubercle
What is the ridge consisting of three lines that passes lengthwise along the entire shaft of the femur on its posterior surface and is for attachment of muscle? Linea aspera
What is the medial edge of the linea aspera and is for muscular attachment? Medial lip
What is the superior continuation of the medial lip of the linea aspera and is continuous with the intertrochanteric line anteriorly? Spiral line
What is the inferior continuation of the medial lip of the linea aspera and ends at the adductor tubercle? Medial supracondylar line
What is the central line of the linea aspera (very short length), only well-defined superiorly, and is for muscular attachment? Intermediate lip
What is the superior continuation of the intermediate lip of the linea aspera and ends at the lesser trochanter? Pectineal line of the femur
What is the lateral edge of the linea aspera and is for muscular attachment? Lateral lip
What is the superior continuation of the lateral lip; also has medial and lateral divisions? Gluteal tuberosity
If the gluteal tuberosity is enlarged, it is called what? Gluteal trochanter / Third trochanter
What is the inferior continuation of the lateral lip of the linea aspera and ends at the lateral epicondyle? Lateral supracondylar line
What is the posterior inferior surface of the shaft of the femur? Popliteal surface
What is the hole directed superiorly bc it angles away from the more rapidly growing end of the bone, usually near the midpoint of the femur & between the medial & lateral lips of the linea aspera & allows passage of vessels to nourish the shaft? Nutrient foramen
T or F: There may be more than more than one nutrient foramen. True (may be two: in which case one is more proximal and one more distal)
What is the large depression between the medial and lateral condyles and provides attachment for the cruciate ligaments? Intercondylar notch / Intercondylar fossa
The cruciate ligaments attach where? Intercondylar notch / Intercondylar fossa
What is the superior edge of the intercondylar fossa and is for attachment of the oblique popliteal ligament? Intercondylar line
Where does the oblique popliteal ligament attach? Intercondylar line
How many regular centers of ossification does the femur have? 5
The secondary centers of the femur _____ ___ ________ _______ of appearance between the 16th and 20th years, generally earlier in women. fuse in reverse order
When do the secondary ossification centers of the femur fuse? Between the 16th and 20th years
T or F: The secondary ossification centers of the femur generally fuse earlier in men. False. (generally earlier in women)
What is in the shaft of the femur, near midshaft and appears during the 7th fetal week (intrauterine)? Primary center of ossification
When does the primary center of ossification of the femur appear? 7th fetal week (intrauterine)
What many secondary centers of ossification does the femur have? 4
When does the secondary center of ossification of the femoral condyles appear? appears near birth, may be one or two
When does the secondary center of ossification of the head of the femur appear? appears by 1st year
When does the secondary center of ossification of the greater trochanter appear? appears between the 4th and 5th years
When does the secondary center of ossification of the lesser trochanter appear? appears between the 12th and 14th years
What is it called when in living beings, the head & neck are angled in an anteromedial direction & the distal extremity is positioned medially near the midsagittal plane (with the 2 femoral condyles resting on a horizontal surface, parallel to the floor)? Bicondylar angle / Carrying angle
What can be used to determine bipedal locomotion? Bicondylar angle / Carrying angle
Only humans and their fossil ancestors have what? A femoral bicondylar angle
What is the earliest evidence of a femoral bicondylar angle? 4.4 million years b.p (Australopithecus ramidus)
What is the average bicondylar angle in modern humans in the frontal plane? 9-10 degrees
What is the average and range for bicondylar angle in males? Avg: 9.4 degrees, range: 7.5-11 degrees
What is the average and range for bicondylar angle in females? Avg: 10.5 degrees, range: 8-13 degrees
What is the range for bicondylar angle in fossil ancestors? 9-15 degrees
What is the range for bicondylar angle in Great Apes? 0-2 degrees
The __________ the bicondylar angle (carrying angle) the less efficient the bipedalism. smaller
What is the angle formed by the long axis of the head and neck with the long axis of the shaft in a frontal plane view and varies with age? Angle of inclination
What is the angle of inclination at birth? about 150 degrees
What is the range for angle of inclination at adulthood 125-129 degrees
The angle of inclination is ________ at birth and __________ until adulthood. greater, decreases
The angle of inclination relates to what? Joint mobility
A high angle of inclination conveys __________ joint mobility. greater
Smaller angle of inclination can be an indicator of __________ ____________ of femoral head. avascular necrosis
What is the angle formed by the long axis of the head and neck with the line of the bicondylar plane (usually the coronal plane of the condyles), viewed on end, a transverse plane view, and measures the amount of longitudinal twisting in the bone? Angle of femoral torsion / Angle of declination
The angle of femoral torsion (angle of declination) _______ with age; ________ at birth (internal about 40 degrees), __________ into adulthood (internal about 10 degrees). varies, greater, decreases
What can change the limb's angle of gaint, intoe or outtoe? Angle of femoral torsion / Angle of declination
What is the angle of femoral torsion (angle of declination) at birth? internal about 40 degrees
What is the angle of femoral torsion (angle of declination) at adulthood? internal about 10 degrees
A large angle of femoral torsion (angle of declination) results in what? Anteversion
Negative to small angle of femoral torsion (angle of declination) results in what? Retroversion
The ________ the anteversion the more the ____________ ___________ is positioned medially. greater, lesser trochanter
What is the anterior thickening of the sacroliac joint capsule (joint between the auricular surfaces of the sacrum and the ilium) and stabilizes the sacroiliac joint? Ventral sacroiliac ligament
What joint is located between the auricular surfaces of the sacrum and the ilium? Sacroiliac joint capsule
What extends from the PSIS, PIIS, the dorsolateral aspect of the sacrum and the dorsolateral aspect of the cocyx to the ischial tuberosity? Sacrotuberous ligament
The sacrotuberous ligament and sacrospinous ligament _________ the sacroiliac joint and prevent __________ _________ of the pelvic bone. stabilize, superior rotation
The sacrotuberous ligament closes the __________ sciatic notch and forms the _____________ sciatic foramen which allows for the passage of a muscle and neurovascular structures. lessser, lesser
What extends from the dorsolateral margin of the inferior one-half of the sacrum and the dorsolateral margin of the coccyx to the ischial spine? Sacrospinous ligament
The sacrospinous ligament closes the __________ sciatic notch and forms the _____________ sciatic foramen which allows for the passage of a muscle and neurovascular structures. greater, greater
What extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle and is the division between the hip and thigh regions, anteriorly? Inguinal ligament / Poupart's ligament
What is the most medial portion of the inguinal ligament where the fibers change direction and pass inferiorly? Lacunar ligament / Gimbernat's ligament
What is the extension of the lacunar ligament along the pubic pectineal line? Pectineal ligament / Cooper's ligament
The iliolumbar ligament stabilizes which joint? Sacroiliac joint
What extends from the anterior aspect of the 5th lumbar vertebra to the posterior part of the internal lip of the iliac crest? Upper band of the iliolumbar ligament
What extends form the anterior aspect of the 5th lumbar vertebra to the anterolateral aspect of the sacrum, superiorly? Lower band of the iliolumbar ligament
The dorsal sacroiliac ligament stabilizes which joint? Sacroiliac joint
What extends from the lateral crests off 3rd and 4th sacral vertebrae to the posterior superior iliac spine? Long dorsal sacroiliac ligament
What extends from the intermediate and lateral crests of 1st and 2nd sacral vertebrae to the posterior superior iliac spine and the internal lip of the iliac crest posteriorly? Short dorsal sacroiliac ligament
What extends from the sacral tuberosity to the iliac tuberosity and is a very strong ligament? Interosseous sacroiliac ligament
What is a sheet of deep fascia that covers most of the obturator foramen, is for muscular attachment, and closes the obturator groove to form the obturator canaland allows passage of the obturator nerve and obturator artery? Obturator membrane
What extends from one pubic tubercle to the other and stabilizes the pubic symphysis? Superior pubic ligament
What connects the inferior borders of the pubic symphysis and stabilizes the pubic symphysis? Arcuate pubic ligament
What is the articulation between the auricular surface of the ilium and the auricular surface of the sacrum? Sacroiliac joint
The sacroiliac joint is at what vertebral levels? S-1 through S-3
The articular surfaces of the sacroiliac joint are covered by __________ (instead of _________ cartilage) and adhesions form across the joints with age. fibrocartilage, hyaline
T or F: The capsule of the sacroiliac joint attaches at margins of each surface. True
The sacroiliac joint is located between the lateral masses of the sacrum and the posterior portion of iliac alae and is structurally what type of joint? Structural synovial planar joint
What type of functional joint is the sacroiliac joint? Functional diarthrosis
The sacroiliac joint has ___ ligaments with ____ intrinsic ligament, ___ extrinsic ligaments, and ____ accessory ligaments. 5, 1, 2, 2
What is a thickening of the joint capsule anteriorly, reinforces the sacroiliac joint anteriorly, and is thicker at the pelvic brim, arcuate line? Ventral sacroiliac ligament
What is a very strong, thick ligament that stabilizes the sacroiliac joint and is sometimes considered a syndesmosis? Interosseous sacroiliac ligament
What is separated from the joint capsule by the interosseous sacroiliac ligament and reinforces the sacroiliac joint posteriorly? Dorsal sacroiliac ligament
What two ligaments prevent superior rotation of the pelvic bone on the sacrum during weight-bearing to aid in stabilizing the sacroiliac joint? Sacrospinous ligament + Sacrotuberous ligament
What two ligaments provide additional stability to the sacroiliac joint that is important when weight bearing force and body weight pass through the acetabulum and femoral head at differing angles? Sacrospinous ligament + Sacrotuberous ligament
What is the name of the only intrinsic ligament of the sacro iliac joint? Ventral sacroiliac ligament
What are the two extrinsic ligaments of the sacroiliac joint? Interosseous sacroliac ligament + dorsal sacroiliac ligament
What are the two accessory ligaments of the sacroiliac joint? Sacrospinous ligament + Sacrotuberous ligament
What is the articulation located between the symphyseal surfaces of the pubic bodies and provides partial attachment for some thigh muscles? Symphysis pubis / Pubic symphysis
Each joint surface of the pubic symphysis is covered with _______ _____________ that blends with a central pad of __________, the __________ _________. hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, interpubic disc
Fibers of the symphysis pubis strengthen the joint ____________. anteriorly
The symphysis pubis is structurally what type of joint? Structural fibrous syndesmosis joint
The pubic symphysis is functionally what type of joint? Functional amphiarthrosis
What are the names of the ligaments that comprise the pubic symphysis? Superior pubic ligament + Arcuate pubic ligament
What provides stability at the superior end of the joint from pubic tubercle to pubic tubercle? Superior pubic ligament
What provides stability at the inferior end of the joint, blends with the interpubic disc inferiorly, and from inferior pubic ramus to inferior pubic ramus? Arcuate pubic ligament
The lateral sacral crest is formed by fusion of what? Transverse processes
What is the range for the angle of the greater sciatic notch in males? 40-60 degrees
What is the range for the angle of the greater sciatic notch in females? 70-90 degrees
The sacral groove is formed by fusion of what? Vertebral laminae S-1 through S-4
The sacral hiatus is formed by what? Lamina and spinous procsses from S-5 that do not fuse
The greater or false pelvis is primarily formed by what? Iliac alae
The intermediate sacral crest is formed by fusion of what? Superior and inferior articular processes
Created by: sam41990
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