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ComD 321

Test #1

Where is striated msucle tissue found? Boney Skeleon
Striated muscle is voluntary or involuntary? voluntary muscle
Striated muscle can contract to.. 1/2 of it's orginal size
Smooth muscle is found where? Viscera (guts) organs, and Cardiovascular systems vessels
Smooth muscles is voluntary or involuntary Involuntary
Smooth muscle is striated or non-striated non-striated
Cardiac Muscle is found where? Walls of the heart
Cardiac muscle is voluntary or involuntary? Involuntary
Cardiac looks like? Striated
Compact Dense outer layer -- hard
Periosteum outer covering of compact bone
Marrow Spongy inside of bones
How many bones are in the human skeleton? 206
Axial skull contains hyoid bone, rib cage, vertebral column
Appendicular-pectoral girdle contains clavical, scapula, upper extermities, pelvic girdle. and lower extermities
Matrix Substance inside the bone that is mmixed with minerals (salts). It makes the bones hard
Synarthrodial Immoviable
Amphierthrodial Yeilding
Diarthrodial Freely moving
Fibrous EX. Cranial sutures
Cartilaginous Ex. Vertebral column
Synovial Fluid Protects the joint from impact and friction, Provides nourishment, lubricates the joint.
Nervous tissue is made up of Nerve cells --neurons
Neurons are comprised of Cell Body, Dendrites, Axon, Terminal
Glial acts as support cells of NS, Form myelin on the axons of neurons,
Dendrites Recieve electrical signals and conduct those signals toward the cell body
Cell body Houses the nucleus and a number of organelles critical to the function of the nuron
Axon projects off the cell body and transmits the electrical signal down the axon in one direction toward the terminal
Terminal Is adequately stimulated releases a chemical to carry the message to the next nearon in line
Impulse When the axon transmits information
Synapse Interactiong between the terminal and another neuron or muscle
Myelin Insulation covering found on axons, made of glial cells, significant to transmit signals rapidly
Neurotransmitters Chemical released by terminal.
Why are neurotransmitters needed? For contraction of the muscle to take place
Neuromuschular synapse Synapse between motor neurons and the muscles
Motor unit A given motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it intervates
CNS Brain and spinal cord
PNS Visceral and somatic
Visceral can futher be divided into motor and sensory
Visceral motor can be divided into sympathic and parasympathic
Somatic can be divided into motor and sensory
Created by: katiejoybailey
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