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Bases: Med. Term.
Medical Terminology from Greek and Latin Roots. Bases. (GREEK in all caps)
Base | Definition | Corresponding Latin Noun |
abdomin- | abdomen | |
ACROMI- | acromion, the extremity of the shoulder | |
ADEN- | gland | |
adip- | fat | |
AER- | air, gas | |
al- | wing, any wing-like structure | f. ala, -ae |
alb- | white | |
alveol- | alveoli, terminal air sacs | m. alveolus, -i |
AMBLY- | dull, dim, blunt | (blank) |
AMNI-, AMNION- | amnion; amniotic fluid | (blank) |
AMYL- | starch | (blank) |
an- | anus | (blank) |
ANDR- | male, man | (blank) |
ANGI- | (blood) vessel, duct | (blank) |
anter- | before, in the forward part | (blank) |
aort-, aortic- | aorta | f. aorta, -ae |
ARTHR- | joint | (blank) |
articul- | joint | f. articultio, articulationis |
ASTRAGAL- | ankle, bones of teh ankle joint | m. astragalus, -i |
atri- | atrium (a chamber of the heart) | n. atrium, -i |
aur- | ear | (blank) |
AUX- | increase | (blank) |
bacill- | rod, rod-shaped bacterium | m. bacillus, -i |
BAR- | weight, pressure | (blank) |
BAS- | bse, basic (i.e. non-acidic) | (blank) |
BI- | life; living organism, microbe | (blank) |
bil-, bili- | bile | (blank) |
BLAST- | precursor cell; primitive cell or layer | (blank) |
BLENN- | mucus | (blank) |
BLEPHAR- | eyelid | (blank) |
BRACHI- | slow | (blank) |
BRONCH- | bronchus (major airway within the lungs) | m. bronchus, -i |
BRONCHIOL- | bronchiole (smaller airways in the lungs) | m. bronchiolus, -i |
bucc- | cheek | f. bucca, -ae |
burs- | fluid-filled sac, bursa | f. bursa, -ae |
calc-, calci- | calcium | (blank) |
calcane- | heel bone | m. calcaneus, -i |
capil- | capillary | (blank) |
CARCIN- | cancer | (blank) |
CARDI- | heart | (blank) |
CARDI- | cardiac (proximal) portion of stomach | (blank) |
CARP- | wrist, bones of the wrist | m. carpus, -i |
caud- | tail, lower end of the body | (blank) |
cec-, caec- | cecum | n. cecum, -i |
CELI- | abdomen | (blank) |
centr- | center | (blank) |
CEPHAL- | head | (blank) |
cerebell- | cerebellum, posteroinferior portion of brain; "little brain" | n. cerebellum, -i |
cerebr- | cerebrum, largest portion of brain; cerebral hemispheres; brain | n. cerebrum, -i |
cervic- | neck | f. cervix, cervicis |
cervic- | cervix of the uterus | cervix uteri |
CHEIL- | lips | (blank) |
CHEM- | chemical, chemistry | (blank) |
CHIER-, CHIR- | hand | (blank) |
CHLOR- | green | (blank) |
CHOLE-, CHOL- | bile | (blank) |
CHOLECYST- | gall bladder | (blank) |
CHONDR- | cartilage, costal cartilage | (blank) |
CHOLEDOCH- | common bile duct | (blank) |
CHROM-, CHROMAT- | color, pigment | (blank) |
CHRON- | time | (blank) |
CIRRH- | orangish-yellow, tawny | (blank) |
clavicul- | clavicle, collar bone | f. clavicula, -ae |
CLEID- | clavicle | (blank) |
CLON- | clone, genetically identical descendent of a single parent cell, to produce such progeny | (blank) |
cocc- | spherical bacterium | m. coccus, -i |
COL- | colon, large intestine | (blank) |
COLL-, COLLA- | glue | (blank) |
COLP- | vagina | (blank) |
CONI- | dust | (blank) |
conjunctiv- | conjunctive; the mucous membrane covering the eyeball | f. conjunctiva, -ae |
COPR- | feces; filthy, dirty | (blank) |
cord- | heart | n. cor, cordis |
CORE-, COR- | pupil of the eye | (blank) |
corne- | cornea | f. cornea, -ae |
cort-, cortic- | cortex, outer layer of a structure or organ | (blank) |
cost- | rib | f costa, -ae |
cox- | hip bone, the hip joint (in general) | f. coxa, -ae |
crani- | skull | n. cranium, -i |
CRY-, CRYM- | cold | (blank) |
CRYPT- | secret, hidden | (blank) |
cupr- | copper | (blank) |
cut-, cutane- | skin | (blank) |
CYAN- | blue | (blank) |
CYCL- | ciliary body of the eye; ring, circle, cycle | (blank) |
CYST- | cyst, any small fluid-filled sac; urinary bladder | (blank) |
CYT- | cell | (blank) |
DACRY- | tears | (blank) |
DACTYL- | finger | (blank) |
DEM- | a people, a population | (blank) |
dent- | tooth | m. dens, dentis |
DERM-, DERMAT- | skin | (blank) |
DESM- | fibrous connection, ligament | (blank) |
dextr- | right | (blank) |
dist- | remote, distant, farther from the attached end | (blank) |
dors- | back, back surface | (blank) |
duct- | to lead, bring, convey | (blank) |
duoden- | duodenum | m. duodenum, -i |
DYNAM- | force, energy, power | (blank) |
EMBRY-, EMBRYON- | embryo (in humans, the unborn offspring up to 8 weeks of development) | (blank) |
ENCEPHAL- | brain | (blank) |
ENTER- | (small) intestine | (blank) |
EOS- | dawn; bright red or pink color | (blank) |
EPIDIDYM- | epididymis | (blank) |
EPISI- | the vulva | (blank) |
ERYTHR- | red | (blank) |
ESOPHAG- | esophagus | (blank) |
ESTHES- | to feel, perceive, sense | (blank) |
EURY- | wide, broad | (blank) |
extern- | outside | (blank) |
faci- | face; surface | f. facies, -ei |
fasci- | band or sheet of fibrous connective tissue | f. fascia, -ae |
febr- | fever | (blank) |
femor- | thigh bone | m. femur, femoris |
fer-, lat- | to bear, carry, bring | (blank) |
fet- | fetus (in humans, teh unborn offspring from 8 weeks of development until birth) | (blank) |
fibr- | fiber, fibrous connective tissue | (blank) |
fibul- | outer bone of the leg | f. fibula, -ae |
flav- | yellow | (blank) |
flect-, flex- | to bend | (blank) |
front- | forehead; (sometimes) frontal bone, sinus, or lobe of brain | (blank) |
fus- | to pour | (blank) |
GAM- | marriage, sexual union; gamete, reproductive cell | (blank) |
GAMET- | gamete, reproductive cell | (blank) |
GANGLI- | ganglion, cluster of nerve cells | (blank) |
GASTR- | stomach | (blank) |
GEN-, GENE- | to come into being, produce | (blank) |
GENI-, GENY- | cheek, chin, jaw | (blank) |
genu- | knee | (blank) |
GER-, GERONT- | old age, elderly person | (blank) |
gest- | to bear, carry, be pregnant | (blank) |
GEUS- | to taste | (blank) |
gingiv- | gums | f. gingiva, -ae |
GLAUC- | blue-gray, green-gray | (blank) |
GLI- | glia, "glue," supporting cells of nervous system | (blank) |
glob- | round body, ball | (blank) |
glomerul | glomerulus, (filtering apparatus of the kidney) | (blank) |
GLOSS- | tongue | (blank) |
GLUC- | glucose | (blank) |
GLYC- | glucose; sweetness; (occasionally as abbreviation) glycogen | (blank) |
GNATH- | jaw | (blank) |
GON- | seed; reproduction | (blank) |
GON-, GONAT-, GONY- | knee | (blank) |
GONAD- | gonad; seed | (blank) |
granul- | little grain, particle | (blank) |
GRAPH- | to write | (blank) |
gravid- | to be pregnant | (blank) |
GYN-, GYNE-, GYNEC- | woman, female | (blank) |
HELMINTH- | parasitic worm | (blank) |
HEM-, HEMAT- | blood | (blank) |
HEPAT-, HEPATIC | liver | n. hepar, hepatis |
HIST-, HISTI- | tissue | (blank) |
humer- | bone of upper arm; shoulder | m. humeus, -i |
HYAL- | glassy, vitreous | (blank) |
HYDR- | water, fluid | (blank) |
HYGR- | moisture | (blank) |
HYPN- | to sleep | (blank) |
HYSTER- | uterus | (blank) |
IATR- | physician, medicine, treatment | (blank) |
ile- | ileum | n, ileum, -i |
ili- | uppermost portion of the hip bone | n. ilium, -i |
immun- | immunity; the immune system, defense against infection; antibodies | (blank) |
infer- | below, in the lower part of | (blank) |
intern- | inside, within | (blank) |
IR-, IRID- | iris | (blank) |
IS- | equal, same, alike | (blank) |
ISCHI- | lowermost portion of the hip bone, "seat bone" | n. ischium, -i |
jejun- | jejunum | n. jejunum, -i |
kal-, kali- | potassium | (blank) |
KARY- | nucleus | (blank) |
KERAT- | cornea, transparent tissue of the anterior eyeball | (blank) |
KIN-, KINES- | to move | (blank) |
labi- | lips | n. labium, -i |
LABYRINTH- | labyrinth, inner ear | (blank) |
later- | side | (blank) |
LEI- | smooth | (blank) |
LEMM- | lemma, cover, sheath | (blank) |
LEPS-, LEPT- | to take hold of; seizure | (blank) |
LEUK- | white; white matter of nervous system | (blank) |
LEX- | to read | (blank) |
lingu- | tongue | f. lingua, -ae |
LIP- | fat, lipid | (blank) |
LITH- | stone, calculus | (blank) |
LOG- | word, thought, reason(ing), study, logic | (blank) |
lumb- | lower back, flank | m. lumbus, -i |
LY-, LYS- | dissolution, lysis | (blank) |
LYMPH-, LYMPHAT- | lymph | (blank) |
LYMPHADEN- | lymph node | (blank) |
LYMPHANGI- | lymphatic vessel | (blank) |
MACR- | large | (blank) |
MAN- | to be mad | (blank) |
mandibul- | lower jaw bone, mandible | f. mandibula, -ae |
maxilla- | upper jaw bone | f. maxilla, -ae |
MEAT- | passage or canal; the external opening of such a passage | (blank) |
medi- | middle, midline | (blank) |
MEGA-, MEGAL- | large | (blank) |
MELAN- | black, dark, pigment | (blank) |
men-, menstru- | menses, menstrual bleeding; the monthly female reproductive cycle | (blank) |
MENING- | meninges, membranes covering the central nervous system | (blank) |
ment- | chin | n, mentum, -i |
MES- | middle, midline | (blank) |
METR- | uterus | (blank) |
MICR- | small | (blank) |
morb- | disease | (blank) |
mort- | death | mors, mortis |
muc- | mucus | (blank) |
muscul- | muscle | m. musculus, -i |
mut-, muta-, mutat- | to change | (blank) |
MY- | muscle | (blank) |
MYC-, MYCET- | fungus | (blank) |
MYEL- | bone marrow; spinal cord | (blank) |
MYRING- | tympanic membrane | (blank) |
MYX- | mucus | (blank) |
nas- | nose; nasal cavity; nasal bone | m. nasus, -i |
nasc-, nat- | to be born | (blank) |
NATR- | sodium | (blank) |
NECR- | dead body, dead tissue | (blank) |
NEMA-, NEMAT- | roundword | (blank) |
NEPHR- | kidney | (blank) |
nerv- | nerve | m. nervus, -i |
NEUR- | nerve | (blank) |
niger-, nigr- | black | (blank) |
NOS- | disease | (blank) |
nucle- | nucleus | m. nucleus, -i |
occipit- | posterior portion of skull; occipital bone | (blank) |
ocul- | eye | m. oculus, -i |
ODONT- | tooth, teeth | (blank) |
OLIG- | few, little | (blank) |
OMPHAL- | umbilicus, navel; umbilical cord | (blank) |
ONC- | tumor; bulk, volume | (blank) |
OO- | egg, ovum | (blank) |
OOPHOR- | ovary | (blank) |
op-, ops-, opt- | vision, seeing | (blank) |
OPHTHALM- | eye | (blank) |
or- | mouth | n. os, oris |
ORCHI-, ORCHID- | testes | (blank) |
ORTH- | straight | (blank) |
OSPHR- | to smell | (blank) |
oss-, osse- | bone | n. os, ossis |
OSTE-, OST- | bone | (blank) |
OT- | ear | (blank) |
ovari- | ovary | (blank) |
ovi-, ovo- | ovum | (blank) |
ovul- | to realease an egg, ovulate | (blank) |
OX-, OXY- | sharp, acute; rapid; acid; oxygen | (blank) |
palat- | palate, roof of the mouth | n. palatum, -i |
PAN-, PANT- | all, whole, entire; widespread | (blank) |
PANCREAT-, PANCREATIC- | pancreas | (blank) |
papill- | nipple-like projection | f. papilla, -ae |
par-, part- | to bear, give birth (to) | (blank) |
pariet- | wall, posterolateral portion of skull; corresponding lobe of brain | (blank) |
patell- | kneecap | f. patella, -ae |
PATH- | disease, suffering | (blank) |
pector- | chest, breast | n. pectus, pectoris |
PED- | child (from pais, paidis) | (blank) |
pelv- | basin-like structure | f. pelvis, pelvis |
pen- | penis | (blank) |
PEPTID- | peptide (chain of two or more amino acids); peptide bond (-CO-NH- bond) | (blank) |
PHAG- | to eat | (blank) |
PHALANG- | any bone of a finger or toe | f. phalanx, phalangis |
PHALL- | penis | (blank) |
PHARMAC- | drugs, medicine | (blank) |
PHARYNG- | throat | f. pharynx, pharyngis |
PHAS- | to speak | (blank) |
PHLEB- | vein | (blank) |
PHON- | voice, sound | (blank) |
PHOT- | light | (blank) |
PHRAS- | to speak | (blank) |
PHREN- | mind; diaphragm | (blank) |
PHREN-, PHRENIC- | diaphragm; phrenic nerve | (blank) |
PHYT- | plant; microorganism of the plant kingdom | (blank) |
placent- | placenta | (blank) |
PLAS-, PLAST- | to form, develop | (blank) |
PLASM- | plasma (fluid portion of the blood) | (blank) |
PLEUR- | pleura (membrane surrounding the lungs) | f. pleura, -ae |
PNEUM-, PNEUMAT- | air | (blank) |
PNEUMON-, PNEUM | lung | (blank) |
POIKOL- | varied, irregular | (blank) |
POLI- | gray; gray matter of nervous system | (blank) |
POLY- | many | (blank) |
POR- | passage, opening, pore | (blank) |
poster- | behind, in the back part of | (blank) |
PROCT- | rectum | (blank) |
PROSTAT- | prostate gland | (blank) |
proxim- | next to, nearer to the attached end | (blank) |
PSEUD- | false, lying, deceptive resemblance | (blank) |
PSYCH- | mind, soul, psyche | (blank) |
PT- | droop, fall, sag | (blank) |
pub- | pubic bone | n. os pubis, ossis pubis |
pulm-, pulmon- | lung | (blank) |
pupil- | pupil of the eye | f. pupilla, -ae |
pur-, purul- | pus | (blank) |
PY- | pus | (blank) |
PYEL- | renal pelvis | (blank) |
PYLOR- | pylorus, distal portion of stomach | m. pylorus, -i |
PYRET- | fever | (blank) |
RACHI-, RACHID- | spine | (blank) |
radi- | outer bone of the forearm | m. radius, -i |
rect- | rectum | n. rectum, -i |
ren- | kidney | (blank) |
retin- | retina | f. retina, -ae |
RHABD- | rod, rod-shaped | (blank) |
RHIN- | nose | (blank) |
RHIZ- | root | (blank) |
RHOD- | rosy, pink | (blank) |
RHYTHM- | rhythm | (blank) |
rub-, rubr- | red | (blank) |
SACCHAR- | sugar, saccharide | (blank) |
sacr- | bone of caudal vertebral column | n. (os) sacrum, -i |
SALPING- | fallopian tube; oviduct | (blank) |
sanguin-, sangui- | blood | (blank) |
SARC- | flesh, muscular substance | (blank) |
scapul- | shoulder blade | f. scapula, -ae |
SCHIZ-, SCHIST- | to divide | (blank) |
SCLER- | hard | (blank) |
SCOLI- | twisted, crooked, curved | (blank) |
SCOP- | to look | (blank) |
scrip(t)-, scrib- | to write | (blank) |
semin- | seed; semen | (blank) |
sept- | septum | n. septum, -i |
ser- | serum | (blank) |
SIAL- | saliva | (blank) |
SIDER- | iron | (blank) |
silic- | silica, silicon dioxide | (blank) |
sin-, sinus- | cavity, space | m. sinus, -us |
sinistr- | left, on the left side | (blank) |
SOM-, SOMAT- | the human body; any "body" or self-contained mass; (abbreviation for) chromosome | (blank) |
somn-, somni- | sleep | (blank) |
SPERM-, SPERMA-, SPERMAT- | seed; spermatazoa, semen | (blank) |
SPHYGM- | pulse | (blank) |
spin- | spine, spinal column, spinal process or projection | (blank) |
spir- | to breathe | (blank) |
SPLANCH- | internal organ | (blank) |
SPLEN- | spleen | (blank) |
SPONDYL- | vertebra | (blank) |
SPOR- | seed, spore | (blank) |
squam- | scale; thin plate of bone | (blank) |
STAL-, STOL- | to send | (blank) |
STAPHYL- | bunch of grapes; the bacterial genus Staphylococcus | (blank) |
STEAR-, STEAT- | fat | (blank) |
STEN- | narrow | (blank) |
STERC-, STERCOR- | feces | (blank) |
STERN- | breastbone | n. sternum, -i |
STHEN- | strength | (blank) |
STOM-, STOMAT- | mouth | (blank) |
STREPT- | twisted; the bacterial genus Streptococcus | (blank) |
super- | above, in the upper part of | (blank) |
SYNDESM- | ligament | (blank) |
TACHY- | quick, fast | (blank) |
tal- | ankle, bone of the ankle joint | m. talus, -i |
TARS- | instep of the foot, bones of the instep | m. tarsus, -i |
TAX- | order, arrangement, coordination | (blank) |
TEL-, TELE- | end, completion | (blank) |
tempor- | temples; anterolateral portion of skull | n. tempus, temporis |
TEN-, TENON-, TENONT- | tendon | (blank) |
tend-, tendin- | tendon | m, tendo, tendinis |
TENS-, TENSI- | tension, stretching, tone | (blank) |
TERAT- | abnormal development | (blank) |
test-, testicul- | testes, testicle(s) | (blank) |
THALAM- | "chamber," thalamus | m. thalamus, -i |
THANAT- | death | (blank) |
THEC- | cover, sheath | (blank) |
THERM- | heat; temperature | (blank) |
THORAC- | chest | m. thorax, thoracis |
THROMB- | clot; platelet (as abbreviation of thrombocyte) | (blank) |
tibi- | shinbone, inner bone of the leg | f. tibia, -ae |
TOC- | childbirth, labor | (blank) |
TOM- | to cut, separate | (blank) |
TON- | tone, tension, pressure | (blank) |
TOP- | place | (blank) |
TOX- | poison | (blank) |
TRACHE- | trachea (major airway outside lungs) | f. trachea, -ae |
tract- | to draw, drag | m. tractus, tractus |
TROPH- | growth, nourishment | (blank) |
TYMPAN- | tympanic membrane | (blank) |
uln- | elbow, medial bone of the forearm | f. ulna, -ae |
URAN- | palate, roof of the mouth | (blank) |
URE-, UREA-, UR-, URIN- | urine | (blank) |
URETER- | ureter (tube which conducts urine from the kidneys to the bladder) | (blank) |
URETHR- | urethra (tube which conducts urine from the bladder to the external surface) | (blank) |
uter- | uterus | (blank) |
uvul- | uvula | f. uvula, -ae |
vagin- | the vagina; any "sheath" structure | (blank) |
valv-, valvul- | valve | |
vas- | (blood) vessel, duct | n. vas, vasis (irregular gen. pl. = vasorum) |
vas- | duct, vas deferens | (blank) |
ven- | vein | f. vena, -ae |
ventr- | belly, front surface | (blank) |
ventricul- | ventricle | n. ventriculum, -i |
vers-, vert- | to turn | (blank) |
vertebr- | bone of the spinal column | f. vertebra, -ae |
vesic- | bladder; any vesicle (a small sac containing liquid or gas) | (blank) |
vir-, viru-, virid- | virus | (blank) |
viscer- | internal organ, viscus | n. viscus, visceris |
vulv- | vulva, female external genitalia | (blank) |
XANTH- | yellow | (blank) |
XER- | dry | (blank) |
ZO- | animal, lving thing | (blank) |
ZYG- | yoke, joining, pairing | (blank) |
ZYM- | fermentation; enzyme | (blank) |
ALLO- | other, differing from normal | (blank) |
DIPLO- | double | (blank) |
HAPLO- | single | (blank) |
HETERO- | different, differing from normal | (blank) |
HOMO-, HOMEO- | the same, alike | (blank) |
THIO- | sulfur | (blank) |
NEO- | new | (blank) |