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M.S. Skeltal system

ankyl/o stiff joint
arthr/o joint
articul/o joint
burs/o sac
carp/o wrist
cervic/o neck
chondr/o cartilage
clavicul/o clavicle
coccyg/o coccyx
cortic/o outer portion
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
femor/o femur
fibul/o fibula
humer/o humerus
ili/o ilium
ischi/o ischium
kyph/o hump
lamin/o lanina, part of vertebra
lord/o bent backwards
lumb/o loin
mandibul/o mandible
maxill/o maxilla
medull/o inner portion
metacarp/o metacarpals
metatars/o metatarsals
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
patell/o patella
ped/o child, foot
pelv/o pelvis
phalang/o phalanges
pod/o foot
pub/o pubis
radi/o radius
sacr/o sacrum
scapul/o scapula
scoli/o crooked, bent
spondyl/o vertebrae
stern/o sternum
synovi/o synovial membrane
synoc/o synovial membrane
tars/o ankle
thorac/o ankle
thorac/o chest
tibi/o tibia
uln/o ulna
vertebr/o vertebra
-blast immature, embryonic
-clasia to surgically break
-desis stabilize, fuse
-listhesis slipping
-porosis porous
frontal bone forehead
parietal bone upper sides of cranium and roof of skull
occipital bone back and base of skull
temporal bone sides and base of cranium
sphenoid bone bat-shaped bone that forms part of the base of the skull, floor, and sides of eye orbit
ethmoid bone forms part of eye orbit, nose, and floor cranium
lacrimal bone inner corner of each eye
nasal bone form part of nasal septum and support bridge of nose
maxilla upper jaw
mandible lower jaw bone: only movable bone of the skull
zygomatic bone cheek bones
vomer bone base of nasal septum
palatine bond hard palate of mouth and floor of the nose
cervical vertebra vertebrae in the neck region
thoracic vertebra vertebrae in the chest region attached to the ribs
lumbar vertebra vertebrae in the small of the back, about waist level
sacrum five vertebrae that become fused into one triangular-shaped flat bone at the base of the vertebral column
clavicle collar bone
scapula shoulder blade
humerus upper arm bone
radius forearm bone on thumb side of lower arm
ulna forearm bone on little finger side of lower arm
carpal bones of wrist
metacarpals bone in palm of hand
phalanges bones of fingers and toes
ilium part of the hipbone
ischium part of the hipbone
pubis part of hipbone
femur upper leg bone; thigh bone
patella knee cap
tibia shin bone; thicker lower leg bone
fibula thinner, long bone in lateral lower leg
tarsals ankle and heel bones
matatarsals forefoot bones
callus the mass of bone tissue that forms at a fracture site during its healing
cast application of a solid material to immobilize an extremity or portion of the body as a result of a fracture, dislocation, or severe injury
chiropractic healthcare profession concerned with diagnosis and treatment of malalignment conditions of the spine and musculoskeletal system and improving health
crepititation noise produced by bones or cartilage rubbing together in conditions such as arthritis
exostosis bone spur
kyphosis abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine
lordosis abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine
orthopedics branch of medicine specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the musculoskeletal system
orthotic a brace or splint used to prevent or correct deformities
podiatry healthcare profession specializing in diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the feet and lower legs
prosthesis artificial device that is used as a substitute for a body part that is either congenitally missing or absent as a result of accident or disease
prosthetics health care profession specializing in making artificial body parts
closed fracture fracture in which there is no open skin wound, simple fracture
Colles' frecture a common type of wrist fracture
comminuted fracture fracture in which the bone is shattered, splintered, or crushed into many small pieces or fragments
compound fracture fracture in which skin has been broken through to the fracture
compression fracture fracture involving loss of height of vertebral body
fracture a broken bone
greenstick fracture fracture in which there is an incomplete break
impacted fracture fracture in which bone fragments are pushed into each other
oblique fracture at an angle to the bone
pathologic fracture fracture caused by diseased or weakened bone
spiral fracture fracture in which the fracture line spirals around the shaft of the bone
stress fracture a slight fracture cause by repetitive low-impact force
transverse fracture complete fracture that is straight across the bone at right angles to the long axis of the bone
Ewing's sacroma malignant growth found in the shaft of long bones that spreads through the periosteum
osteogenic sarcoma the most common type of bone cancer
osteomalacia softening of the bones caused by a deficiency of calcium
osteoporosis decrease in bone mass that results in a thinning and weaknening of the bone with resulting fractures
Paget's disease a fairly common metabolic disease of the bone from unknown causes
rickets deficiency in calcium and vitamin D found in early childhood that results in bone deformities
ankylosing spondylitis inflammatory spinal condition that resembles rheumatoid arthritis
herniated nucleus pulposus herniation or protrusion of an intervertebral disk
scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
spina bifida congenital anomally that occurs when a vertebra fails to fully form around the spinal cord
spinal stenosis narrowing of the spinal canal causing pressure on the cord and nerves
spondylolisthesis the forward sliding of a lumbar vertebra over the vertebra below it
spondylosis specifically refers to ankylosing of the spine but commonly use in reference to any degenerative condition of the vertebral column
whiplash injury to the bones in the cervical spine as a result of sudden movement forward and backward of the head and neck
dislocation occurs when the bones in a joint are displaced from their normal alignment and the ends of the bones are no longer in contact
osteoarthritis arthritis resulting in degeneration of the bones and joints
rheumatoid arthritis chronic form of arthritis with inflammation of the joints, swelling, stiffness, pain, and changes in the cartilage that can result in crippling deformities
sprain damage to the ligaments surrounding a joint due to over stretching =
subluxation an incomplete dislocation
systenuc lupus erythenatosus chronic infammortory autoimmune disease of connective tissue affects many systems that may include joint pain and arthritis
talipes congenital deformity causing misalignment if the ankle joint and foot
Created by: jennacompton10
Popular Medical sets




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