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chapter 15...


allo- other, different, strange
ana- away from
anti- again
auto- self, same
co- with, together
dis- apart, away
hyper- above, beyond, excess, excessive
macro- large
retro- backwards
trans- across, through
agglutin sticking together, clumping
attenu to weakin
dorm sleep
immun/o immune, immune response, immunity
lymphaden/o lymph node
lymphangi/o lymphatic vessels
opportunist to take advantage of
phage to eat
phylaxis protection
pollute to defile, unclean
-ant forming, pertaining to, agent
-ate composed of, pertaining to, process
-ation process
-cyte cell
-ectomy excision, surgical excision
-gen create, produce, form
-gram a record, drawing, recording
-ic pertaining to
-ism action, condition, process
-itis inflammation, infection
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling, appearance of
-oma tumor, mass
-osis condition
-pathy disease
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
CD cluster of differentiation
CMV cytomegalovirus
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
IgG Immunoglobulin G
adenoid single mass of lymphoid tissue in the midline at the back of the throat.
agglutination process by which cells or other particles adhere to each other to form clumps.
anaphylactic pertaining to anaphylaxis
congenital present at birth, either inherited or due to an event during gestation up to the moment of birth.
asthma episodes of breathing difficulty due to narrowed or obstructed airways
immunization administration of an agent to provide immunity
immunize to make resistant to an infectious disease.
immunodeficiency failure of the immune system
immunosuppression suppression of the immune response by an outside agent, such as a drug
lymphedema tissue swelling due to lymphatic obstruction.
macrophage large white blood cell that removes bacteria, foreign particles, and dead cells.
phagocytosis process of ingestion and destruction
tonsillectomy surgical removal of the tonsils.
urticaria rash of itchy wheals.
vaccination administration of a vaccine.
Created by: lovlyneko
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