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cardiovascular blood

O2 diffuse acroos what to get to tissues cappillary walls
3 characteristics of blood sticky, opaque fluid, metallic taste
what is normal ph of blood 7.35-7.45
blood accounts for what % of body weight 8%
the avarage volume of blood for males is 5-6 L
the avarage volume of blood for females is 4-5 L
what are 3 main functions of blood distribution-H2O, gases, nutrients, hormones, enzymes, electrolytes,wastes Regulation- pH, temp, fluid volume Protection- clotting, antibodes, WBC, phagocytic cells
what is the bodys only fluid tissue blood
when blood is centrifuged plasma is what % 55%-soluable materials, water, (On top)
when blood is centrifuged formed elements is what % 45%-cells RBS buffy coat- WBC and thrombocytes (platelets)
% of blood occupied by RBC is called what hematocrit
plasma is mostly made up of what 90% water
plasma proteins make up how much of plasma 7%
how much alumin is in (plasma protein 7% of blood)and does what in plasma 54%-produced by liver-function in maintaing water balance between blood and tissues by transportation of lipid soluable substances by osmosis
how much globulins is in (plasma protein 7% of blood)and does what in plasma 38%-Alpha and Beta produced by liver to serve as antibodies transport proteins that bind to lipids, metal ions, fat-soluable vitamins
how much Fibrinogen is in (plasma protein 7% of blood)and does what in plasma 7%-produced by liver that are important for clotting in blood
how much is the other is in (plasma protein 7% of blood)and does what in plasma 1.5%-electrolytes- maintain plasma osmatic pressure and normal pH Nutrients-absorbed from digestive track for transport Gases-O2, CO2 bond to hemoglobin inside RBC and bicarbonate ion dissolved in plasma hormones
what are the 4 main fuctions of blood maintain water/ osmotic pressure clotting acid/base balance antibodies for protection
what makes up the 45% of formed elements in blood is centrifuged RBC, WBC(3 granular, 2 agranular), Thrombocytes
what are the 3 granular types of WBC in the 45% of formed elements when blood is centrifuged Neutrophils(60-70%) EOSINOPHILS(60-70%) Eosinophill(2-4%) BASOPHILLS-(0.5-1%)
what is WBC granualar neutrophill % and does what (60-70%)-take up both basic and acidic dyes and multilobed nucleus- phagocytize bacteria
what is WBC granualar Eosinophill % and does what (2-4%)-acid dyes-bilobed nucleus-kill parastic worms, antibody complexes, inactive inflammatory chemicals of allergy
what is WBC granualar Eosinophill % and does what 0.5-1%)-basic dyes-1 lobed nucleus-release histamine of inflammatory, contain heparin an anticoagulant
what are the 2 types of agranualar in WBC the 45% of formed elements when blood is centrifuged lymphocytes(20-25%) monocytes(3-8%)
what is WBC agranualar lymphocytes % and does what (20-25%)indented nucleus-mount immune response by direct cell attack or via antibodies
what is WBC agranualar monocytes % and does what (3-8%)u or kidney shaped nucleus-phagocytosis delevlop into macrophages in tissues
platelets look like and do what in blood discoid cytoplasmic fragments that seal tears in blood vessels
what is hematopoiesis how blood cells gets made
where does hematopiesis occurs where red bone marrow
pluripotent stem cells are where bone marrow
what are lymphoid stem cells get made into what lyphocytes
what are myeloid stem cells made into WBC, RBC, platelets
what are pluripotent stem cells get made into what lymphoid myeloid
what are myeloid stem cells made into what 3 type of cells Granual WBC-(Neutrophils,EOSINOPHILS Eosinophill,BASOPHILLS) Agranula-MONOCYTE loss nuclus-RBC,PLATELETS
what are the characteristics of RBC biconcave, no nucleus, organells, flexible(able to change shape)97%hemoglobin, ATP anaerobic
what % is hemogolbin of RBC 97%
hemoglobin binds to what in RBC oxygen
hemoglobin is composed up of what protein globin, 2 alpha & 2 beta chains
how many oxygen molecules can hemoglobins in RBC transport 4
what is normal hemoglobin level males 13-18 g/100 mL in blood
what is normal hemoglobin level females 12-16 g/100 mL in blood
what carries CO2 in blood bicarbonate ion
what is pathway of erythropoiesis hemocytoblast->proerythroblast->PHASE 1-ribosome synthesis->PHASE 2-hemoglobin accumulation->PHASE 3-ejection of nucleus
what is normal RBC count 5 million/cubic millimeter
too few of RBC leads to what hypoxia
too many RBC causes what high blood viscosity
erythropoietin is released by what and when kidney-hypoxia(low RBC count, low oxygen, higher tissue need of oxygen
what is EPO erythropoietin
what is proerythroblast commited cell to make EPO(erythropoietin)
kidney failure can cause low RBC count
erythropoiesis needs what to happen proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, iron, vit B12, folic acid
how much iron is stored in Hb hemoglobin in body 65% liver, spleen, muscle, bone marrow
what type of iron carrier is in blood stream transferrin iron
what type of iron carrier is in muscle fiber, liver, spleen intercellular iron
what is the life span of RBC 100-120 days
what do old RBC look like rigid, fragile
what happens to old RBC phagocytized by macrophages in spleen and liver
globin changes into amino acids-> form proteins
what is saved when RBC get recycled iron in bone marrow to change into new hemoglobin, non-iron-> biliverdin->bilirubin to liver->bile
what is hemorrhagic anemia acute or chronic loss of blood
hemolytic anemia is what prematurely ruptured RBC mainly from transfussions
what is aplastic anemia destruction or inhibition of red bone marrow caused by chemo from cancer
what is iron-deficiency anemia secondary from hemorrhagic anemia and low iron from food
pernicious anemia is what deficiency of vit-B12 or lack of asorbtion from food (animal products)
what is thalassemias `absent or faulty globin chain in hemoglobin RBC are thin
what is sickle-cell anemia defective gene coding RBC carry low oxygen amounts
what is polycythemia lots of RBC which change viscosity and blood becomes sticky and slugish
what is the bloods only complete cell leukocytes 1% of blood volume
what is normal WBC count 4,000-11,000 per cubic millimeter
what is leukocytosis high WBC count by infection
what is leukopenia low WBC by bone marrow surpression
which type of leukocytes is called the firest responder and why neutrophils-contain peroxidases, hydrolytic enzymes that are antibiotic like protiens and are atracted to sites of inflamation
what are PMN's polymorphonuclear leukocytes eutrophils because of the shape and changing lobes
neutrophils account for how much of WBC 60-70%
esinophils account for how much of WBC 1-4%
esinophils take up what kind of dye acidophilic (granules are basic)
neutrophils take up what kind of dye both acidic and basic
eosinophils do what in WBC lead against parasitic worms, lesson allergies, produce enzyme histaminase that break down histamines
basophils account for what in WBC 0.5-1%
basophils take up what kind of dye basic that have acidic grandules
basophils does what in WBC contain histamine that is inflammatory chemical that does vasodilator and herparin that is an anticoagulant
lymphocytes account for what in WBC 20-25%
what are the 3 types of lymphocytes and they do what T Cells- produce antibodies B Cells- give rise to plasma cells that produce antibodies NK Cells-natural killers- attack microbes and cancer cells
what do T cells of lymphocytes do produce atibodies
what do B cells of lymphocytes do give rise to plasma cells that produce antibodies
what do NK cells of lymphocytes do natural killers- attack microbes and cancer cells
monocytes account for what in WBC 3-8%
what do monocytes do differentiate into macrophages
what do marcrophages do inate immune system actived first in immune system by being highly mobile
what are the conditons that cause leckemia immature WBC in bloodstream, bone marrow becomes totally occupied by cancer producing non-functional WBC,
what are treatment for leckemia irradiation, antileckemia drugs, bone marrow transplants
platelets are fragments of what kind of cells megakaryocytes
what are the function of platelets blood clotting, plug damaged blood vessels
what is normal platelet count 150,000-400,000/cubic millimeter
what are the 3 steps to stop bleeding 1)Vascular spasm-immediate vasoconstrition 2)platelet plug(detects collegen) 3)coagulation-fibrin (gel like mesh)
what is fibrinolysis removes blood clots when healing has occuredby breaking down clots with plasmin
what stops platelet adhesion heparin (anticolagulent), vit E
what is thombus stationary clot
what is embolus free floating blood clot
what is thrombocytopenia # of circulating platelets is not enough when platetlets drop bellow 150,000
RBC membranes have what kind of antigens on external surfaces what do they do glycoprotein promoters of agglutingens
what is used to classify blood groups antigens if present or absence
ABO groups consists of what RBC A and B antigens on surface anti-A and anti-B in plasma
type O have what antigens neither A or B antigen
what is the universal blood recipient AB
what is the universal blood donors ABO
what is erthryoblastosis fetalis/ hemolytic disease when mother has Rh+ and baby Rh- mothers blood antigens attack babies
when bad transfusion takes place diminished oxygen-carry, clumped impede blood flow, ruptured RBC release hemoglobin in blood stream, kidneys go into failer
Created by: mbruckman03
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