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Nervous System

Quiz 3

cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o brain, cerebrum
cortic/o cortex
crani/o cranium, skull
dur/o hard, dura mater
encephal/o entire brain
esthesi/o sensation, perception
gangli/o, ganglion/o ganglion
gli/o glue, neuroglia
mening/o, meningi/o meninges
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
narc/o stupor, sleep
neur/o nerve
phas/o speech
poli/o gray
radicul/o nerve root
somn/o, somn/i sleep
spin/o spine
spondyl/o, vertebr/o vertebra
thalam/o thalamus
ventricul/o ventricle
epi- on, following
hemi- half
hyper- above, excessive
hypo- below, deficient
para- beside
poly- many, much
quadri- four
-gram record, recording
-ictal, -lepsy seizure
-paresis partial or incomplete paralysis
-phrenia the mind
-plegia paralysis
cranial pertaining to the cranium or skull
ictal pertaining to or caused by a stroke or seizure
ischemic pertaining to a lack of blood flow
postictal pertaining to following a seizure
radicular pertaining to a root (nerve)
cerebrovascular accident (CVA), stroke damage to the brain caused by an interruption of blood supply to a region of the brain
cerebral aneurysm widening of a blood vessel in the brain, usually due to a weakness in the wall of the artery
cerebral embolism obstruction or occlusion of a vessel in the brain by an embolus
cerebral thrombosis clot within a blood vessel of the brain
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
radiculopathy disease of the nerve roots
seizure violent spasm or series of jerky movements of the face, trunk, or limbs
transient ischemic attack (TIA) sudden, brief, and temporary cerebral dysfunction usually caused by interruption of blood flow to the brain
cerebral angiography radiography of blood vessels in the brain after injection of radiopaque contrast material
electroencephalogram (EEG) electrical recording of activity of the brain
craniectomy excision of part of the cranium to access the brain
craniotomy incision into the skull to access the brain
ganglionectomy excision of a ganglion
laminectomy excision of the thin plate of the vertebra to relieve pressure on the spinal cord
neuroplasty surgical repair of the nerves
conjunctiva mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and outer surface of the eyeball
blephar/o eyelid
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
corne/o cornea
cry/o cold
dacry/o , lacrim/o tears or tear ducts
dipl/o double, two
ir/o , irid/o iris
kerat/o cornea
ocul/o , ophthalm/o eye
opt/o vision, eye
phot/o light
presby/o related to aging
pupill/o , cor/e , cor/o pupil
retin/o retina
scler/o hard, sclera
ton/o tension, pressure
-ectasia, -ectasis dilation, stretching
-lysis destruction, breakdown, separation
-malacia softening
-meter instrument for measuring
-metry measurement of
-opia, -opsia vision
-phobia abnormal fear, aversion to, sensitivity to
-ptosis prolapse, drooping, sagging
-rrhea flow, discharge
-spasm involuntary movement
-trophia to turn
accommodation ability of the eye to adjust focus on near objects
binocular pertaining to both eyes
blepharal pertaining to the eyelid
conjunctival pertaining to the cornea
intraocular within or inside the eye
iridal, iridial pertaining to the iris
lacrimal pertaining to tears
ocular, ophthalmic pertaining to the eye
optic pertaining to vision
pupillary pertaining to the pupil
retinal pertaining to the retina
scleral pertaining to the sclera
amblyopia poor vision, usually in only one eye, caused by abnormal development of the visual areas; also known as "lazy eye"
astigmatism distorted, blurry vision caused by abnormal curvature of the cornea or lens
color blindness deficiency in distinguishing some colors
diplopia double vision
hyperopia farsightedness
myopia nearsightedness
nyctalopia poor vision in reduced light or at night; commonly called night blindness
photophobia extreme sensitivity to light
presbyopia impaired vision caused by old age
conjunctivitis highly contagious inflammation of the conjunctiva; commonly known as pinkeye
ophthalmia condition of the eye characterized by severe conjunctivitis
pterygium growth of conjunctival tissue over the cornea; usually associated with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light
cataract clouding of the lens of the eye, which causes poor vision
ophthalmoscope instrument used for examining the interior of the eye through the pupil
pupillometry measurement of the pupil
ophthalmoscopy use of the ophthalmoscope to view the interior of the eye
acous/o hearing, sound
audi/o hearing
aur/i, aur/o, ot/o ear
cochle/o cochlea
labyrinth/o labyrinth, inner ear
mastoid/o mastoid bone
myring/o, tympan/o tympanic membrane, eardrum
scler/o hard, sclera
staped/o stapes
vestibul/o vestibule
dys- painful, difficult, abnormal
-acousis, -acusis hearing
-algia pain
-ectomy excision, surgical removal
-stomy surgical opening
acoustic pertaining to hearing or sound
auditory pertaining to hearing
aural, otic pertaining to ear
cochlear pertaining to cochlea
labyrinthine pertaining to the labyrinth or inner ear
mastoid pertaining to the mastoid bone and cells
tympanic pertaining to the tympanic membrane or tympanic cavity
vestibular pertaining to a vestibule
acoustic neuroma benign tumor that develops on the acoustic nerve and causes hearing loss
cerumen impaction excessive buildup of earwax
cholesteatoma cystlike tumor of skin in the middle ear behind the tympanic membrane usually caused by chronic otitis media
conductive hearing loss hearing loss due to obstruction or lesion in the outer and/or middle ear
labyrinthitis inflammation of the inner ear
mastoiditis inflammation of the mastoid bone
myringitis inflammation of the tympanic membrane
otalgia pain in the ear
otitis externa (OE) inflammation of the external auditory meatus; also known as "swimmer's ear"
otitis media (OM) inflammation of the middle ear
otomycosis fungal infection in the ear
otopyorrhea discharge of pus from the ear
otorrhea discharge from the ear
otosclerosis hardening of the ossicles, particularly the stapes
presbycusis impaired hearing caused by old age
sensorineural hearing loss hearing loss caused by damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve
tinnitus noises in the ear, such as ringing, buzzing, or humming
audiogram record of hearing (presented in graph form)
audiometer instrument for measuring hearing
audiometry measurement of hearing
otoscope instrument for examining the ear
otoscopy use of an otoscope to examine the external auditory canal and tympanic membrane
ophthalmoscope instrument used for examining the interior of the eye through the pupil
pupillometry measurement of the pupil
ophthalmoscopy use of the ophthalmoscope to view the interior of the eye
labyrinthectomy excision of part of the labyrinth
mastoidectomy excision of part of the mastoid bone
mastoidotomy incision into the mastoid bone
myringotomy, tympanostomy surgical incision (opening) into the tympanic membrane to drain fluid from the middle
otoplasty surgical repair of the external ear
stapedectomy removal of the stapes and replacement with a prosthesis; done to correct hearing loss from otosclerosis
tympanoplasty surgical repair of the tympanic membrane and/or middle ear
tympanostomy tube placement placement of a tube in the tympanic membrane to relieve symptoms caused by fluid buildup
lumbar puncture (LP) process of inserting needle into the subarachnoid space of the lumbar spine to obtain cerebrospinal fluid for analysis
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging technique that uses magnetic fields and radiofrequency waves to visualize anatomic structures
myelogram radiographic contrast study of the spinal subarachnoid space and its contents
polysomnography monitoring and recording of normal and abnormal activity during sleep to diagnose sleep disorders
positron emission tomography (PET) nuclear medicine procedure that shows blood flow in the brain that can correspond to various brain activity
refraction test using a manual refractor to determine an exact vision prescription
Created by: Elaine3w
Popular Medical sets




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