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DigestiveSystem Ch8

The digestive system

an/o- anus ,ring
bar/o- pressure, weight
chol/e- bile, gall
cholecyst/o- gallbladder
col/o- colon, large intestine
dent/o- teeth
dont/o- give
duoden/o- first part of small intestine
enter/o- small intestine
esophag/o- esophagus
gastr/o- stomach
gloss/o- tongue
hepat/o- liver
ile/o- illeum, small intestine
jejun/o- jejunum
lingu/o- tongue
lith/o- stone
or/o- mouth, oral cavity
pancreat/o- pancreas
phag/o- eat, swallow
proct/o- anus, rectum
rect/o- rectum, straight
sigmoid/o- sigmoid colon
stomat/o- oral cavity
-emesis vomiting
-lithiasis presence of stones
-pepsia digest, digestion
-phagia eating, swallowing
aerophagia the excessive swallowing of air or gas.
amebic dysentry severe intestinal infection of humans.
anastomosis the joining together of two blood vessels or other tubular structures to furnish a direct or indirect communication between the two structures.
anorexia nervosa An eating disorder usually occurring in young women, characterized by fear of becoming obese, a persistent aversion to food, and severe weight loss, often causing amenorrhea and other physiological .
antiemetic preventing or eliminating nausea and vomiting.
aphthous ulcers a small painful ulcer of the mouth.
ascites abnormal accumalation of fluids in the abdomen.
bariatrics pertaining to study, prevention, or treatment of overweight.
borborygmus rumbling noise caused by propulsion of gas through the intestines.
botulism a severe type of food poisoning due to neurotoxic.
bulimia nervosa a eating disorder occuring mainly in girls and young women.
cachexia A condition of general ill health, malnutrition, undesired weight loss, and hysical weakness.
cheilosis fissuring and dry scaling of the vermilion surface of the lips.
cholangiography radiography examination of the bile ducts.
cholangitis inflammtion if a bile duct.
cholecystectomy surgical removal of the gallbladder.
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladders wall.
choledocholithotomy incision into common bile duct for stone removal.
cholelithiasis the presence or formation of gallstones.
cholera an acute infectious disease.
cirrhosis Chronic interstitial inflammation of any tissue or organ.
colonoscopy examination of the colon with a colonoscope
crohns disease a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of an unknown orgin.
diverticulitis inflammation of the diverticulum.
diverticulosis the presence of diverticula in the abscence of inflammation.
dyspepsia disturbed digestion, difficult digestion
dysphagia difficulty in swallowing.
emesis vomiting
enteritis inflammation of the intestine, mostly the small intestine.
eructation belching, casting up of wind through the mouth.
esophageal varices distended veins at the gastric cardia causing dysphagia.
esophagogastroduodenoscopy endoscopic examination of the esophagus stomach and duodenem.
gastroduodenostomy The surgical formation of a communication between the stomach and the duodenum
gastroesophageal reflux disease A disorder of the lower end of the esophagus, caused by stomach acid flowing backward into the esophagus and irritating the tissues.
gastrostomy tube stomach tube for feeding.
hematemesis the vomiting of blood.
hemmocult test a test for hidden blood in the stools.
hepatitis inflammation of the liver.
herpes labialis affecting the vermilion border of the lips.
hiatal hernia a condition in which part of the stomach extends through the diaphram into the chest cavity.
hyeperemesis excessive vomiting.
ileus intestinal obstruction.
inguinal hernia a protrusion of the intestines into an opening between the deep epigastric artery and the edge of the rectus muscle
jaundice a yellow discoloration in the skin.
melena the passage of dark stools stained with altered blood.
morbid obesity the condition of weighing at least twice the ideal weight.
nasogastric intubation the placement of a nasogastric tube through the nose into the stomach to relieve gastric distension by removing gas, gastric secretions, or food; to instill medication, food, or fluids; or to obtain a specimen for laboratory analysis
obesity an increase in body weight caused by excessive fat.
peridontium the bone and soft tissues that surround and support the teeth.
peristalsis wave like muscular contractions of the intestine.
proctopexy surgical fixation of a prolapsed rectum.
regurgitation the flow of material back up the esophagus and into the throat or lungs.
salmonellosis food poisoning, infection with bacteria of the genus.
sigmoidoscopy direct examination of the interior of the sigmoid colon.
stomatorrhagia bleeding from any part of the oral cavity, hemorrhage of the mouth.
trismus a prolonged tonic muscle spasm of the jaw.
ulerative colitis a chronic episodic inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum.
volvulus abnormal twisting of the intestine causing obstruction.
xerostomia abnormal dryness of the mouth.
Created by: trevian delaney
Popular Medical sets




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