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Orbital Eye movement

Superior tarsus muscle Smooth muscle under sympathetic innervations with sympathetic tone
What prevents the eyelids from sticking together? Tarsal glands secrete an oil that will distribute over surface
What happens when tarsal glands are obstructed? Chalazion cyst
Stye Inflammation of sebaceous gland associated with the follicle of an eyelash and will be located superficial to tarsal plate
Lactimal punctum, papilla and lake Lacrimal punctum sit on lacrimal papilla. Tears accumulate in lacrimal lake. Papillary action pulls the tears into the little puncta
Tear glands Located in upper lateral corner. Little canaliculi attached to punctum and lacrimal sac then brings the tears down. Tears go through nasolacrimal duct
Levator palpabrae superioris Pulls the upper eyelid
Orbital fat Metabolically different from fat in superficial fascia. After all of superficial fascia is digested, orbit fat will be digested and eyes will sink in. Brain fat is last to be digested.
Tenon's capsule Fascial sheath around eyeball. Extensions of fascia which prevent the eyeball from moving excessively laterally or medially
Common tendinous ring contents Optic nerve, central artery of retina, oculomotor nerve, abducent nerve and nasociliary nerve
Nasocilliary nerve Branch of ophthalmic. Makes hair like attachments onto back of eyeball
Two major blood supplies to orbit Branch of external carotid artery and infraorbital artery
Ophthalmic artery Runs with optic nerve to orbit and eyeball. If damaged can lead to blindness (Seen in diabetes)
Cavernous sinus For blood to drain backwards. Ophthalmic and Maxillary, trigeminal ganglion (Psuedounipolar sensory cells)
Thrombosis of cavernous sinus Leads to involvement with abducent nerve
Frontal nerve Division of ophthalmic, Brings innervation back in from front
Supertrochlear nerve Coming in the corner of orbit bringing innervation back
Lacrimal nerve Goes to lacrimal gland
Ciliary nerves Off of Nasociliary nerve. Carrying sensory nerves for pain of the eyeball and a little bit of proprioception
Ciliary ganglion Parasympathetic. Adjust size of pupil, adjust iris, post-synaptic parasympathetic fibers, responsible for constricting the pupil (Misosis)
Widening of the eye: Sympathetic or Parasympathetic? Sympathetic
Mydriasis Very low parasympathetic and high sympathetic
Horner's syndrome Mid ptosis (drooping) of eye lid, narrowing of pupil, acquired lesion of cervical sympathetic chain
Superior rectus muscle Elevates eye, adduct around vertical axis, intort eye (medially rotate)
Inferior rectus muscle Depresses eye, extort eye (laterally rotate), adducts
Lateral rectus muscle Abduct eye
Medial rectus muscle Adduct eye
Superior oblique muscle Depresses eye, medially rotates and abducts around vertical axis
Inferior oblique muscle Elevates eye, laterally rotates and abducts around vertical axis
Gaze to the right Medial rectus: Left eye. Lateral rectus: Right eye
Gaze to the left Medial rectus: Right eye. Lateral rectus: Left eye
Name the one muscle that can look up when eye is all the way abducted Superior rectus
Name muscle when looking at nose that will elevate eye Inferior oblique
Name muscle when looking at nose that will depress eye Superior oblique
Third Nerve Palsy of Right eye symptoms Levator palpabrae superioris has no innervation , middle rectus is not functioning (Can't look to the left)
Left fourth Nerve Palsy Trochlear nerve, superior oblique. It is deviated up when looking at nose.
Sixth nerve Palsy Abducent nerve, lateral rectus, eye is slight deviation towards the midline
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