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Suprahyoid Region
Suprahyoid Region and floor of mouth
Question | Answer |
Hyoid bone | Only one that is ossified of the skeletal elements in the visceral neck. |
What is the investing fascia of the floor of the mouth called? | Geniohyoid fascia |
Name derivatives of the 2nd arch | Syloid process, upper portion of hyoid bone and stylohyoid ligament |
What muscle makes up the floor of the mouth? | Mylohyoid |
Name muscles in the floor of the mouth | Anterior belly of digastrics and hyoglossus muscle which comes from the hyoid bone and goes to the tongue |
What innervates the anterior belly of digastrics? Function? | Mylohyoid nerve: provides motor. Elevates hyoid bone and maybe a depressor of mandible |
What innervates the posterior belly of digastrics? Attachment? | Facial nerve. Attaches to medial side of mastoid process |
What innervates the stylohyoid muscle? Attachment? | Facial nerve. Attaches on styloid process |
Where does the sternocleidomastoid muscle attach? | Lateral side of mastoid muscle |
Submandibular gland | Has component that goes above mylohyoid. Contains cell bodies of PSNS nerve |
Sublingual gland | Above the mylohyoid. Numerous tiny ducts that deliver saliva under the tongue along the ridge. Fold under tongue is there because of sublingual gland |
Name branches of Mandibular Nerve | Inferior alveolar, Mylohyoid nerve, lingual, deep temporal, auriculotemporal, Masseteric and mental |
Inferior alveolar nerve | Sensory for teeth |
Mylohyoid nerve | Motor to anterior belly |
Lingual nerve | Goes to tongue. Vehicle for delivering post-synaptic fibers into where they are going to be going into the gland |
Deep Temporal nerves | Go to temporal |
Auricolotemporal nerve | Delivers post-synpatic parasympathetic fibers from otic ganglion |
Chorda Tympani | Comes out of ptetrotympanic fissure. Provides pre-synaptic parasympathetic fibers to submandibular ganglion. Sensory fibers they come from the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue taste buds. Taste fibers ride along with chorda tympani |
Geniculate ganglion | For taste of anterior 2/3rds of tongue |
Extrinsic muscles of tongue | Genioglossus muscle: Protrudes tongue, Hyoglossus muscle, Styloglossus and Palatoglossus (from soft palate) both retract tongue |
Function of hyoglossus muscle | Pulls tongue down towards hyoid bone if tongue is contracted (depressor of tongue). If tongue is protruded, it will protract it and will be elevator of hyoid |
Intrinsic muscles of tongue | Begin and end in tongue. They are interdigitating muscles going in all directions allowing tongue to take on many different shapes. Inferior longitudinal is most superficial |
Hypoglossus nerve | Goes through hypoglossal canal and innervates tongue. To test integrity: Ask patient to stick tongue out. Will go to side of damage |
Fauces | Separates the oral cavity from the pharyngeal cavity. Consists of Palatoglossal arch |
What part of the tongue lives in oral cavity? and pharyngeal cavity? | Horizontal component lives in oral cavity. Vertical posterior 1/3rd lives in pharyngeal |
What is the palatine tonsil a derivative of? | 2nd pharyngeal pouch |
What is the eustacian tube a derivative of? | 1st pharyngeal pouch |
Name branches of External Carotid Artery | Superficial temporal, Ascending pharyngeal, Lingual, Facial, Occipital, Posterior auricular, Maxillary, Superior thyroid (goes to voice box) |
What do submandibular nodes drain? | Superficial area |
Lymphatic drainage of the tongue | Tip of tongue drains to nodes outside of floor of mouth. Posterior, horizontal and vertical drains into jugular digastric nodes |