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Suprahyoid Region

Suprahyoid Region and floor of mouth

Hyoid bone Only one that is ossified of the skeletal elements in the visceral neck.
What is the investing fascia of the floor of the mouth called? Geniohyoid fascia
Name derivatives of the 2nd arch Syloid process, upper portion of hyoid bone and stylohyoid ligament
What muscle makes up the floor of the mouth? Mylohyoid
Name muscles in the floor of the mouth Anterior belly of digastrics and hyoglossus muscle which comes from the hyoid bone and goes to the tongue
What innervates the anterior belly of digastrics? Function? Mylohyoid nerve: provides motor. Elevates hyoid bone and maybe a depressor of mandible
What innervates the posterior belly of digastrics? Attachment? Facial nerve. Attaches to medial side of mastoid process
What innervates the stylohyoid muscle? Attachment? Facial nerve. Attaches on styloid process
Where does the sternocleidomastoid muscle attach? Lateral side of mastoid muscle
Submandibular gland Has component that goes above mylohyoid. Contains cell bodies of PSNS nerve
Sublingual gland Above the mylohyoid. Numerous tiny ducts that deliver saliva under the tongue along the ridge. Fold under tongue is there because of sublingual gland
Name branches of Mandibular Nerve Inferior alveolar, Mylohyoid nerve, lingual, deep temporal, auriculotemporal, Masseteric and mental
Inferior alveolar nerve Sensory for teeth
Mylohyoid nerve Motor to anterior belly
Lingual nerve Goes to tongue. Vehicle for delivering post-synaptic fibers into where they are going to be going into the gland
Deep Temporal nerves Go to temporal
Auricolotemporal nerve Delivers post-synpatic parasympathetic fibers from otic ganglion
Chorda Tympani Comes out of ptetrotympanic fissure. Provides pre-synaptic parasympathetic fibers to submandibular ganglion. Sensory fibers they come from the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue taste buds. Taste fibers ride along with chorda tympani
Geniculate ganglion For taste of anterior 2/3rds of tongue
Extrinsic muscles of tongue Genioglossus muscle: Protrudes tongue, Hyoglossus muscle, Styloglossus and Palatoglossus (from soft palate) both retract tongue
Function of hyoglossus muscle Pulls tongue down towards hyoid bone if tongue is contracted (depressor of tongue). If tongue is protruded, it will protract it and will be elevator of hyoid
Intrinsic muscles of tongue Begin and end in tongue. They are interdigitating muscles going in all directions allowing tongue to take on many different shapes. Inferior longitudinal is most superficial
Hypoglossus nerve Goes through hypoglossal canal and innervates tongue. To test integrity: Ask patient to stick tongue out. Will go to side of damage
Fauces Separates the oral cavity from the pharyngeal cavity. Consists of Palatoglossal arch
What part of the tongue lives in oral cavity? and pharyngeal cavity? Horizontal component lives in oral cavity. Vertical posterior 1/3rd lives in pharyngeal
What is the palatine tonsil a derivative of? 2nd pharyngeal pouch
What is the eustacian tube a derivative of? 1st pharyngeal pouch
Name branches of External Carotid Artery Superficial temporal, Ascending pharyngeal, Lingual, Facial, Occipital, Posterior auricular, Maxillary, Superior thyroid (goes to voice box)
What do submandibular nodes drain? Superficial area
Lymphatic drainage of the tongue Tip of tongue drains to nodes outside of floor of mouth. Posterior, horizontal and vertical drains into jugular digastric nodes
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