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Anato II heart

Embryology of hear:t High Yeild Facts

Anbmormally narrowed right ventricular outflowtract (pulmonary infundibular stenosis)is one of the four components of ? Teratology of Fallot
Teratology of Fallot occurs when Ap septum fails to align properly with the AV septum.
Teratology of fallot resulting due to an unequal division of the conus cordis and truncus arteriosum by the spriraling conotruncal septum
Overriding Aorta;Valvular and infundibular pulmonary stenosis; Large ventricular septal defect; Hypertrophic right ventricle Four Charasteristics of TOF
Av sepetal defects are considered an type of endocardial __________ defect that results from incomplete formation of AV septum. Usually accompanied by AV valve abnormalities . Cushion
Down syndrome usually associated with what type of defect AV septal defect
Tricuspid atresia is a type of endocardial ______ defect. Insufficient amount of AV cushion available to form the trricuspid valve. cushion
Cardiogenic cells of the PHF will specifically form Both atria, The left ventricle, Right ventricle (part of it)
The cardiogenic heart cells reside in the splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm (splanchnopleure)
cardiogenic cells migrate toward the anterior portion of the embryo and position themselves rostral to the____. Become aranged in a U shaped region called ________ buccopharyngeal membrane;Primary Heart Field
These cardiogenic cells appear slightly later (days 20 to 21) than those in the PHF Secondary Heart field
SHF cells reside in the splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm.
Formation of Remainder of right ventricle (i.e., portion not formed by cardiogenic cells of PHF) Secondary Heart Field (SHF)
Formation of Smooth portions of both ventricles SHF
Formation of Outflow tract (i.e., proximal portions of aorta and pulmonary trunk) SHF
The earliest sign of the heart is the appearance of paired cell cluster called____(approx. at day 21) angioblastic cords
These angioblastic cords are the heart primordium
In the cardiogenic area, the angioblastic cords lie __to the pericardial coelom (future pericardial cavity). ventral
angioblastic cords are induced by the ____to remodel and form a pair of endocardial heart tubes. endoderm of the foregut
As lateral embryonic folding occurs, the heart tubes approach each other and fuse to form primitive heart tube
The primitive heart tube’s caudalmost ends do not fuse,they remain separate and are embedded in the septum transversum
Septum transversum gives rise to the ______of the diaphragm and the connective tissue of the liver central tendon
Heart is a tube consisting of an inner_____ and an outer myocardial layer endothelial lining
The cardiac jelly is a thick secretion of the primordial myocardium.
The ______is a gelatinous connective tissue that plays a central role in septation of the heart. cardiac jelly
Forms endocardial cushions cardiac jelly
The heart is initially suspended from the dorsal wall by a mesentery called dorsal mesocardium.
Dorsal mesentery degenerates, forming a communication between the right and left sides of the pericardial cavity
In the adult heart the remnants of the dorsal mesentery communication is the transverse pericardial sinus
Mesothelial cells (splanchnopleure) from the region of the sinus venosus migrate over the heart to form the epicardium
The single tubular heart begins to beat at about day___of development and begins to pump blood at about day __ 22, 24
Blood enters the primitive heart from the Placenta via ____ umbilical veins
Blood enters the primitive heart from Yolk sac via _____ vitelline veins
Blood enters the primitive heart from Embryo via____ common cardinal veins
The single tubular heart develops a series of constrictions and expansions dividing it into dilatations TA,BC,PV,PA,SV
True or False: Sinus venosus is the confluence of the right and left sinus horns, and each sinus horn collects blood from the veins. True
The sinus venosus empties into the primitive_____, where blood is propelled into the primitive ____ atrium, ventricle
Embrionic dialation troncus arteriosum gives rise to _____ aorta and pulmonary trunk
Embrionic bulbus cordis gives rise to_____ smooth part of Right V(conus ateriousum)and Left V(aortic vestibule)
Contrary to what the BRS book says, trabeculated part of right ventricle arises from the_______ Bulbus cordis
Embrionic dialation primitive ventricle gives rise to_____ Trabeculated part of left ventricle
Embrionic dialation primitive atrium gives rise to_____ Trabeculated part of Right A, trabeculated part of Left A,
Coronary sinus and oblique vein Left A arise from which embrionic dilation? sinus venosus
Embrionic dialation sinus venosus gives rise to_____ smooth part of right atrium
Smooth part of right atrium is formed by the incorporation of parts of the _____into the atrial wall. pulmonary veins
The junction of the trabeculated and smooth parts of the right atrium is called the____ crista terminalis
Entire right ventricle arises from ___dilation bulbus cordis
Smooth portions of both ventricles arises from bulbus cordis
results in originally caudal inflow portion (atrium) becomes positioned dorsal to the outflow tract cardiac looping
During cardiac looping, the caudal (atrial) portion bends dorsally, cranially, and to the left
During cardiac looping, the _______ portion of the tube bends ventrally, caudally, and to the right. cephalic
In_____, the caudal (atrial) portion of the primitive heart tube loops to the right instead of the left. dextrocardia
_____are thickened cardiac jelly. Endocardial cushions
They form on the dorsal and ventral walls of the common atrioventricular (AV) canal. Endocardial cushions
The endocardial cushions also contribute to the formation of AV valves and the ____portion of the IV septum. membranous
PHF cells are induced by underlying ____ to form cardiac myoblasts and blood islands. forgut endoderm
Created by: rcraquel
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