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Medical Term 7 & 8


Pyrosis heartburn
Melana passage of dark tarry stools; color is result of digestive enzymes working on blood in stool
Hematochezia passing bright red blood in stools
Denture partial or complete set of artificial teeth that are set in plastic materials
Colonoscope instrument to view inside colon
Colonoscopy flexible fiberscope passed through anus, rectum, and colon is used to examine upper portion of colon
Colostomy surgical creation of opening in some portion of colon through abdominal wall to outside surface; fecal material drains into bag worn on abdomen
Emesis vomiting, usually with some force
Cachexia loss of weight and generalized wasting that occurs during a chronic disease
Ascites collection or accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity
Jaundic Yellow cast to skin, mucous membranes, and whites of eyes caused by deposit of bile pigment from too much bilirubin in blood
Diarrhea passing of frequent, watery bowel movements
Rugae prominent folds in mucosa of stomach; smooth out and almost disappear allowing stomach to expand when full of food
Chyme semisoft mixture of food and digestive fluids that pass from stomach into small intestines
Fundus upper portion of stomach
Body main portion of the stomach
Antrum tapered distal end of the stomach
Sphincters ring of muscle around tubular organ; can contract to control opening of tube
Cardiac Sphincter also called lower esophageal sphincter; prevents food and gastric juices from backing up into esophagus
Pyloric Sphincter sphincter at distal end of stomach; controls passage of food into duodenum
Emulsification to make fats and lipids more soluble in water
Volvulus Condition in which bowel twists upon itself and causes painful obstruction that requires immediate surgery
Intussusception intestinal condition in which one portion of intestine telescopes into adjacent portion causing obstruction and gangrene if untreated
Hemorrhoid varicose veins in rectum
Hiatal hernia protrusion of stomach through diaphragm and extending into thoracic cavity; gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common syptom
Cirrhosis chronic disease of the liver
Fistula a permanent abnormal passageway between two organs in the body or between an organ and the exterior of the body.
Diverticulum outpouching off the gut
Antiemetic substance that controls nausea and vomiting
Laxative mild cathartic
Antacid substance that neutralizes acid in stomach
Anorexiant substance that treats obesity by suppressing appetite
NG nasogastric (tube)
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
N&V nausea and vomiting
NPO nothing by mouth
Brochoscope instrument to view inside a bronchus
Pharyngitis inflammation of mucous membrane of pharynx, usually caused by viral or bacterial infection; commonly called sore throat
Pansinusitis inflammation of all sinuses
Hepatic pertaining to liver
Aphagia not eating
Anorexia loss of appetite that can accompany other conditions such as gastrointestinal upset
Gastric pertaining to the stomach
Sublingual pertaining to under tongue
Nasopharynx upper pharynx
Oropharynx middle pharynx
Laryngopharynx lower pharynx
Palate roof of mouth
Cilia term for eyelashes that protect eye from foreign particles or for nasal hairs that help filter dust and bacteria out of inhaled air
Nares external openings of nose that open into nasal cavity
Nasal Septum flexible cartilage wall that divides nasal cavity into left and right halves
Aspiration for respiratory system, refers to inhaling food, liquid, or a foreign object into airways
Asphyxia lack of oxygen that can lead to unconsciousness and death if not corrected immediately
Hypoventilation to breathe both slow (bradypnea) and shallow (hypopnea)
Cheyne Stokes Respiration abnormal breathing pattern in which there are long periods (10-60 sec) of apnea followed by deeper, more rapid breathing
Epistaxis nosebleed
Hemoptysis coughing up blood or blood-stained sputum
Stridor harsh, high-pitched, noisy breathing sound made when there is obstruction of bronchus or larynx
Orthopnea term to describe patient who needs to sit up straight in order to breathe comfortably
Emphysema pulmonary condition that can occur as result of long-term heavy smoking; air pollution also worsens this disease; patient may not be able to breathe except in sitting or standing position
Histoplasmosis pulmonary disease caused by fungus found in dust in droppings of pigeons and chickens
Empyema pus within pleural space, usually result of infection
Pneumoconiosis condition resulting from inhaling environmental particles that become toxic, such as coal dust or asbestos
Oximetry process of measuring oxygen
Polysomnography monitoring a patient while sleeping to identify sleep apnea
Bronchography process of taking X-ray of lung after radiopaque substance has been placed into trachea or bronchial tree
Ventilation Perfusion Scan nuclear medicine diagnostic test especially useful in identifying pulmonary emboli
Aerosol Therapy medication suspended in mist intended to be inhaled
Postural Drainage draining secretions from bronchi by placing patient in position that uses gravity to promote drainage
Ventilation movement of air in and out of lungs
Endotracheal Intubation placing tube through mouth to create airway
Bronchodilator dilates or opens bronchi to improve breathing
Expectorant substance that assists in removal of secretion from bronchopulmonary membranes
Antitussive substance that controls or relieves coughing
Antihistamine substance that acts to control allergic symptoms by counteracting histamine, which exists naturally in body, and which is released in allergic reactions
Thoracentesis surgical puncture of chest wall for removal of fluids
Heimlich Maneuver technique for removing foreign body of food from trachea or pharynx when it is choking a person
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing method for assisting patients to breathe using mask connected to machine that produces increased pressure
Pleuritis Inflammation of the pleural cavity
Pleurectomy excision of pleura
Pleurodynia pleural pain
Thoracalgia chest pain
Cyanosis slightly bluish color of skin due to deficiency of oxygen and excess of carbon dioxide in blood
Rhinorrhea watery discharge from nose, especially with allergies or a cold, runny nose
Rhinorrhagia rapid and excessive flow of blood from nose
Rhinitis inflammation of nose
Rhinoplasty plastic surgery of nose
Eupnea normal breathing and respiratory rate
Dyspnea term describing difficult or labored breathing
Apnea not breathing
Pneumothorax collection of air or gas in pleural cavity, which can result in collapse of lung
Appendicitis inflammation of appendix
Cholelithiasis formation or presence of stones or calculi in gallbladder or common bile duct
Cholecystectomy surgical excision of gallbladder
Gastrectomy surgical removal of stomach
Gastrostomy surgical creation of gastric fistula or opening through abdominal wall
Polyp small tumor with pedicle or stem attachment
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