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Singing anatomy
basic principles of singing and anatomy
Question | Answer |
Breath is what two processes? | Inhalation, exhalation |
Inhalation | diaphragm contracts and drops; lung volume gets larger, creating a negative pressure difference; air is drawn in |
Exhalation | diaphram relaxes and rises;lung volume decreases, creating positive pressure difference; air gets pushed out |
Lungs are made of | soft spongy elastic tissue |
structure of lungs is like an | inverted tree |
air enters the lungs through | trachea |
the trachea branches in two to form | bronchi |
the bronchi branch into | bronchioles |
at the end of each bronchiole are clusters of | alveoli |
alveoli | small sacs where the gas exchange of CO2 and O2 takes place |
the right lung is_______________ because | Shorter; because the liver sits high tucked under the ribcage (broader than left) |
Left lung is _______________ because | smaller; because of the space taken up by the heart |
lungs are encased in a sack of tissue calledq | the pleura |
the lungs are stuck to the pleura by a small amount of liquid which creates | surface tension |
suporting the breath through_________ | abdominal tension |
Two types of breaths | involuntary, voluntary |
diaphragm | a sheet of muscle and tendon that divides the torso in two. dome shaped, slightly higher on the right side curves up toward center |
muscles found between the ribs | intercostal muscles |
external intercostals | outside of ribcage |
internal intercostals | inside of ribcage |
slows teh ascent of the diaphragm | abdominals |
what are the abdominals exterior to interior? | rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, transversus abdominis |
rectus abdominis muscles run | vertiaclly |
external obliques | run on side of belly downward and forward and insert int the pelvis and sides of the abdominal sheath /// |
internal obliques | run opposite external obliques rise from pelvis upward and forward, thickest muscles of the four \\\ |
transversus abdominis | thinnest run horizontally |
chest breathing | clavicular breathing or "breath of exhaustion" |
breathing is like a | vaccumn |
phonation | the act of making a sound |
larynx is positioned in the throat by a series of | suspernsory muscles |
larynx anchored from below by muscular attachments to the | sternum and the clavicles |
cricoid stabilized by | a ligament attachment to the first ring of the trachea |
larynx suspended from the | hyoid bone |
horseshoe shaped bone with opening at the back | hyoid bone |
muscles of tongue and chin attach to the | hyoid bone |
4 cartilages of larynx | cricoid, thyroid, arytenoids, epiglottis |
two adjunct cartilages in the larynx | corniculates, cuniforms |
cricoid attaches to | trachea |
broad in back and narrow in front | cricoid carilage |
two plates fused together that form a V posteriorly | thyroid cartilage |
flexible attached to cricoid and VC | arytenoid carilage |
corniculate carilidges | have no function |
cuniform cartilages | wedge shaped rods imbedded in ary-epiglottic folds |
intrinsic muscles | both attach within larynx |
extrinsic muscles | at leason one attachment outside muscle |
name 4 intrinsic muscles | vocal folds, false vocal folds, crico thyroid muscle, crico arytenoid muscle |
thyro aretenoids, glottis space between | vocal folds |
above vocal folds | false vocal folds |
fan shaped muscles broader at top than bottom stretches vocal folds | crico thyroid muscles |
three adductor and abductors of the arytenoids | crico arytenoid muscle |
when ari flows between two objecst, the speed of that air increases as the objects come closer together | bernoulii effect |
resonance | the relationship that exists between two vibrating bodies and results in an increase in amplitude and a more efficient use of the sound wave. |
primary vibrator produces sound wave | vocal folds |
secondary vibrator | resonance cavity |
resonance tract is________ | tuneable |
two resonating cavities | throat, mouth |
irregularly shaped tube which extends from back of the nose to the posetrior surface of the base of the cricoid cartilage | pharynx |
from base of skull to soft pallate | nasal pharynx |
from soft pallate to top of epiglottis | oral pharynx |
from top of epiglottis to base of crioid | laryengeal pharynx |
where one feels the augmented vibration due to the change in relationship of formants to areas of the body | placement |
spectral peaks of the sound spectrum | formants |
sound waves | alterations in pressure which propel themselves through an elastic medium |
the distance that a vibrator moves as it vibrates | amplitude |
the subjective evaluation by the ear of a sound's amplitude | loudness |
vocal color of tone quality | timbre |
moveable articulators (6) | tongue, jaw, cheeks, lips, velum, larynx |
fixed articulators | hard palate teets alveolar ridge |
the smallest phonetic unit of sound in language | phoneme |
soft palate has no | bone |
the act or manner of pronouncing syllables words or sentences in an articulate manner | enounciation |
the act or result of uttering phonemes syllables words and phrases according to accepted standards | pronounciation |
the prevailing standards of word usage and pronounciation in a cmomprehensible manner and style | diction |