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Shoulder Region SG

Shoulder Region

What bone is holding the shoulder in place? The joint between the sternum and clavicle
Name the bones of the shoulder Clavicle, scapula and humerus
Where do the rotator cuff muscles start and end Start on the scapula and end on the humerus. They are intrinsic muscles and have a little more to do with joint stability than the external ones
Where is there usually a fracture? Where the shaft meets the humerus
How much of the humerus is in contact with the glenoid? About 1/3 of the surface. There is fibrocartilage that goes around the glenoid and it is surrounded by a synovial membrane
Where does the tendon of the long head of the biceps attach? Enters the joint space and attaches to the supraglenoid tubercle
Name the ligaments part of the intrinsic part of the fibrous joint capsule Coracohumeral and Glenohumeral
Where is the humerus usually fractured? At the surgical neck.
What does the spine of the scapula divide into? The supraspinous and the infraspinous fossa
What type of motion is at the acromio clavicular joint? Rotational. Allows the scapula to rotate/glide along the thoracic wall
True or False: Dirsupting a joint is harder to establish back than a bone True
What should you think of when you think of synovial joint? (Clinically) Arthritis
How can you tell the posterior from anterior surface of the clavicle? Posterior surface is deepened and anterior surface is smooth
What does the costoclavicular ligament do? Maintains the relationship between the clavicle and 1st rib and determines how fat the clavicle is able to move
What type of movement does the glenohumeral joint do? Flexion and Extension
What is abduction and adduction? Abduction: Moving away from midline. Adduction: Bringing it back to the body
How far do the extrinsic muscles go? From torso to humerus
What does the pectoralis major rotate? The humerus and rotator cuff muscles
What does the pectoralis minor stabilize? The scapula. Pulls scapula down to hold it to chest wall
What other muscle holds the scapula against the wall? Serratus anterior
What does the trapezius cranial nerve IV (accessory) do? Has an antigravity effect. Descending: Elevates scapula. Ascending: Depresses Scapula. Middle: Retracts Scapula
What does the latissimus dorsi do? Innervated by thoracodorsal nerve, it extends the arm and it is going to adduct. It also medially rotates
What do the rhomboids do? Deep scapular nerve innervation. It does scapular retraction, rotates scapula (and glenoid) inferiorly. Holds scapula against chest wall (with serratus anterior).
What does the levator scapula do? Elevates scapula and rotates scapula (and glenoid) inferiorly
What does concentric mean? Eccentric? Coccentric: Everything is contracting. Eccentric: Means it's contracted, but lengthening
What does the deltoid do? Abduction, medial and lateral rotation. Deltoid and Supraspinous both abduct humerus together
What does the rotator cuff muscles keep in place? The humeral head
What does the teres major do? Adduction and medial rotation
True or False: As long as you tie off the artery above the circumflex , arteries blood supply should not be disrupted True
What is the teres minor innervated by? Teres major? Teres Minor: axillary nerve. Teres major: Lower subscapular nerve
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