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SAT Word Power List 19

insoucient ADJECTIVE calm and carefree, lighthearted
intervene VERB to come between; to mediate; to occur between times
inveigle VERB to tempt or persuade by using deception or flattery
irascible ADJECTIVE easily angered, irritable
joust VERB: to engage in combat or competition; NOUN: any combat suggestive of a joust
karma NOUN fate, destiny; the force generated by a person's good or bad actions
laconic ADJECTIVE brief, using few words
lament VERB to express sorrow or regret; to mourn
languish VERB to become weak or feeble; sag with loss of strength
lassitude NOUN a condition of weariness; fatigue
Fiddle While Rome Burns IDIOM do nothing or busy yourself with unimportant matters instead of taking action in an urgent situation
Field Day IDIOM to have unlimited opportunities; to have it all your own way; to go all out and experience success at something
Fifth Wheel IDIOM an unneeded, extra person
Fight Tooth and Nail IDIOM to fight fiercely, furiously, and ferociously
Fill the Bill IDIOM to be just te perfect thing that is needed; to be very competent, effective
Finger in Every Pie IDIOM to have a part in something; to be involved in many matter, businesses or activities
Created by: JWeston
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