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Repro system CCC

Reproductive system CCC PN105

gametes sex cells
sperm male sex cell
ova (egg) female sex cell
zygote when gametes unite; 1 sperm, 1 ova to fertizile
male essential organs gonads (testes)
testes produce sperm
male accessory organs ducts, sex glands, external genitals
testes located in scrotum
for survival, testes need 3 degree lower temp than body
spermatogenesis sperm production
sperm production is done in interstitial cells in testes
interstitial cells stimulate.... protein production anabolisn and development of muscle strength
male ducts passageways
types of ducts epididymis and vas deferens ductus
epididymis 6 m long, where sperm matures and develops while passing through
epididymis location above and behind testes in scrotum
vas deferens ductus receives and transports sperm
vas deferens location over bladder
path of sperm epididymis, vas deferens ductus, ejaculatory duct, urethra
male accessory glands function responsible for production of semen
ejaculation 3-5 mL each time; 100,000,000 sperm included
seminal vescicle produces 60% of semen volume
prostate gland produces 30% of semen volume
prostate location below bladder, urethra passes through it, shaped like a donut
bulbourethral gland (Cowpers gland) size of pea, secretes mucus-like fluid, less than 5$ of seminal fluid
male external genitals penis and scrotum
parts of scrotum testes and epididymis
male erectile tissue 3 columns, 2 dorsal, 1 ventral
glans penis tip of penis covered by prepuce
prepuce foreskin of penis
circumcision removal of foreskin
female essential organs ovaries (gonads)
function of ovaries produce ova
female accessory organs ducts, modified ducts, sex glands, external genitals
ovaries paired glands shaped like large almonds weighing 3g each
ovary location attached to uterus by pelvic ligaments
oogenesis production of ova
ovaries glands produce these hormones estrogen and progesteron
female ducts uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, bartholin gland, breasts
uterine tubes (ova ducts) 10 cm long from uterus, expanded distal end with mucosal line continuous to abdominal cavity
uterus made completely of muscle that expands during pregnancy, size of apple
parts of uterus body, fundus, cervis
fundus pouch shaped, top portion of uterus
cervix narrow, lower portion of uterus
location of uterus in pelvic cavity behind bladder
myometrium muscle layer of uterus
endometrium membrane lining of uterus, shed during menstruation
vagina distendable tube, 10 cm long, between bladder and rectum
bartholin gland (greater vestibular gland) secretes mucous like lubricant, located between labin minora
breasts contain lactiferous ducts that drain at nipple that is surrounded by areola
size of breasts determined by fat quantity, not amount of glandular tissue
female external genitals vulva, perineum
parts of vulva mons pubis, clitoris, vagina, labia minora, labia majora, hymen, orifice of urethra, bartholins gland
clitoris female erectile tissue
perineum area between vaginal opening and anus
menstrual cycle involves many changes in uterus, ovaries, vagina, and breasts
menses first 4-5 days of menstrual cycle, shedding of endometrium with bleeding
length of menstrual cycle 28 days, can vary month to month and individually
Created by: cmp12345
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