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medical abbreviation
Question | Answer |
a(with line on top) | before |
abd | abdomen |
a.c. | before meals |
AD | Alzheimer's Disease |
ADL | activities of daily living |
ad lib | as desired |
a.m. care | morning care |
amb | ambulate or walk |
amt | amount |
AROM | active range of motion |
ax | axillary (armpit) |
b.i.d | two times a day |
BM | bowel movement |
BP | blood pressure |
BR | bathroom |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
C | celsius |
c(with line on top) | with |
Ca | cancer |
Cath | catheter |
cc | cubic centimeter |
CBR | complete bed rest |
CHD | coronary heart disease |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CN | charge nurse |
c/o | complains of |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CVA | cerebral vascular accident (stroke) |
DC | discontinue |
DNS | director of nursing services |
Dr. | doctor |
Dx | diagnosis |
ENT | ear,nose,throat |
F | Fahrenheit |
FF | force fluids |
ft | feet |
Fx | fracture |
G.I. | gastrointestinal |
G.U. | genitourinary |
H2O | water |
HOB | head of bed |
HOH | hard of hearing |
h.s. | bedtime (hour of sleep) |
ht | height |
in | inch |
I/O | intake and output |
IV | intravenous |
L | liter |
lb | pound |
LE | lower extremity |
LLE | left lower extremity |
LPN | licensed practical nurse |
lt | left |
LUE | left upper extremity |
LVN | licensed vocational nurse |
MI | myocardial infarction (heart attack) |
mm | millimeters |
noc | night |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
N/V | nausea and vomiting |
O2 | oxygen |
oz | ounce |
p(with line on top) | after |
pc | after meals |
po | by mouth (oral) |
p.m. care | bedtime care |
p.r.n. | as necessary |
PROM | passive range of morion |
pt | `patient/resident |
PT | physical therapy |
q.d. | every day |
q.i.d. | four times a day |
q.h. | every hour |
q.o.d | every other day |
R | rectal |
RN | registered nurse |
ROM | range of motion |
rt | right |
RUE | right upper extremity |
RLE | right lower extremity |
Rx | presciption |
s(with line on top) | without |
spec | specimen |
SOB | shortness of breath |
staph | staphylococcus (bacteria) |
STAT | immediately |
strep | streptococcus (bacteria) |
tab | tablet |
tbsp | tablespoon |
t.i.d | three times a day |
TRP | temperature,pulse,respiration |
tsp | teaspoon |
U/A | urinalysis |
UE | upper extremity |
UP | Universal Precautions |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
V.S. | vital signs |
W/C | wheelchair |
wt | weight |