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unit 2 study guide

direct democracy government in witch citizens ELECT representatives to make government is to separate power
justinian an emperor who had roman laws organised into a code (book of law)
J Lo english philosopher who develope the idea of social contract
montesquieu philosipher who said that the best way to limit goverment is to seperate power
magna carta document in england (1215) that increased peoples rights; we borrowed the idea of "rule of law" from this document
code of hammurabi frist written code of law
natural rights idea that human beings are born with certain rights; these rights are called "unalienable" rights in our decleration of independent
social contract john loke's idea that people agree to be governed and have laws as long as these laws protect them; this is in the decleration of independence
rule of law idea found in magna carta that says citizens and the goverment must obey laws
commond law body of law based on court decisions insted of written laws; borrowed this idea from england
precedent a decision made in court case that is used to decide future cases
parliament the group of legislators who made the laws in england
may flower compact agreement signed by the pilgrims that created a direct democracy for the plymounth colony
house of burgerses frist goverment in jamestown, virginia- it was a form of representative democracy
new england the economy of these colonies-shiping, trading, fishing
middle colonies the economy of these colonies- lumber,small farms
southern colonies the economy of these colonies- agriculture, large plantations
plantation large farms in the south, many of these farms had slaves
triangle trade route between europe, africa and the americans in witch many diferent goods were traded
middle passage the middle part of the shipping route in witch slaves were treated badly on ships
saletary neglect policy in which england let the colonist govern themselves
wrist of assistance search warrants whenever they want whatever they want
dissent this means to agree
consent this means to disagree
continental the army formed by the 13 colonies
constitution a plan of government
ratify to pass a law is called
thomas jefferson the writer of the declaration of independence
Created by: hectorsoto13411
Popular American Government sets




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