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Digestive System Exam CCC PN 105

injestion taking into the mouth
digestion breaking down process
mechanical process action that involves organ itself, like chewing
chemical process breaks down large food molecules into compounds that have smaller molecules, like acid breaking down food in stomach
3 parts of digestive system ailementary canal, GI tract, GI tube
where digestive system starts mouth
where digestive system ends anus
29 ft average length of digestive system
20 ft average length of small intestine
how food is processed digestion, absorption, metabolized
4 quadrants right upper, right lower, left upper, left lower
used to loacal pain or symptoms related to digestive system organs 4 quadrants
lumen space inside digestive tract
mucosa most inner layer of digestive tract
submucosa inner layer of connective tissue, just outside of mucosa
muscularis two layers of smooth muscle that perform peristalsis
serosa attaches digestive tract to wall of abdominal cavity
peristalsis wave-like movements that mix food with digestive juices
oral cavity mouth
mouth where food enters digestive tract
roof of mouth hard palate, soft palate
hard palate is made of bone
soft palate is made of muscle and pharynx
uvula piece of soft palate hanging in throat
this prevents any food and liquid from entering the nasal cavities above the mouth uvula
floor of mouth tongue
where are tastebuds in papillae on tongue
lingual frenulum skin anchoring tongue in mouth
3 parts of tooth crown, neck, root
crown exposed portion of tooth
neck section between exposed and inset portion of tooth
root inset portion of tooth, in gum
gingiva gums
enamel hardest tissue in body
what is only found on the crown portion of the tooth enamel
location of dentin and cementin outer shell of tooth
greatest portion of outer shell of tooth is composed of dentin
4 types of teeth incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, tricuspids
baby teeth desiduous teeth
number of baby deeth set of 20
number of adult teeth set of 32
produce saliva salivary glands
amouht of saliva excreted daily 1 L
3 pairs of salivary glands parotid, submandibular, sublingual
largest salivary glands parotid
two types of salivary glands serous, mucous
type of gland secreting thin, watery solution made of enzymes serous salivary gland
type of gland secreting thick solution to help food move through digestive tract mucous salivary gland
two types of serous salivary glands parotid, submandibular
two types of mucous salivary glands sublingual, submandibular
this salivary gland is both serous and mucous submandibular
used in both respiratory and digestive systems pharynx
3 parts of pharynx naso, oro, larengo
upper part of pharynx behind nose nasopharynx
middle part of pharynx behind mouth oropharynx
lower part of pharynx behind larynx larengopharynx
main digestive organ espohagus
function of esophagus passage way for food, pushes food towards stomach, connects pharynx to stomach
where is stomach upper left quadrant
stomach size of sausage when empty, expands when full, can push on diaphragm
entryway of food to stomach cardiac sphincter
cardiac sphincter is also called lower exophogeal sphincter
function of cardia sphincter keeps food from re-entering esophagus
closes opening between end of stomach and start of small intestine pyloric sphincter
end of stomach pyloris
stomach wall is made of smooth muscle and mucous membranes that secrete gastric juices and acid
folds in empty stomach rugae
diameter of small intestine 2 cm
division of small intestine duodenum, jejunum, ileum
first part of small intestine, where most of the digestion occurs duodenum
small instestine is made of smooth muscle and mucous membrane for peristalsis
function of intestinal glands secrete inestinal juice for digestion and movement
finger shaped projections from mucosa, absorb cargohydrates and proteins villi
largest gland in digestive system liver
main location of liver right upper quadrant
function of liver secretes bile (EXOCRINE GLAND)
function of bile breaks down fats and emilinates cholesterol from body
drains bile from liver hepatic duct
how bile enters and leaves gallbladder cystic duct
joins hepatic and cystic ducts and drains bile into duodenum common bile duct
concentrates and stores bile produced by the liver, located just under surface of liver gallbladder
exocrine gland and endocrine gland pancreas
type of pancreat gland that secretes pancreatic juices into pancreatic ducts exocrine pancreatic gland
type of pancreatic gland that secretes hormones into the blood endocrine pancreatic gland
where is the pancreas behind the stomach
pancreatic juice most important digestive juice
where does main pancreatic duct empty duodenum
cells not connected with pancreatic ducts, secrete hormones and insulin pancreatic islet of langerhans
parts of large intestine cecum, colon, rectum
parts of colon ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
external opening of the digestive tract rectum
beginning of large intestine ileocecal valve
large intestine is made of smooth muscle and mucous membrane
organ of elimination large intestine
this intestine moves slower than the other large
this happens when large intestine digests too fast diarrhea
this happens when large intestine digests too slowly constipation
average length of time for large intestine digestion process 3-5 days
only this intestine has villi small
these stay contracted to keep anus closed inner and outer anal sphincter
involuntary anal muscle inner anal sphincter
voluntary anal muscle outer anal sphincter
worm like, blind tube just off cecum, plays no role in digestion but may aid in immune defense veriform appendix
serous membrane that lines abdominal cavity and covers organs in it peritoneum
this lines abdominal cavity pareital peritoneum
this covers each abdominal organ visceral peritoneum
extensions of peritoneum mesentery and greater omentum
largest extension of peritoneum, visceral extension, also called a lace apron, hangs from lower stomach and transverse colon over the intestines greater omentum
pareital extension of peritoneum that attaches small intestine to posterior abdominal wall mesentery
outside of peritoneum retroperitoneum
transforms food into substances that can be absorbed and used by cells digestion
digestive enzymes are found in saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, and intestinal juice
process by which digested food moves from intestine into blood or lymph absorption
Created by: cmp12345
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