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INSTE I:3 OT Week 5

Joshua and Judges

Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law deprat from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Outline of Joshua I. The Conquest; II. The Division of the Land
Outline of Judges I. Prologue; II. Six Cycles of Apostasy; 3. Epilogue
What is Joshua's name in Greek? Jesus
What is a theophany? A visual manifestation of God to man
What miracle occurred during the main battle in the southern campaign? The sun stopped moving, thus lengthening the day.
Where was the Tabernacle located during the conquest and distribution of the territory to the tribes? In Shiloh
Which tribe received 10 cities and special provisions rather than an inheritance? The Levites
Is it possible that the author of Judges was: Samuel
The period of judges covered a span of how many years? 350 years (from the time of Joshua to Saul)
Othniel Caleb was his uncle
Ehud He was left handed
Deborah/Barak They liberated Israel
Gideon Killed the Midianites w/only 300 soldiers
Jephthah Sacrificed his daughter to keep his vow
Samson Great strength
5 steps of each cycle of apostasy: Apostasy; Oppression; Repentance; Liberation; Peace
What phrase introduces each cycle of apostsy? The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
The purpose of the Book of Judges is Admonition. However, the message of the book is that God never fails.
The conquest of the Promised Land was accomplished in 3 military campaigns
The cities of refuge were designated for those who killed a person accidentally
How many judges are mentioned in the book of Judges? 12
Created by: ymoseley
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