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Abortion re

RE revision

What is abortion? It is a deliberate termination of an unborn foetus up to 24 weeks.
Whats a Pro-Life organisation? Pro-life is people who are against abortion, they often take part in protest or marches.
Name one Pro-life organisation? LIFE
What is Pro-Choice organisation? Pro-Choice belive it is the womans choice to decide what to do with the unborn baby.
When and Who introduced abortion act? The abortion act was introduced in 1967 by a man called David Steel.
What are Christian churches veiw point on abortion? All Christians churches execpt the RCC allow abortion
What do Muslims think about abortion? Abortion is not generally permitted within Islam unless it is to save mother's life.
What is abortion? It is a deliberate termination of an unborn foetus up to 24 weeks.
Whats a Pro-Life organisation? Pro-life is people who are against abortion, they often take part in protest or marches.
Name one Pro-life organisation? LIFE
What is Pro-Choice organaisation? Pro-Choice belive it is the womans choice to decide what to do with the unborn baby.
When and Who introducedabortion act? The abortion act was introduced in 1967 by a man called David Steel.
What are Christian churches veiw point on abortion? All Christians churches execpt the RCC allow abortion
What do Muslims think about abortion? Abortion is not generally permitted within Islam unless it is to save mother's life.
Created by: Febin
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