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section 11 Samaritan

Jesus and the woman at the well

Whom did the Jews not get along with? Samaritans
Where were the disciples when Jesus spoke to the woman at the well? In town buying food.
Why did Jesus go through Samaria? It was the most direct route
Name two traits that showed Christ's humanity. He was weary and he looked like any other Jew
What showed Christ's deity in the story? He offered eternal life, was omniscient, and claimed deity
Who ministered in Samaria before Christ? John the Baptist
Who ministered in Samaria after Christ? Phillip
What 3 things did Christ do to evangelize to the Samaritan woman? Aroused her curiosity, Made her face her need, and made her see her sin
What city was the Samaritan woman from? Sychar
Created by: kewoodard1
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