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Honors Government

Aristilian Democracy Same as direct democracy and pure democracy, the "purest" form of Democracy. For the people. A situation where all of the qualified citizens get together and make political decissions.
Republican form of Government A situation where all the qualified citizens get together and choose the decision makers.
Limited Government Certain rights of the citizens that the government has no power over. Such as religion.
John Locke An English philosopher said the creation of government established a Social Contract between people and government with obligations to be met by both.
Popular Sovereignty The ultimate source of power should be the people.
Social Contract Government would be ultimately resposible to the people.
Montesquieu French Philosopher created the "spirit of laws". Also the idea of dividing up the powers of the government.
Separation of Powers From the french philosopher the colnists took the idea of dividing up the powers of the government.
Checks and Balances Montesquieu believed that several branches of government should be created and that each branch should be given some power. Through a system of checks and balances, each brand should be made a "watchdog" over the other two.
Articles of Confederation Served as our first constitution from 1781-1789. States had all the power (9 of 13 states had to approve all laws and amendments required all 13 state's approval.)
Shays Rebelion Farmers/Soldiers rebelled because while they were gone they could not keep up with their taxes and their property got taken away from them as a result and they were being sued.
Annapolis Convention Meeting held in Annapolis, Maryland in 1786 to discuss the problems with the artivles. The meeting was not well attended (only 5 states sending delegates)
Virginia Plan Introduced by Edmund Randolph of Virginia. Written by delegates from larger states for the benefit of the larger states.
New Jersey Plan Introduced at the convention by William Patterson of, who shaee from justicell fl New Jersey. Written by the smaller states for the benefit of the smaller states.
Conneticut Compromise Viginia and New Jersey plans merged. Involves a House AND a Senate. Senate members (2 from each state) House members (based on population)
3/5ths Compromise (Free States vs Slave States) Slave states are allwed to count 3/5 of their slave population for representation perposes as well as taxing purposes.
Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton and John Jay and James Madison got together and wrote 85 articles that appeared in the NYC newspapers defending and explaining the constitution.
Charles Beard
Extradition A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the same state from which he fled, be delivred
Bill of Attainder A law that declares a person guilty without trial.
Ex Post Facto Laws "After the fact laws" 1. Connot be found guilty of something that was legal in the time that you did it. 2. Cannot change penalty in the middle of a case. 3. Cannot change the means of obtaining evedence in the middle of a case.
Preamble Introduction to the constitution statign the purpose of the document.
Writ of Habeas Corpus Bring the prisoner forth and show just cause of rebellion or invasion.
Treason Any act against ones gonvernment. "shall consist only in levying war them or in adhering to their enemies, giving aid and comfort.
Unitary System All of the power rests with the National Government. The states can only do what the National Government allows them to do.
Confederal System The states have all the power and national government can only do things which the states allow.
Federal System Power is divided between states and National Government (system we have today)
Bicameral Legislature Two houses.
Unicameral Legislature One house.
Necessary and Proper Clause (Article 1 Sec. 8) Congress shall have the power to do things that are listedin the constitution plus anything else they deem necessary and proper.
National Supremecy Clause (Article 6) The National Government shall be supreme over the state government.
Duel Federalism Layer cake federalism. State and National Government trying to stay as se
Cooperative Federalism (1930-1970)Marble cake federalism. Government gave assistance to states during depresion, wanted control.
New Federalism (1970-present) Turning back power and resposibility to the states.
Categroical Grants Grants given to a specific purpose ("School Lunches" "Transportation" "Head Start") Generally more spending.
Block Grants Only restricted to a given area ("Education" "Crime Control") More flexibility in spending. Typically less money.
Revenue Sharing (1972-1986) National Government takes a certain percent of state taxes and gives it back to the state to spend it as they please.
Federalists Favored a stronger National Government.
Antifederalists Favored stronger state control.
Tories Still loyal to Great Britain.
Patriots Supporters of the Revolutionary War.
Full Faith and Credit Full faith and credit shall be given to the acts records and judicial proceedings of every other state.
Privileges and Immunities Clause The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privilages and immunities of citizens of several states.
Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson as a justification for the break with Britain.
Nation A group of people bound together by a sense of nationalism.
State The geographic territory occupied by a group of people.
Nation-State A group of people bound together by a sense of nationalism occpying shared geographic territory. (A formal term for country)
Nationalism A common identity.
Nation Building The process of creating a nation state.
Sovereignty The ultimate source of power.
Electoral college Elects the President and the Vice President.
Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Constitution.
James Maddison Was one of the men who wrote the a federalist papers under the pen name Publius.
Impeachment The process in which the president vice president can be removed from office due to treason or crime.
Created by: MrsLippig
Popular American Government sets




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