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What oxidation state does oxygen have in peroxides? -1
What oxidation state does oxygen have normally? -2
What oxidation state does an elemental state have? 0
What oxidation state does hydrogen have when bond to non-metals? +1
What oxidation state does hydrogen have when bond to metals? -1
Another name for galvanic cell voltaic cell
Galvanic / voltaic cell electrochem cx that derives electrical energy from spontaneous redox rxn taking place within the cx
Electrolytic cx electrochem cx in which energy from an applied voltage is used to drive an otherwise nonspontaneous rxn
Electrons ALWAYS flow from? anode --> cathode
What happens at anode? Cathode? oxidation / reduction
Naturally, what species will be the anode and what species will be the cathode? -anode = highest oxidation potential -cathode = highest reduction potential
What is the salt bridge for? maintains charge neutrality of each half cell
If the cell potential is positive, the rxn is spontaneous / nonspontaneous spontaneous
If the cell potential is negative, the rxn is spontaneous / nonspontaneous nonspontaneous
Which species are the most easily reduced? electronegative species
Is the cell potential for a galvanic cell positive or negative? Electrolytic cell -positive -negative
Calculate cell potential. Reduction potential + oxidation potential --> don't multiply potentials by anything
What is the reduction potential for hydrogen? 0
What species has positive reduction potentials? oxygen, halogens, nonreactive metals
What species has negative reduction potential? reactive metals that want to get rid of outer electron
Current for an electrochem cell. I = q / t (coulombs of charge per second)
Faraday's constant F = q / n (total charge / total moles of electrons)
Faraday's law I * t = n * F (current * time ) = (moles of e * Faradays)
Why can electrolytes conduct electricity? motion of ions
Without electrolytes, can there be a circuit? NO --> electricity can't travel
Which type of cell requires potential / voltage input? electrolytic
Percent yield experimental yield / theoretical yield * 100
What does a coulomb equal to? Amps * second
Cu2+ + 2e --> Cu How many moles of electrons are required to reduce one mole of Cu2+ 2 moles of electrons
If one electron is required to reduce Ce4+ and 2 electrons are required to oxidize Sn2+, how many Ce4+ are reduced for every Sn2+ oxidized? 2
Where is the strongest oxidizing agent? Reducing agent? upper left / lower right
A negative reduction potential means it is easier / harder to reduce? harder --> better reducing agent
A positive reduction potential means it is easier / harder to reduce? easier --> worse reducing agent
What is the reduction equation for hydrogen? 2H+ + 2e --> H2 --> E = 0
What does galvanic cell convert? converts chemical energy to electrical energy
What is a half cell? strip of metal and solution together
Where does current flow in relation to electrons? current flows in opposite direction
Why do electrons in galvanic cell naturally flow to cathode? electrons in anode have higher potential energy than cathode
Galvanic cell in relation to work. Galvanic cell always has chemical energy that can be converted to work
What does a positive cell potential indicate with G? negative G and spontaneous reaction
Equilibrium constant, K, and Go vary with? temperature
K = 1, then delta G = ? K <1, then delta G =? K >1, then delta G =? -0 ->0 -<0
What are standard state conditions? 298 K, conc. of all solutions is 1M, 1 atm
What does electrochemical cell imply? either galvanic or electrolytic cell
What are electrolytic cells used for? metal plating, purifying metals, electrophoresis
In a galvanic cell, the anode is positive/negative and the cathode is? -negative / positive
In an electrolytic cell, the anode is positive/negative and the cathode is? -positive / negative
What are galvanic cells used for? batteries
If oxidation takes place, does reduction always have to take place? yes
T/ F: An Atom in the reducing agent gets oxidized TRUE
T/F: If an atom of the reductant loses two electrons, an atom of the oxidant must gain 2 electrons FALSE
A galvanic cell with a positive potential can____ perform work
If Eo =0, can the rxn still be spontaneous? YES --> depends on chemical concentration
Forward and reverse rates are ONLY equal during ______. equilibrium
Does enthalpy and Gibbs free energy value reverse when rxn is reversed? YES
Galvanic cells are spontaneous so delta G =? < 0
Electrolytic cells are non-spontaneous so delta G=? > 0
Does an electrolytic cell require a salt bridge? NO
What type of cell is a concentration cell and is it spontaneous / non-spontaneous? galvanic / spontaneous (delta G < 0)
What does deltaG =? -n*F*E(cell) --> energy is proportional to both cell voltage and number of electrons involved
Galvanic cells _____ energy while electrolytic cells ______ energy. release / store
Voltages add in series / parallel? series
The more a reaction proceeds in the forward direction, the greater / smaller its voltage? greater in a galvanic cell
To be a sacrificial metal, the metal must have a higher/lower oxidation potential than the protected metal? higher oxidation potential
What defines an unfavorable reaction? negative reduction potential
Electroplating results from the reduction of a _____ into a metal. cation
What is a desirable property of an electroplating material? cation has large positive reduction potential (not easily oxidized)
What is the oxidation number of pure elements? 0
What is the second more eN element? oxygen
What is the oxidation number of oxygen in H2O2? -1
What are the money metals and how are they special? Au, Pt, Ag, Hg, Cu, Ni --> negative oxidation potentials so don't rust or tarnish
Does a positive oxidation potential mean it is easier or harder to oxidize? easier
Does a positive reduction potential mean it is easier or harder to reduce? easier
More easily reduced = better _____ agents. oxidizing
More easily oxidized = better _____ agents. reduced
equation that relates free energy and emf? delta G = -nFE
What does a change in Gibbs free energy represent in terms of work? max. amount of nonPV work available from a reaction at constant temperature and pressure
What does a negative delta G indicate in terms of work? works is done by system
Under standard conditions, the free energy of a spontaneous reaction is? negative
At equilibrium, the free energy of any reaction is? 0
Positive potentials correspond to ____ reactions. Negative potentials correspond to _____ reactions. spontaneous nonspontaneous
What are conditions fro standard potential? concentrations are at 1M and voltage is 1.1V
At equilibrium, what is the value of the free energy and cell potential? zero
At equilibrium, what is the relationship between Q and K? Q = K
relate delta G to delta Go deltaG = Go + RT ln(Q)
The log of a number <1 is positive /negative? negative
In a concentration cell, where will the cation concentration be greatest? cathode
Are electrolytic cells used to decompose a salt? Power an electrical device? yes / no
What are galvanic cells used for? voltage source and pH meter
What determines the emf? temperature, concentrations, and reactions
Created by: 507935299
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