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Physics formula MCAT

Displacement d = ∆s (final position) - (inital position)
average velocity v = v = ∆x/∆t = d/∆t
average acceleeration a = a = ∆v/∆t
the Big Four uniformly accerlerated motion ∆x = Vоt + 1/2at^2; ∆v =at; v^2 = v^2+2a∆x; v = v+v (final)+ (inital)/2;
Newton's First Law F = An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon
Newton's Second Law F = ma
Newton's Third Law To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction
Weight w = w = mg
Gravitational force F = F = G Mm/r^2
Kinetic friction F = µ(k)F (normal force)
Static friction F = µ(s)F (normal force)
Force due to gravity acting parallel to inclined plane F = F = mg sinθ
force due to gravity acting perpendicular to inclined plane F = F = mg cosθ
Force from Tension F (T) = F (tension) = F (net) + mg
Center of mass = m1x1+m2x2+m3x3.../m1+m2+m3...
Centripital acceleration a = F = v^2/r
Centripital ForceF = F = ma = mv^2/r
Torque τ = τ = rFsinθ
Work (3)W = W = Fd= Pt= qV
Kinetic Energy KE = KE = 1/2 mv^2
Work-Energy Theorem W (total)= ∆KE
Gravetational Potential Energy PE or U = PE = mgh
Total Mechanical Energy E = E = KE + PE
Conservaton of Total Mechanical Energy KE(i)+PE(i) = KE(f)+PE(f)
Momentum p = p = mv
Impulse J J = ∆p= F∆t
Conservation of Total Momentum p(inital) = p(final)
Elastic Collision Total momentum and total KE is conserved i.e when after a collision two balls go in opposite directions
Inelastic Collision Total momentum is conserved however, KE is NOT conserved i.e balls move together
Density ρ = ρ = m/V
Specific gragity = = ρ/ρH2O
Pressure P = P = F/A
Area for circle A = A = πr^2
Hydrostatic Gague Pressure P (gauge) = = ρ(fluid)gd
Total Hydrostatic Pressue P = P = ρ (on surface) +P(gauge)
Archmides' Principle F (Buoy) = F (Buoy) = ρ(fluid)gV
Laminar smooth floe
Pascal's Law F1/A1 = F2/A2
flow rate f = f = Av
Bernoulli's equation P1 +1/2ρv^2 +ρgh = P2 +1/2ρv^2 + ρgh
Stress = F/A
Elementary Charge e = e = 1.6 x10^-19 C = 1eV
Coulomb's Law F(electric) = F = K qq/r^2
electric Field due to point charge Q = Q = k Q/r^2
The direction of electric field is... away from a positive source charge and toward a negative charge
Electric Force F(electric) = F = qE
Current I = I = Q/t
Resistance R = R = ρ(resistivity) L/AR = V/I
Ohm's Law V = IR (where R is constant)
Resistors in series R = R1+R2+R3+R4....
Resistors in parallel R = R1R2/R1+R2 or 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2...
Power of circuit P = P = IV; P = I^2R; P = V^2/R
Roor-mean-squar V rms = V rms = V max/√2
T or F; Do resistors in series share the same current? True...always
T or F; Do resistors in parallel share the same voltage drop? True...always
Does a small resistance give a smaller or bigger current? A smaller resistance gives a BIGGER current
T or F can capacitors with dielectrics hold more charge and PE? True
Charge on a capacitor Q = Q = CV
capacitance C = C = ε A/D
electric field in parallel plate V = V = Ed
Stored potential energy in capacitors PE = PE = 1/2QVPE = 1/2CV^2
Capacitors in serires C = C = C1C2/C1+C2 or 1/C = 1/C1 + 1/C2...
Capacitors in parallel C = C = C1+ C2+ C3...
Magnetic Force F(B) = F(B) = qvB (B = magnetic field)
Right Hand Rule thumb = direction of velocity of chargefingers = B = magentic fieldpalm of hand = magnetic force
Hooke's Law for springs F= -kx
Elastic Potential Energy for spring PE = 1/2 kx^2
Frequency spring block f = f = ω/2π
period for mass spring T = T = 2π/ √m/k
fundamental equation for waves v = v = γf
force constant for simple pendulem k = k = mg/L
period for simple pendulem T = T = 2π√L/g
angular frequency for sinmple pendulem ω = √g/L
sin 0 = 0
sin 30 = 1/2 or .5
sin 45 = √2/2 or .70
sin 60 = √3/2 or .87
sin 90 = 1
sin 180 = -1
cos0 = 1
cos 30 = √3/2 or .87
cos 45 = √2/2 or .70
cos 60 = 1/2 or .5
cos 90 = 0
cos 180 = -1
potential engergy for simple pendulem PE = PE = mgh
What is the wavelength of a wave in a tube with both ends open? λ= λ = 2L/n
What is the wavelength of a wave in a tube with one end closed? λ= λ= 4L/n
Beat frequency: f(beat) f(beat) = f(1) - f(2)
Intensity I = I = power/area
Doppler Effect f(D) = f(O) = f(s) v +- v(o)/ v +- v(s)
v(s) is positive if... source is moving away from observer
v(s) is negative if... source is moving toward observer
v(o) is positve if... object is moving toward source
v(o) is negative if... object is moving away from source
Photon of Energy E = E = hf = hc/λ
Index of refraction n = n = c/v
Snell's Law of Refraction n1sinθ = n2sinθ
mirror lens equation 1/f = 1/o + 1/i = 1/f
focal length f = f = 1/2r
magnification m = m = -i/o
If speaking about optics and light, converging means... converging means concave mirror and convex lens
If speaking about optics and light, diverging means... diverging means convex mirror and concave lens
Positive i = real image (infront of mirror); that is inverted
Negative i = virtual image (behind mirror); that is upright
Lens power P = P = 1/f
What is the formula for wavelength of a sting with both side closed λ = λ = 2L
Created by: studypants
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