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Study for Master's Exam

Economides, 2008 Culture-Aware Collaborative Learning - cultural backgrounds affect many dimensions of learning: motivation, attitudes toward education, learning styles, participation levels, technology use, behaviors, strategies, achievement levels, transfer of knowledg
Levenson, 2011 Declining resources/targeted strategies - "Nothing is more expensive than a child not learning." Levenson recounts his schoool district's journey of stretching dollars and balancing the budget (planning, rethinking, revamping)
Dettmer, Thurston, 2009 The perfect meeting is one that produces the desired results while fostering effective collaboration and participation with all memebers of the team and leaving each with the feeling that their contribution was valued and valueable.
Cummings, 2009 Multilingualism in the English-Language Classroom: Pedagogical Considerations (It is well accepted that the learner's pre-existing knowledge is the foundation for additional learning.
Cummings, 2009 Since an ELs pre-existing knowledge is rooted in their native language, activating that knowledge (especially for beginning language learners) must include linking English concepts to the ELs native language background.
Overton, 2009 Assessing Learners with Special Needs;
NCLB (2001; PL 107-110) solidified heightened focus on accountability in school reform that begin in the 1990s;
Fulmer, 2010 NCLB required states to develop rigorous content standards and standardized tests to measure students' progress and, thus, to increase accountability for state and local education entities.
Kilman, 2009 Lonely Language Learners
Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2009 "Behavior must be measurable"
AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) (Yell, et al., 2006) mandate that all public school children are proficient in reading and math by 2014; states are mandated to establish measureable milestones for schools to gauge student success called AYP;must include SWD
Evidence Based (Research) Practices - 4 key components promoting best-practices research and development; facilitating review and evaluation of scientific research; disseminating scientific research; developing and supporting evidence-based culture
Stecker et al, 2008 RTI Progress monitoring is essential practice in RTI; framework is instruction and assessment; to evaluate tier 1 (universal screening - EBIRP and PM; tier 2 (small group tutoring; weekly PM); tier 3 - one-on-one; eligibility and IEP; PM
Rinaldi, 2008 schools having a difficult time distinguishing between difficulty in acquiring a second language and a language based learning disability
According to PL 94-142 and IDEA, IEP has the following basic features: present level of performance, annual goals, short term goals, extent and duration of services, student progress, program accommodations and modifications; related and supplementary services; transition services
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142) 1975 the law was intended to support states and localities in protecting the rights of, meeting the individual needs of, and improving the results of infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities and their families.
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