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Chapter Two SS10
Horizons Chapter Two
Question | Answer |
WATER | "In 1825, most people in Upper Canada lived near ____ routes." |
QUIET | Upper Canada in the 1820s could be best described as _____. |
CROPS | Most early settlers mortgaged next year's ___ to obtain financing. |
CORN | "Potatoes, and ____ crops originated in the Americas." |
LABOUR | Upper class immigrants to Upper Canada had to perform manual ____ themselves. |
CLASS | "British plans to replicate its society in its Canadian colonies, angered immigrants who hoped to escape such a class system, involved large estates, gentry, and tenant farmers, and led to unfair land practices." |
FAMILY | The ruling elite group in Upper Canada was called the ____ Compact. |
LOYALIST | The Family Compact was primarily made up of descendants of _____ settlers. |
COMPACT | Joining the Family ____ was difficult for new arrivals. |
SPECULATORS | "The cause of dissatisfaction in Upper Canada had to do with poor roads, land restrictions, and land ______." |
ANGLICAN | The Clergy Reserves were established for the use of the ____ church. |
SEVENTHS | The Crown and Clergy Reserves together consisted of how much of the land in Upper Canada? two ____ |
ROAD | The Crown and Clergy Reserves caused problems because they were not farmed and this blocked ____ development. |
ARISTOCRATS | The British government considered which of the following to be the best group to control most of the land in Upper Canada? _____ |
HALF | "By 1815, ____ the land in Upper Canada was owned by land speculators." |
AMERICAN | The last thing Britain wanted was allowing colonists to adopt ____ attitudes and values. |
BRITAIN | Immigrants to British North America came primarily from the United States and _____. |
UPPER | Most of these immigrants settled in _____ Canada. |
COFFIN | Immigrant ships were often called ?_____ ships.? This was due to the fact that many died on the voyage. |
STEERAGE | Most immigrants travelled in _____. |
SHIPS | Living conditions on immigrant ____ were filthy. |
LAND | Most immigrants were attracted to British North America by the prospect of owning their own ____. |
SLAVERY | ____was first abolished in Upper and Lower Canada. |
UNDERGROUND | Black Americans travelled to Canada via the _____ Railway. It was so named because it was a network of secret trails. |
RACIAL | A problem for Black immigrants from the United States was they faced _____ discrimination. |
MARRIED | The most important thing for women in Upper Canada was getting ______. |
CHILDBIRTH | "A serious risk for women in colonial Canada was _____, overcrowding in colonist cabins, and poor sanitation in colonist cabins." |
OLIGARCHY | Government in Upper and Lower Canada was run by small groups of powerful men. This is called an ____. |
REPLACED | "Which of the following is true of responsible government, but not true of representative government? The government can be _____ if it fails to please the voters." |
VETOED | "Any bill passed by the Legislative Assembly in Upper and Lower Canada |
EXPANSION | Which of the following was not a concern for ordinary people in Upper Canada? business ____ |
DEPORTED | When Robert Gourlay criticized the government of Upper Canada he was arrested and _____. |
COLONIAL | "William Lyon Mackenzie published the _____ Advocate, strongly criticized the colonial government, and was elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1828." |
MACKENZIE | The leading reformer in Upper Canada in the 1820s and 1830s was William Lyon _____. |
CORRUPT | In the 1830s voting was extremely ____. |
SPLIT | "A problem which existed in Lower Canada, but not in Upper Canada was a ____ between English and French society." |
MERCHANTS | The Chƒteau Clique was dominated by English ____. |
CATHOLIC | "The Chƒteau Clique was supported by wealthy French Canadian landowners, and the ___ Church." |
SEIGNEURS | Many French Canadians believed that _____ and the Catholic Church had ?sold out? to the English. |
EMIGRATING | Which was not an economic problem for Lower Canada? large numbers of people _____ to the United States. |
ARABLE | "Farmers in Lower Canada faced soil that was becoming less fertile, and faced a limited amount of ____ land." |
MINORITY | "These were problems for FrenchCanadians in Lower Canada? They felt increased English-speaking immigration would make them a ____,they felt the English were trying to kill them by introducing diseases, and they were overtaxed with no voice in government." |
GOVERNMENT | "The following were a stated issues of reformers in Lower Canada? Discrimination against the French, taxes, and lack of representation in ____." |
FRENCH | The leaders of the reform movement in Lower Canada were both ____ and British. |
CULTURE | French Canadians were most concerned with the possibility that their _____ was being undermined. |
REBEL | "When the British government rejected a petition from Lower Canadian reformers ,the reformers decided to ____." |
COORDINATED | The Rebellions of 1837 were poorly ____. |
BRITISH | The Catholic Church in Lower Canada in 1837 supported the ___. |
LOWER | A second rebellion in 1838 in ____ Canada was quickly dispersed by British troops. |
DICTATORIAL | Lieutenant Governor Sir Francis Bond Head acted in an arbitrary and ____ manner. |
PENAL | "Reformers who actually rebelled and were captured were punished by death, exile, and transportation to ___ colonies." |
RESPONSIBLE | "Lord Durham supported the concept of ___ government, the Union of the Canadas, and an English-only Canada." |
LITTLE | Lord Durham discovered that he had ____ support in the Canadas. |
ENGLISH | Which of Lord Durham?s recommendations did the British government adopt? Union of the Canadas and an___-only united Canada. |
MILITARY | Under Lord Durham?s concept of responsible government Britain would control external affairs and the ___. |