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Mr K History 10

civil rights test

What are the organizations from the 1960s NAACP, CORE, SCLC, SNCC
What are 3 ways African Americans traveled from place to place during the bus boycott walked, road bikes, and carpooled
Gave all citizens the right to enter libraries, parks, washrooms, restaurants, and theaters civil rights act of 1964
Who was Martin Luther King Jr supporting just prior to his assassination striking garbage workers
What is the policy that seeks to correct the effects of past discrimination by favoring the groups who were previously disadvantaged affirmative action
The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr triggered what events across the country rioting
This allowed the attorney general to appoint federal examiners to register voters where local officials prevented African Americans voting rights act of 1965
What technique was used by CORE, SNCC and other to demand services at segregated establishments sit-ins
Which civil right organization is one of the oldest in the US NAACP
The Supreme Court case of Brown vs Board of Education found that educating students in segregated facilities was unconstitutional according to the 14th Amendment
Founders of the Black Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby Seal
Leader of the non-violent civil rights movement of the 1960s Martin Luther King Jr
For much of his life, believed in violent tactics to obtain rights Malcolm X
Assassin who shot Martin Luther King JR James Earl Ray
SNCC leader influenced by Malcolm X Stokley Carmichael
Brown's lawyer in Brown vs Board of Education Thurgood Marshall
This person's actions sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks
First African American to play Major League Baseball Jackie Robinson
Civil Rights activist whom investigated the murder of Emmett Till Medgar Evers
Assassinated Medgar Evers Byron De La Beckwith
BOy whose 1955 murder helped spark the Civil RIghts Movement Emmett Till
First African American to attend an all-white University of Mississippi James Meredith
A call on African Americans, by Stokely Carmichael, for African Americans to unite and stand up for themselves Black Power
This organization was also known as the Black Muslims Nation of Islam
The Civil Rights Act that banned discrimination in housing CIvil RIghts Act of 1968
Political party that advocated self confidence for African American communities, dressed in black leather jackets, black berets and sunglasses Black Panthers
Bus trip across the south to test a supreme Court ruling banning segregated seating on interstate bus routes and segregated bus terminals Freedom Ride
Huge demonstration at this nation's capital where Martin Luther King Jr gave his "I have a dream speech" and was meant to speed up the passage of a civil rights bill March on Washington
Created by: maplelakesped
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